South Africa: South Africa needs a healthcare system that is migration-aware and recognises mobility

HIV care for migrant women in South Africa: the gaps and 5 steps towards offering better services

Around 8.45 million people in South Africa live with HIV – an estimated 13.9% of the population. Of South African women aged 15-49, approximately 24% are HIV positive.

The roll-out of services to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV has been notably successful in reducing the rate of transmission.

But there are still gaps in the delivery of HIV treatment and prevention. A case in point is migrant women. People who move across national borders or between regions and provinces are particularly easy for healthcare systems to miss. And there’s no integrated system of tracking them. Nor is there any robust national data on how many migrant women, specifically pregnant migrant women, are on treatment and virally suppressed.

In 2020, it was estimated that there were 4 million migrants in South Africa, some of whom were women living with HIV. The public health system has struggled to respond yet alone integrate this mobile population.

The vulnerability of migrants was highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic when restrictions affected people’s ability to travel to access treatment as well as the delivery of healthcare.

In a recent paper we explored the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic for HIV prevention services in Johannesburg, South Africa’s economic hub. We interviewed healthcare providers and stakeholders in policy and programming. The aim was to understand the gaps in ensuring adherence to lifelong antiretroviral therapy for mobile populations.

The information we gathered shone a light on the country’s overburdened healthcare facilities and the shortcomings in the network of referral clinics in Johannesburg and across Gauteng province. We went on to draw from these insights to understand the systemic gaps in the delivery of antiretroviral treatment (ART) to migrant women. We identified five in particular. And we then identified possible solutions, including how technology could improve access to healthcare.

The gaps

The pandemic created new problems in healthcare delivery and exposed existing shortcomings. Five main themes emerged from our qualitative study.

First, women living with HIV and who were highly mobile feared going to healthcare facilities because they were scared of getting COVID. This interrupted their treatment and increased their risk of falling ill.

Second, some healthcare workers told us they felt overwhelmed by the added burden of the pandemic on providing HIV prevention services to pregnant women. For example, many reported that there was a lack of infrastructural resources to follow social distancing protocols. This disrupted their provision of care.

Third, migrant women faced a number of logistical barriers:

  • some who left Gauteng province and then tried to return to collect their medication couldn’t do so due to border and lockdown restrictions
  • some lost their jobs and income, and were unable to afford travel to collect their ART
  • some were denied care because they didn’t have documentation (though this should not have been a barrier).

These factors resulted in patients interrupting treatment.

Fourth, some individuals who sought treatment reported mistreatment and xenophobic attitudes from healthcare providers. Even some healthcare providers reported that their colleagues behaved negatively towards migrant women.

Time pressures were the fifth theme. Health workers said they needed more time to counsel patients. This helps build a rapport and strengthens the ability of patients to manage their health.

From these insights we drew up a list of interventions we think would improve antiretroviral services to migrant women in South Africa.

What can be done?

The first step is to dispense antiretrovirals for a longer duration of time to alleviate stress for individuals on the move and encourage retention in the ART programme.

Secondly, decentralise services and bring care to the community with pop-up delivery that can help remove logistical barriers like transport to clinics that are far away.

Thirdly, introduce virtual care platforms – like online HIV prevention of mother to child transmission services. It could help highly mobile individuals to interact with healthcare providers. This could help to improve the referral system between clinics and counsellors could follow up patients who had moved. The system could keep better patient records and send reminders for medicine collections. In addition, it should include translation services to help remove communication barriers between service providers and users. And it could better integrate communication of healthcare facilities – even those in other countries – so as to track patients.

Fourthly, healthcare providers need better opportunities to build closer relations with each other. This could create a better understanding of the changes in their work and the underlying issues that affect them. Greater understanding could help get to the root of where negative attitudes towards migrants stem from to improve behaviours towards patients.

In addition, healthcare facilities often improvise to come up with strategies and solutions that meet the requirements and changes to programmes. If these were better documented they could then provide knowledge translation and learning opportunities on a larger scale for other healthcare providers, facilities and programmes.

Fifth, government should evaluate healthcare environments before changing policies and programmes. Platforms such as working groups should be provided for collaboration with researchers, service providers and mobile patients to help direct policy and practices.

South Africa needs to take a more pragmatic approach to the delivery of antiretroviral treatment. It needs a healthcare system that is migration-aware and offers a service that recognises mobility – one that speaks to the realities of migrant women living with HIV in South Africa.


Thailand: Key population-led organisations deliver HIV prevention and treatment services to migrants

Thailand’s HIV policies benefit migrants, including Filipinos

In December 2021, Ed (not his real name), a migrant Filipino in Thailand suspected that he had contracted HIV due to symptoms such as herpes, fever, and weight loss. After conducting a quick Google search and reaching out to HIV advocates in the Philippines, he was referred to Rainbow Sky Association of Thailand (RSAT) in Ramkamhaeng, Bangkok. RSAT is a registered community organization that collaborates with people with sexual diversity in Thailand.

Like many in the LGBT community, Ed is aware that society is quick to condemn them due to their sexual and gender orientation, particularly among migrant Filipinos.

In earlier years, HIV was commonly referred to as the “OFW (Overseas Filipino Workers) disease” due to cases among seafarers and migrant Filipinos who were infected under different circumstances while abroad.  It was also seen as a “gay disease.”
In 2022, there were approximately 14.97 thousand reported cases of HIV/AIDS in the Philippines, the highest since 2016. According to, the Philippines has an estimated 140,000 people living with HIV (PLHIV). On average, there were 42 newly diagnosed Filipinos in 2022, which was several times higher than the average of nine in 2012.

Although Thailand has had successful campaigns against HIV, there are still an estimated 520,000 people living with HIV (PLHIV) and 6,500 new infections in 2021, but it already fell 58% compared to previous years. The numbers include migrant workers seeking treatment or undergoing testing in clinics nationwide.

Filipino Migrants and HIV

With over 17,000 Filipinos in Thailand where an undisclosed numbers do not have an insurance or health care coverage under Social Security (SSO), seeking treatment for HIV maybe expensive.

“Medication can cost up to 10 thousand baht (USD 250) per month,” said Kao Kierati Panpet, Deputy Director for Bureau of Health Service Provision of RSAT.

The first month is free for foreigners, then they are referred to hospitals to seek further treatment.

RSAT has an average of 60 clients a day, of which 15-20 are PLHIV. The organization has over a hundred foreign clients some of whom are getting free treatments while others are referred to hospitals. However, due to stigmatization and discrimination their nationalities are undisclosed.

“We do not discriminate between undocumented and documented workers. We understand and accept cultural differences and gender roles. We are a society of people of different genders, races, ethnicity, classes, religions, sexual orientation, disabilities or socio-economic status. Rainbow is a safe place for them,” she said.

Ed has no insurance, yet he is able to avail of free services from RSAT.

“All my tests were done at RSAT. I was assisted by their staff and endorsed in a public health center,” Ed explained.

The Bangkok Metropolitan Authority (BMA), a partner of RSAT shoulders the medication of migrants who cannot afford the treatment.

Stigmatization and Discrimination

Dr. Jon Fontilla, former country coordinator of Australian Federation of AIDS Organization (AFAO-Bangkok) said that Thailand and the Philippines are tolerant to the LGBT rather than accepting, but it has limitations.

Thailand is more accepting of gender diversity, acknowledging that gender is not binary or just male and female. This is probably due to the different religious backgrounds of the two countries, with Buddhism being more gender-affirming than Catholicism, according to Dr. Fontilla.

In Thailand, society does not discriminate against the clothes people wear in public. It is also more common to see LGBTQI couples holding hands in public places.

But members of the community still experience discrimination.

Darel Magramo, a teacher, recalled being mocked by a group of teen boys in a male restroom in a Bangkok mall. Magramo wore a crop top, and their friend wore a sleeveless top. The boys began to groan and act like they were having anal sex when they noticed them approaching the restroom. Even after they left the restroom, the boys followed them and continued moaning, leaving them frightened and trembling.

Gay men, men having sex with men (MSM), and transgender women (TWG) are often stereotyped as promiscuous.

Due to stigma, which particularly affects the LGBTQI community, Ed’s situation wasn’t known to his family, friends, or even employer. He fears losing his job.

In a UNDP study in 2020 found out that stigmatization among TWG in Thailand are due to cultural beliefs such as karma and most TWG, if not all, are into sex work.

“While there are different laws on prostitution in both countries, sex work in Thailand seems to be more out in the open. This plays a part in HIV in that program people know and can easily reach these sex workers offering them health programs such as testing and PreP without stigma and discrimination. This encourages sex workers to use services and take better care of themselves. Some even promote their usage of condoms and PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) in sex work and routine HIV testing, according to Dr. Fontilla,” Dr Fontilla explained.

PrEP is a daily medicine taken by an HIV-negative person to prevent contracting the virus.

Government policies and commitment

In the Philippines, the Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act of 2018 (RA 11166) includes provisions for minors to get HIV tests without parental consent, strengthening HIV/AIDS education to reduce stigma and discrimination, counseling for PLHIV families, increased protections against discrimination, expanding access to evidence-based prevention strategies, and improving HIV and AIDS care and treatment provisions. Under SDG-related benefits, PhilHealth insurance also covers HIV treatment.

The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued Joint Administrative Circular Order No. 1 in 2021 to establish uniform rules on redress mechanisms for PLHIV. As such, the Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) provides assistance to PLHIV relating to their labor concerns and others.

Thailand does not have specific laws on PLHIV, yet it has implemented several best practices to end AIDS, including legalizing over-the-counter sales of HIV self-test kits, scaling up same-day treatment initiation for newly diagnosed people, and successfully rolling out a pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) program. This has become a mechanism for sustainable HIV response financing by significantly increasing investments in key population- and community-led health services. Key population-led services are now supporting 82% of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) users. Key population-led organizations are delivering health services in Bangkok, and they are essential in providing access to HIV prevention and treatment services without fear of discrimination.

The Thai government has increased the budget for HIV and AIDS services each year. In 2021, the National Health Security Office (NHO) received around 3.67 billion baht to cover HIV and AIDS services under Universal Health Coverage (UHC). The Global Fund also signed USD 61 million for 2021–2023 in the fight against HIV and tuberculosis (TB) by reaching more people in key populations who bear a disproportionate burden of these diseases. The allocation of the national budget has increased over time to support community-led organizations working with PLHIV.

End inequalities, end AIDS

After a year and half of ART (anti-retroviral therapy), Ed has reached 20 copies per milliliter of blood which is now undetectable. Undetectable means that the virus can no longer be passed on, but he remains PLHIV.

Darel, meanwhile, always undergoes a routine HIV testing to reduce the stigma and to encourage the young people to have themselves tested not only for HIV but for other sexually transmitted diseases.

The UNAIDS launched the Global AIDS Strategy 2021-2026, called “End Inequalities. End AIDS.” This strategy aims to use an inequalities lens to close the gaps that are preventing progress towards ending AIDS. The Global AIDS Strategy prioritizes reducing inequalities that drive the AIDS epidemic and aims to get every country and community on-track to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.

France: Hôtel-Dieu hospital in Paris offers migrants free tests for STIs, hepatitis B and C and HIV

Free sexual health checks for migrants at Paris hospital

The Hôtel-Dieu hospital in Paris offers checks for sexually transmitted infections (STI) such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, hepatitis B and C and HIV. The service is free and open to all, including undocumented migrants without healthcare coverage in France.

Herman, 27, just did a blood test in the Hôtel-Dieu hospital’s sexual health department, in the center of Paris. He will get the results in a week.

“My girlfriend asked me to do an HIV test,” says the young Guinean who has been in France for three years. “She lost her mother when she was very young, and she recently learned her mother died of AIDS. She did the test a month ago and it was negative. Now it’s my turn. None of my girlfriends were sick that I know of, but I prefer to check.” AIDS is the autoimmune disease one can develop after becoming infected with HIV.

In this health center of the Paris hospital network, STI checks are free and anonymous. “We accept all, without conditions,” says Dr. Florence, co-administrator of the center. There is no need to have healthcare coverage to get treated here. Undocumented migrants have as much of a right to access to this service as other people.

Free with or without an appointment

The center has a phone translation service, allowing it to welcome foreigners who do not speak French.

“People can get an appointment by email (in French and in a foreign language) or on Doctolib, or come here without an appointment,” says Dr. Florence.

In the center, a team made up of a dermatologist, gynecologist, a psycho-sexologist, nurse, a couple’s counsellor and a social worker offer STI checks and treatments to prevent infections. They can prescribe Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), a pill which can prevent one from getting HIV. They also offer specialized medical consultations, but those are not always free.

Keeping Hepatitis B under a close watch

The center can give treatment for syphilis, hepatitis B and C, and HIV.

“The number of hepatitis B cases is more significant in Sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia,” says Dr. Delphine Mattei, who does day consultations. Migrants coming from those regions are particularly exposed to those infections.

Blood tests are useful to know if the patient was infected with hepatitis B and healed from it, or if they are chronically ill, so that they can be followed or simply kept under watch if the disease is dormant. “One should not hesitate to ask their partner to get vaccinated [there is a vaccine against hepatitis B],” adds Dr. Mattei.

Self-testing kits for HIV detection

According to French health statistics, many migrants get infected with HIV after arriving in France, after unprotected sex.

Traditional blood test or rapid tests at the center are ways to detect the virus. “We also have self-testing testing kits [from a blood drop] that people can take home to for their partner, relatives or friends to do it from their homes,” adds Dr. Florence.

Last year, some 37 HIV cases were detected in the center, a quarter of which were pregnant women. The women were tested during their pregnancy check-ups.

The center is next to a pregnancy center (centre de protection maternelle (CPM) Cité) where many pregnant women experiencing poverty or homelessness seek medical, psychological, and social care.

Migrant women are particularly at risk of being infected with HIV in France. Economic precarity makes them particularly vulnerable to sexual violence in France, which multiplies their risk of contracting HIV by four, according to a 2018 study.

The sexual health center staff is also trained to recognize violence and can offer psychological help if need be.

HIV remains taboo among African migrants

In some cases, when pregnant women are accompanied by their partner, the partner also accepts to get tested. But the medical staff wish they would do that more often. “HIV is still taboo for some people, especially in Africa. People are afraid of being stigmatized and rejected in their family, so they do not get tested,” says Dr. Florence.

“Today, many people live healthy lives with the virus without transmitting it to their partner thanks to medical treatment,” says the doctor. “If people do not get tested, the virus can worsen, and they risk transmitting it to others.”

“There’s no shame in getting an STI when one has an active love life,” says Dr. Florence. The most important is to wear a condom with the new partner from the beginning to the end of intercourse and to get tested regularly when you change sexual partners.”

Other less well-known STIs such as chlamydia and gonorrhea are also often detected and treated at the sexual health center.

Those STIs do not always provoke symptoms, such as urinary pain or a burning sensation or unusual yellow discharge for women. Nevertheless, those two STIs need to be taken seriously because they can cause infertility for women and testicular infections for men. They are detected by sampling urine and swabbing the vagina, throat, or anus.

One can get STI tested and treated for free in France at any CeGIDD, and in many other places. Here is a website where you can find a place near you.

Hôtel-Dieu’s sexual health center

Phone: 0142348300 / Email :

Hours : From 9 am to 7 pm from Monday to Friday, excepted Tuesday (open from 1:30 pm to 7 pm) with or without an appointment

Address : Hôtel Dieu, 1 place du Parvis Notre-Dame (6th floor – galerie A1), Paris. Metro stop : Cité (line 4) / Hôtel de Ville (lines 1 and 11) / Châtelet (lines 1, 4, 7 et 14).

Russia: Court finds refusal to let migrant woman stay in Russia because of her HIV status unlawful

Court in Krasnodar invalidates refusal to allow a foreigner with HIV to stay in Russia

Translated via For original article in Russian, please scroll down.

The Krasnodar Territory Department of the Russian Federal Consumer Rights Protection and Human Health Control Service decided that Uzbek citizen X. was undesirable in Russia because of her HIV positive status. The Leninskiy Court in Krasnodar found the ban discriminatory and unlawful.

The foreigner went to court to challenge the decision to ban her from staying in Russia, pointing out that her parents, brother and sister reside in Russia and have Russian citizenship, and she has never violated the law. When Rosia appealed to Rospotrebnadzor to cancel the decision, they replied that the procedure for cancellation or suspension under this category was not regulated by law and that the contested decision could only be cancelled on the basis of a court decision.

The court found that under the law On the Prevention of the Spread of Disease Caused by HIV in the Russian Federation, foreigners and stateless persons with such status may stay in the country if they do not violate administrative and criminal law. The Russian Constitutional Court has also confirmed the illegality of such restrictions.

As a result, the Leninskiy Court in Krasnodar ordered the regional department of Rospotrebnadzor to reverse the decision on the undesirability of the Uzbekistani citizen, who is now allowed to enter the country.

Суд в Краснодаре признал незаконным отказ во въезде в Россию иностранке с ВИЧ

Управление Роспотребнадзора по Краснодарскому краю приняло решение о нежелательности нахождения в России гражданки Узбекистана Р.Р. из-за ее положительного ВИЧ-статуса. Ленинский суд Краснодара признал запрет дискриминационным и незаконным.

Иностранка обратилась в суд, оспаривая решение о запрете пребывания в России, указав: ее родители, брат и сестра проживают в России и имеют российское гражданство, она ни разу не нарушала законодательство. Когда Розия обратилась в Роспотребнадзор с требованием отменить решение, там ответили – порядок отмены или приостановления по этой категории законодательно не урегулирован и отмена оспариваемого решения возможна только на основании решения суда.

Суд установил, что по закону “О предупреждении распространения в Российской Федерации заболевания, вызываемого ВИЧ” иностранцы и лица без гражданства с подобным статусом могут находиться в стране, если не нарушают административное и уголовное законодательство. Незаконность такого ограничения подтверждает и Конституционный суд России.

В итоге Ленинский суд Краснодара обязал региональное управление Роспотребнадзора отменить решение о нежелательности пребывания гражданки Узбекистана, которой теперь разрешен въезд в страну.

Cyprus: Decision to deport HIV positive student on the grounds of “carrying an infectious disease” is reversed

Deportation of HIV student halted after uproar

The civil registry and migration department on Saturday responded to being lambasted for ordering the deportation of a third-country student because he was HIV positive, saying they would be issuing him a residence permit under certain health conditions.

The Aids Solidarity Movement earlier in the day condemned the deportation order, labelling it an act of “severe discrimination” and calling for the reversal of the decision.

According to the statement, the student was informed by the civil registry and migration department on March 16 by letter that he would be deported on March 21 on the grounds of “carrying an infectious disease”.

The movement said that this decision completely ignored letters of support from both the Gregorios treatment centre and the Solidarity Movement itself, as well as the guidelines of the World Health Organisation, which state “that when a person living with HIV has an undetectable viral load, due to the effective medication they receive, they cannot transmit the virus, even through unprotected sex”.

“The student has access to medication from his country, does not burden the state in any way in relation to his antiretroviral treatment or medical supervision, and does not pose a risk to public health,” the statement added.

Moreover, with the student’s written consent, the movement sent his medical results, along with a note from Doctor Ioannis Demetriades, the head of the Gregorios Clinic and the head of the ministry of health’s HIV and Aids programme, to the migration department’s acting director, asking that the student be allowed to complete his studies.

“We denounce this serious discrimination based on the HIV status of an individual and demand the immediate change of the decision from all the competent bodies of the state that support human rights,” the statement concluded.

Later on Saturday a statement from the migration department said it would in the end be issuing the residence permit after receiving a confirmation from the competent medical services of the state that the student was not contagious.

The condition of the permit is that the student receive regular health checks at the Gregorios Clinic.

It added that it had only been following the law, which “prohibit entry into the country, or carry out deportations for those persons who are carriers or suffer from communicable or infectious diseases and which are a danger to public health”.

Cyprus: Migration Department cancels deportation of undetectable HIV-Positive student after backlash

Deportation of HIV student halted after uproar (Updated)

The civil registry and migration department on Saturday responded to being lambasted for ordering the deportation of a third-country student because he was HIV positive, saying they would be issuing him a residence permit under certain health conditions.

The Aids Solidarity Movement earlier in the day condemned the deportation order, labelling it an act of “severe discrimination” and calling for the reversal of the decision.

According to the statement, the student was informed by the civil registry and migration department on March 16 by letter that he would be deported on March 21 on the grounds of “carrying an infectious disease”.

The movement said that this decision completely ignored letters of support from both the Gregorios treatment centre and the Solidarity Movement itself, as well as the guidelines of the World Health Organisation, which state “that when a person living with HIV has an undetectable viral load, due to the effective medication they receive, they cannot transmit the virus, even through unprotected sex”.

“The student has access to medication from his country, does not burden the state in any way in relation to his antiretroviral treatment or medical supervision, and does not pose a risk to public health,” the statement added.

Moreover, with the student’s written consent, the movement sent his medical results, along with a note from Doctor Ioannis Demetriades, the head of the Gregorios Clinic and the head of the ministry of health’s HIV and Aids programme, to the migration department’s acting director, asking that the student be allowed to complete his studies.

“We denounce this serious discrimination based on the HIV status of an individual and demand the immediate change of the decision from all the competent bodies of the state that support human rights,” the statement concluded.

Later on Saturday a statement from the migration department said it would in the end be issuing the residence permit after receiving a confirmation from the competent medical services of the state that the student was not contagious.

The condition of the permit is that the student receive regular health checks at the Gregorios Clinic.

It added that it had only been following the law, which “prohibit entry into the country, or carry out deportations for those persons who are carriers or suffer from communicable or infectious diseases and which are a danger to public health”.

Russia: Laws that restrict migrants with HIV and deny them medical care increases the burden on the health care system

Legal barriers to migrants with HIV are not working

Automated translation via For original article in Russian, please scroll down.

Laws that restrict the stay of foreign nationals with HIV, as well as the denial of free medical care, may be one of the causes of a hidden epidemic, writes the EECA Regional Platform.

The Regional Expert Group on Migrant Health conducted research in two EECA countries, Armenia and Uzbekistan. The aim was to identify the legal barriers to HIV faced by citizens of the countries who have returned from migration.

Challenges for migrants with HIV

Social isolation and stigmatization, lack of permanent relationships, language barriers, unstable material resources, and limited access to health care services are the main challenges faced by labour migrants with HIV.

Inability to obtain a legal patent because of HIV infection leads to administrative offences:

  • Among migrants: illegal labour activities, commercial sex services
    Among the citizens of host countries: illegal sale of patents and HIV certificates etc.

The problem with getting ARV treatment leads to resistance and a general deterioration of the health of migrants living with HIV. This ultimately increases the burden on the health care system: patients’ opportunistic infections need to be intensified, ART regimens need to be changed, etc. Moreover, returning migrants contribute to the spread of HIV in their home countries.

Currently, the Russian Federation, which receives the largest number of migrants from the EECA region, is one of 19 countries that restrict the stay of foreign nationals with HIV. People living with HIV entering Russia specify visiting relatives, tourism/travel or medical treatment as the purpose, rather than employment.

At the end of 2021, a law came into force in the Russian Federation which requires foreign nationals to be tested for HIV, banned substances and dangerous infectious diseases every 3 months. But foreign business associations, as well as the media, have reacted quite sharply to the Russian law. The business community sent a letter to the Russian Government asking it to simplify the rules and not to subject highly qualified specialists to testing.

Законодательные барьеры для мигрантов с ВИЧ не работают

Законы, которые ограничивают пребывание в стране иностранных граждан с ВИЧ, а также отказ в бесплатной медицинской помощи, могут быть одной из причин скрытой эпидемии, пишет Региональная Платформа ВЕЦА.

Региональная экспертная группа по здоровью мигрантов провела исследование в двух странах ВЕЦА — Армении и Узбекистане. Целью было определить правовые барьеры в связи с ВИЧ, с которыми сталкиваются граждане стран, вернувшиеся из миграции.

Проблемы мигрантов с ВИЧ

Социальная изоляция и стигматизация, отсутствие постоянных отношений, языковой барьер, нестабильный материальный уровень, ограниченный доступ к медицинским услугам — основные проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются трудовые мигранты с ВИЧ.

Невозможность получения легального патента из-за наличия ВИЧ-инфекции ведет к административным правонарушениям:

  • среди мигрантов: незаконная трудовая деятельность, коммерческие секс-услуги;
    среди граждан принимающей страны: нелегальная продажа патентов и сертификатов об отсутствии ВИЧ-инфекции и т.д.

Проблема с получением АРВ-терапии приводит к резистентности и общему ухудшению здоровья мигрантов, живущих с ВИЧ. Это в конечном итоге повышает нагрузку на систему здравоохранения: необходимо усиливать лечение оппортунистических инфекций пациентов, менять схему АРВТ и т.д. Более того, вернувшиеся домой мигранты способствуют распространению ВИЧ в своих странах.

В настоящее время Российская Федерация, принимающая наибольшее количество мигрантов из региона ВЕЦА, является одной из 19 стран, которые ограничивают пребывание иностранных граждан с ВИЧ. Люди, живущие с ВИЧ, въезжая в Россию, указывают в качестве цели не трудоустройство, а посещение родственников, туризм/путешествие или лечение.

В конце 2021 года в РФ вступил в силу закон, согласно которому иностранные граждане обязаны каждые 3 месяца сдавать анализ на ВИЧ, запрещенные вещества и опасные инфекционные заболевания. Но зарубежные бизнес-ассоциации, а также СМИ достаточно остро отреагировали на российский закон. Бизнес-сообщество направило письмо в Правительство РФ с просьбой упростить правила и не подвергать проверке высококвалифицированных специалистов.

Russia: Medical documents showing negative HIV status and no drug addiction required for stays over 90 days

Migrants may be required to provide the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a certificate of the absence of HIV infection

Automated translation – For original article in Russian, please scroll down

MOSCOW, November 19. / TASS /. Labor migrants and foreign citizens who have arrived in Russia for a period of more than 90 days may be obliged to provide the Ministry of Internal Affairs with medical documents showing the absence of drug addiction and HIV infection from December 29. This follows from the draft order prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which was reviewed by TASS.

“To approve the procedure for submission by foreign citizens and stateless persons who arrived in the Russian Federation for purposes not related to the implementation of labor activities, for a period exceeding 90 calendar days, or for the purpose of labor activity, to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation <…> documents confirming the passage of a medical examination for the presence or absence of the fact of their use of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription or new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances, infectious diseases that pose a danger to others, <…> and a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV -infection) “, – the document says. At the same time, it is noted that “this order comes into force on December 29, 2021”.

As follows from the document, foreigners must submit medical documents to the Ministry of Internal Affairs within 30 days from the date of expiration of the previously issued medical documents confirming that they have passed a medical examination. In the event that a foreign citizen has not reached the age of 18 or is recognized by a court as incompetent, documents can be submitted by one of his parents, guardians or trustees.

“Medical documents can be submitted at the place of residence of a foreign citizen on paper – directly to the migration department of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, or to an enterprise or an authorized organization, or in the form of an electronic document signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature, using the federal state information the system “A single portal of state and municipal services (functions)” to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, “the draft order says.

In the event that the documents are drawn up in a foreign language, then they must be translated into Russian, the correctness of which must be notarized. Upon admission, the authorized person must check the full compliance of the documents with the established standards, and then issue a certificate of receipt. At the same time, if a migrant submits medical documents in electronic form, then an electronic message is sent to him about their acceptance no later than the working day following the day they were received. Subsequently, information about the receipt of medical documents is entered into the information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, intended for the provision of public services, within three working days from the date of their receipt.

Мигрантов могут обязать предоставлять в МВД справки об отсутствии ВИЧ-инфекции

Приказ может вступить в силу 29 декабря
МОСКВА, 19 ноября. /ТАСС/. Трудовых мигрантов и иностранных граждан, прибывших в Россию на срок более 90 дней, могут обязать с 29 декабря предоставлять в МВД медицинские документы об отсутствии у них наркозависимости и ВИЧ-инфекции. Это следует из подготовленного МВД РФ проекта приказа, с которым ознакомился ТАСС.

“Утвердить порядок представления иностранными гражданами и лицами без гражданства, прибывшими в РФ в целях, не связанных с осуществлением трудовой деятельности, на срок, превышающий 90 календарных дней, либо в целях осуществления трудовой деятельности, в территориальный орган МВД РФ <…> медицинских документов, подтверждающих прохождение медицинского освидетельствования на наличие или отсутствие факта употребления ими наркотических средств или психотропных веществ без назначения врача либо новых потенциально опасных психоактивных веществ, инфекционных заболеваний, представляющих опасность для окружающих, <…> и заболевания, вызываемого вирусом иммунодефицита человека (ВИЧ-инфекции)”, – говорится в документе. При этом отмечается, что “настоящий приказ вступает в силу с 29 декабря 2021 года”.

Как следует из документа, представить медицинские документы в МВД иностранцы должны в течение 30 дней со дня истечения срока действия ранее выданных медицинских документов, подтверждающих прохождение ими медицинского освидетельствования. В случае, если иностранный гражданин не достиг 18 лет или признан судом недееспособным, документы может представить один из его родителей, опекунов или попечителей.

“Медицинские документы могут быть представлены по месту пребывания иностранного гражданина на бумажном носителе – непосредственно в подразделение по вопросам миграции территориального органа МВД России, либо в предприятие или уполномоченную организацию, либо в форме электронного документа, подписанного усиленной квалифицированной электронной подписью, с использованием федеральной государственной информационной системы “Единый портал государственных и муниципальных услуг (функций)” в территориальный орган МВД России”, – отмечается в проекте приказа.

В том случае, если документы составлены на иностранном языке, то они подлежат переводу на русский язык, верность которого должна быть нотариально засвидетельствована. Уполномоченное лицо при приеме должно проверить полное соответствии документов установленным нормам, после чего выдать справку об их получении. При этом, если мигрант подает медицинские документы в электронном виде, то ему направляется электронное сообщение об их приеме не позднее рабочего дня, следующего за днем их получения. В последующем сведения о получении медицинских документов вносятся в информационную систему МВД России, предназначенную для предоставления государственных услуг, в течение трех рабочих дней с даты их получения.

New Zealand: HIV no longer blocks residency in New Zealand, but mandatory testing stays

Immigration removes HIV from list of high cost conditions

HIV is no longer considered a high cost condition following a policy review by the Immigration Minister. However, NZ is still among just 18 countries that will require migrants to get an HIV test for a visa or residence.

HIV infection has been removed from Immigration New Zealand’s list of medical conditions deemed likely to impose significant costs or demands on New Zealand’s health services after a review.

Immigration NZ has a list of more than 40 medical conditions, including HIV, deemed to impose “significant costs” on the public health system and/or education services.

Migrants seeking to apply for a work to residence visa have to complete a character test, which includes a police check, as well as a medical check known as the Acceptable Standard of Health (Ash) test.

New Zealand’s publicly-funded health services are tax-funded and provide universal coverage for citizens, residents, and people on work visas staying for more than two years.

An Immigration NZ medical assessor determines whether the applicant is unlikely to impose significant costs on health services to pass the medical test. If applicants don’t meet the Ash requirements then they can seek a medical waiver.

For more than a decade, Immigration NZ has kept the threshold of “significant costs” at $41,000 per year within a period of five years from the date the assessment against health requirements is made or a lifetime if it is a chronic condition.

After years of advocacy, Immigration NZ has decided to remove HIV infection from the list.

However, New Zealand will continue to require HIV testing as a requirement for visa applicants intending to stay for more than 12 months, along with all other existing examination and test requirements.

INZ policy integration director Nick Aldous says the decision to remove HIV infection from Immigration NZ’s list of high-cost health conditions is because it is now considered to be a manageable chronic illness, and treatment costs are no longer considered significant.

However, Aldous says the continued testing requirement for visa applicants intending to stay in the country for more than a year is because HIV is still considered a serious chronic illness and can present a risk to public health given it’s easily spread through unprotected sexual contact and sharing contaminated needles.

The change came into effect on October 15.

According to the United Nations AIDS Still Not Welcome report published in 2019, 203 countries, territories and areas did not have any HIV-related restrictions on entry, stay and residence.

“We are so glad that the tireless mahi over many years has resulted in this step towards dismantling HIV stigma at an immigration level and has brought our country’s policies closer in line with the latest scientific and public health recommendations. It’s a proud moment.”
– Jason Myers, New Zealand AIDS Foundation

New Zealand is among 18 countries that still did, including Australia and Israel.

In a letter to the New Zealand AIDS Foundation, Immigration NZ chief medical officer Rob Kofoed said the removal of HIV infection from the list meant the individual health circumstances of each visa applicant with the condition could be assessed on a case by case basis.

INZ was previously obliged to determine that a resident visa applicant with HIV did not have an acceptable standard of health.

​​New Zealand AIDS Foundation chief executive Jason Myers said the decision came as a relief.

With appropriate treatment, he said, people living with HIV who maintained undetectable viral load do not transmit the virus through sexual contact, and treating HIV here no longer poses significant costs on the public health budget.

“We are so glad that the tireless mahi over many years has resulted in this step towards dismantling HIV stigma at an immigration level and has brought our country’s policies closer in line with the latest scientific and public health recommendations. It’s a proud moment.”

Myers did not comment on the requirement for testing still being part of the visa and residence process.

An Indian migrant, who did not want to be named, told Newsroom he is relieved by the news.

The man who was tested positive for HIV last year says INZ’s policy added to the anxiety and uncertainty he felt when he first learnt of his diagnosis.

“There is still a lot of stigma attached to it back home. I had many sleepless nights. I didn’t know how to tell my family back home, or work,” he says.

“I contacted lawyers last year who told me it is going to be really hard to apply for residency because it’s not up to acceptable health standards.”

But the man says removing the condition from the high cost list was “life changing” for him.

“I feel like the battle is finally over. No more having to convince immigration and the Ministry of Health. I think it’s a celebration for migrants.”

But he says INZ should do away with the ongoing requirement of testing for HIV, as it has removed it from the list of medical conditions.

“It’s irrelevant. If they’re removing it from the list, then why would you want to do the test? That’s not clear to me.”

Green Party MP Ricardo Menéndez March is seeking a full review of the “ableist” medical requirements from Immigration Minister Kris Faafoi.

Menéndez March said ideally the list should be removed from the health criteria qualifying residency, saying he was disappointed that migrants would still be required to undertake HIV tests for visas.

“For too long the Government has stigmatised migrants living with HIV and prevented them from being able to obtain visas on the basis of their diagnosis.

“Mandatory HIV testing for migrants only compounds to the existing stigma and the Ministry of Health released a report making it clear HIV testing should remain voluntary and only undertaken with the patient’s knowledge, consent and understanding that an HIV test is recommended.”

Disability advocates have also been calling on INZ to remove these medical requirements.

Faafoi told Newsroom last week he planned to review the Ash threshold.

“The details of the health requirements are still being worked through and will be made publicly available once immigration instructions have been signed.”

The Ash requirements for the newly announced one-off 2021 Resident Visa would not be reviewed, he said.

“The health requirements will be limited and will only screen for the most serious health conditions.”

Russia: Law prohibiting migrants living with HIV from staying in the country does not just legalise discrimination, it also endangers their lives

“You have HIV, you have to leave”

Automated Google translation – For original article in Russian, please scroll down

Russia still has a law prohibiting HIV-infected migrants from staying in the country. This norm does not just legalise discrimination – it puts people in mortal danger who could receive treatment and live a normal life.

In the SIZO “Kresty” a “feeding trough” was opened – a hole through which food is passed to the arrested. A woman looked through the window and shouted: “Ramis – who?”

Ramis went to the “trough”.

– Congratulations, you have HIV. Come on, sign. If you infect someone, imprisonment for up to three years.

The woman left, the trough closed. Ramis turned and looked at the inmates:

– What was it?

Ramis came to St. Petersburg from Kyrgyzstan, worked as a driver. Ten years ago, he came home from work late at night, fell asleep at the wheel and got into a traffic accident. Ramis could not compensate for the damage for the wrecked car.

“The company has disclaimed responsibility: I had to work eight hours, but it turned out thirteen,” Ramis says. – I was delayed because the car needed to be repaired. I could have left it [at the car service], but there was a product inside it, [so] I waited for the repair, took the product, and on the way back it happened.

Ramis spent five months in a pre-trial detention center, he was sentenced to two years in a penal colony. At home, the man has a wife and son.

All this time, Ramis did not receive antiretroviral (ARV) therapy, despite his positive HIV status. Migrants in Russia do not have the right to this treatment, and even more so in prisons there is no access to the necessary medicines. The man did not know anything about the disease, his cellmates had already told him something about the virus.

Ramis was released in 2013. Of the documents, he only had a certificate of release. He was stopped immediately on the way from the colony to St. Petersburg, detained and sent to the center for those who are awaiting deportation.

Ramis spent another six months there, during which he became ill and developed tuberculosis of the lymph nodes. The man was taken to the hospital and again confirmed to be HIV positive. After that, the deportation process accelerated: there was another trial, and the employees of the migration service took Ramis to the airport.

Ramis recalls that before the deportation he was directly told:

– As we enter the airport, you take off your mask, do not talk about the temperature or tuberculosis, otherwise you will be returned again, they will not be allowed on the plane.

– The doctor told me to return to my homeland, I had to start taking ARV therapy, otherwise I would not have cured tuberculosis. I had to take off my mask and say that everything is fine with me, ”Ramis says. – As soon as they took off, I got dizzy. This five-hour flight seemed like an eternity to me. Honestly, I thought I was going to die.

Come and get infected here

In Russia, there is a law according to which migrants with HIV are denied treatment and deported to their homeland. The norm appeared in the country in 1995 as a fight against the spread of the virus. Initially, the law was passed in an environment when HIV was not yet a widespread disease.

The authorities believed that the epidemic in Russia could be prevented by limiting the flow of people with HIV, says Daniil Kashnitsky, junior researcher at the Institute for Social Policy at the Higher School of Economics. But by the end of the nineties, HIV still spread throughout Russia, including through injecting drug use, because people shared syringes.

Daniel emphasizes that now in the countries from which migrants most often come to Russia – Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Moldova – the level of HIV prevalence is lower than in Russia.

– In Ukraine, it is slightly lower, and in other countries – significantly, four to five times. Today we are not talking about the fact that someone comes to Russia en masse with HIV, but rather the opposite: they come and get infected with HIV here, ” says Kashnitsky. – This is evidenced by the data of epidemiological surveillance among migrants who returned to Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Again, this is not due to the fact that they have come to a country with a high prevalence of the disease, but because they have an increased risk of life.

Daniel considers a break with his family, a lack of help and older relatives to watch over those who left, as an increased risk of his life. As a result, migrants have more freedom to engage in sexual relations and may start using drugs.

“I lived without a wife for three years,” Ramis says. – Conducted, as they say, promiscuous sex. I got HIV through the bed.

You must pay back your debts first

When obtaining or renewing a patent, as well as a residence permit in Russia, people need to take an HIV test. The procedure usually takes place at migration centers. There is a large flow of people there, and if someone finds a virus, as a rule, no one advises him or explains anything. They just say, “You have HIV, you have to leave.”

“This news hits a man on the head like a sack,” says Kashnitsky. – In rural areas of Tajikistan, for example, the average salary is $ 100, which is enough only for food. To come to Russia and pay for a patent, people borrow money from relatives, friends, and banks. First, you have to repay these debts, and then only start working as a plus for yourself.

Migrants who came to Russia to work do not want to deceive the expectations of their relatives. In addition, HIV is a stigma, so migrants are the last to want to talk about the disease to their loved ones. Therefore, they hide their status and start working illegally, especially in Russia there is still the possibility of working in the gray zone.

Thus, the prohibition of migrants with HIV to stay in Russia has many negative consequences. A person who has been diagnosed with a virus is literally pushed into the illegal sphere. Not only does he not receive the necessary treatment, – being left without a patent and a residence permit, the migrant is not protected by the law in any way, at any moment he risks losing his job and salary, becomes especially vulnerable to the police: if he is stopped on the street, he will have to give a bribe.

Ilgiz decided to work in the gray zone. In 2019, he came to Moscow from Uzbekistan to work in his specialty. But it didn’t work out. Through a mobile application, Ilgiz met a young man who offered him to “work as an escort.”

– After he told me this, we had a fight, it even came to a fight. But I had to send home a serious amount, and it was impossible to achieve this with my earnings in Moscow.

Ilgiz went home and, as he says, “thought hard.” The apartment in which his parents lived was put up for auction for debts on utility bills. They were given sixty days to pay the fines.

The young man returned to Moscow and agreed to work.

– I deceived myself, reassured myself that it was temporary, that I would think of something and return back to normal life. But I went into this more and more. I started dating serious, big people. They asked for proof that I was healthy – every three months I was checked. And something suddenly told me that something was wrong with me.

The very bottom

At the state medical center, Ilgiz’s fears were confirmed. The doctor told him that he had a huge viral load and had HIV.

– I decided: I must kill myself. He worked out various options: jump off the floor, hang himself, get poisoned, throw himself under the car. But I realized that dead will bring more problems to my family than alive. It is very difficult to take a corpse from Russia home.

The young man was not provided with psychological support at the medical center, but the specialist immediately began to insist that Ilgiz provide his passport data, convincing him that he would not transfer them anywhere.

“I knew that as soon as I provided them, I would be deported. I was not afraid of being deported to my homeland, but the very reason – because of HIV – scared me. I didn’t want anyone to know about this, ”Ilgiz says. – I value my parents very much, I am afraid to shock them with such news – they may even abandon me. I have not received anything in this life, the most precious thing in it is my mom and dad, I cannot lose them.

Ilgiz did not disclose his personal data, did not tell his relatives about the disease and stayed to work in Russia. But he decided to lead a different way of life and tries not to return to the past.

In addition to difficulties with work, foreigners with HIV cannot receive education in Russia, even for a fee. Four years ago, Amir came from Uzbekistan to study dentistry in Tver. He was in his last year of college when he found out that he was ill.

Like Ilgiz, no one consulted Amir about the disease. Instead, doctors began to insist that he should be registered – as if then he would be able to receive therapy free of charge, like other foreigners.

– Of course, it was a hoax, – Amir is indignant. – Only after they took my data, they told me about the deportation. The state then was … the very bottom. What deportation? I cannot quit my studies, I have already studied to be a dentist for seven years. Plus, I belong to the MSM community (men who have sex with men. The term is adopted in organizations helping people with HIV. – Approx. TD ). Coming back would have ended very badly.

Amir learned of his status in January 2020. He still hasn’t told anyone about it. The young man just wanted to tell the guy about it, who most likely infected him. But they did not see each other for a year, and Amir could not find him and talk to him.

– In my homeland, everyone thinks that only sinners are sick with HIV. I myself was brought up with such convictions. They do not know that there is therapy, that those who are being treated are not contagious, everyone thinks that if you have HIV, you are doomed. But now I have been living for a year, and everything is in order.

It just needs to be done, and that’s it.

Migrants with HIV who remain illegally in Russia do not have access to routine healthcare. They can only rely on emergency medical assistance.

Due to the fact that migrants cannot take ARV therapy, their immunity decreases, the viral load grows, and complications begin. By the time they get to the hospital, they already need long-term treatment, which the Russian state is obliged to provide them.

But even access to emergency medicine can be difficult. In anticipation of deportation, Ramis spent several months in the temporary detention center for foreign citizens, for a long time he kept a temperature of forty degrees. He started treating tuberculosis only in Kyrgyzstan.

– I was in the hospital for four months. It was very bad without money. I was operated there: without anesthesia – “without shit” – they cut me.

Unfavorable discrimination

The Regional Expert Group on the Health of Migrants in the EECA region calculated that hospitalization and inpatient treatment of migrants with HIV costs Russia more than providing them with ARV therapy. Thus, the country spends more than 220 thousand rubles per person with an advanced HIV case in a hospital, and a course of an annual ARV therapy would cost about 85 thousand.

If Russia legalizes people with HIV, they will be able to return to their homeland, register with an AIDS center, receive treatment and continue working in Russia.

“We don’t even require today to set a budget for the treatment of migrants with HIV – it’s enough just to remove the rule on expulsion,” says Daniil Kashnitsky. – For some reason, doctors and officials believe that the abolition of deportation will necessarily lead to an increase in costs, but this is not so. Absolutely no one will suffer from this, and there will be many advantages. It just needs to be done, and that’s it.

Many countries abolished similar deportation rules 10-15 years ago. According to Daniil Kashnitsky, HIV is a pandemic and the closure of borders does not help the fight against the spread of the virus. The European Court of Human Rights demanded from Russia a complete refusal to discriminate against HIV-positive foreigners back in 2016, but during this time the legislation has not changed in any way.

In April, State Duma deputy Fedot Tumusov submitted to the Russian government a bill proposing to abolish the mandatory deportation of migrants with HIV if they receive ARV therapy. Denis Kamaldinov, chairman of the board of the non-profit organization Humanitarian Project, is confident that the initiative will improve the situation with the disease.

– The person who is on therapy will not transmit the virus to others. This will partly solve the problem of prevention, says Kamaldinov. – If labor migrants are in the country legally, then the country needs them. This means that it is important to verify all the mechanisms for legalizing these people, regardless of their HIV status.

According to Kamaldinov, if the countries where migrants come from agree to provide them with therapy, then it will be necessary to decide who will control the treatment. He believes that adherence to therapy should be monitored in the health care system, and not in the migration service.

– It is important to calculate the capacity of the health care system to monitor and accompany migrants, or to work out the mechanisms that are associated with the fact that a person provides analyzes for local health care.

Tumusov hoped that the initiative would be successful:

– At least if you look at things objectively.

But in mid-July, the government received a negative response to the bill. The response (available to the editorial office) specifies that there are no legal grounds for providing migrants with therapy at the expense of foreign states. Bans on the entry and residence of foreign citizens and stateless persons with HIV, according to the document, were established “in order to prevent the spread of HIV infection in the territory of the Russian Federation”. The only exceptions are people who have family members, children or parents who have citizenship or permanently reside in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Never ask for help

Traditionally, it is believed that HIV is spread only in certain groups: among homosexuals, injecting drug users. Their risk of infection is indeed higher, but, according to official data, the main route of transmission of the virus in Russia is through sex with heterosexual partners. Because of prejudice about the spread of the virus, people with HIV do not get tested, are unaware of their status, infect partners and exacerbate the pandemic. In 2019, 1,068,839 people were registered in Russia living with HIV.

According to Kashnitsky, there is no data that would indicate that HIV prevalence trends among migrants differ. Throughout the EECA region, the proportion of sexual transmission is increasing and the proportion of HIV transmission through injecting drug use is decreasing.

To combat the epidemic, every HIV-positive person must have access to ARV therapy. On average, over three months of treatment, the viral load decreases so much that a person cannot infect other people, even his sexual partner, with unprotected sex.

According to the research platform “To be precise,” only 44% of people living with HIV were receiving antiretroviral therapy in Russia in 2019. This is due to underfunding of AIDS centers, outdated treatment protocols, as well as stigma around the disease – people are afraid to seek help. Someone is worried that acquaintances will find out that difficulties may arise at work; migrants also fear expulsion from the country.

“Migrants with HIV will never seek help,” Ramis says. – They know: they will be deported for life.

Visitors with HIV not only do not go to doctors, but also do not undergo official testing for the presence of the disease due to fear of expulsion. Therefore, there is no complete epidemiological picture of the number of HIV-positive migrants. According to official data, in 2019, 97 thousand Russians and only 2 thousand newcomers were diagnosed with HIV.

“Official testing data is the tip of the iceberg,” says Daniel. – We have no way of believing that HIV-positive migrants pose any risk for Russians.


All the heroes of this article have achieved zero viral load. Ilgiz, with the help of the foundation, contacted the doctor, who wrote out a treatment plan for him, and he himself buys the medicines at the pharmacy. Amir is receiving therapy at a non-profit organization. Both remain in Russia for the time being illegally. Ramis has been receiving medicines at the AIDS Center in Kyrgyzstan for six years.

“Deportation is wrong,” Ilgiz believes. – Every person is wrong – you do not know what will happen tomorrow. So I didn’t know. I was sure, not one hundred, but a thousand percent that this would not happen to me, I protected myself, took pre-exposure and post-exposure therapy, passed tests. But I got sick anyway. But the main thing is that I know about my status and I am undergoing treatment.

Ramis did not see his wife and son for two years after returning to his homeland – he communicated with them only by phone. He believed that with so many problems and HIV-positive status, he could no longer have a family. Then Ramis started working in an organization that helps people with HIV and tuberculosis.

– Doctors from the center asked me why I didn’t invite my wife and son to my place. I laughed: “Why are you driving? I have so many problems. ” And then I decided to call them. For another two years, under various pretexts, I had sex with my wife with a condom. But then I realized that with therapy I could have a healthy child and not infect my wife. Our daughter is eight months old.

«У вас ВИЧ, вы должны уехать»

В России до сих пор действует закон, запрещающий находиться на территории страны мигрантам с ВИЧ-инфекцией. Эта норма не просто легализует дискриминацию — она подвергает смертельной опасности людей, которые могли бы получать лечение и жить самой обычной жизнью

В СИЗО «Кресты» открылась «кормушка» — отверстие, через которое арестованным передают еду. В окошко заглянула женщина и крикнула: «Рамис — кто?»

Рамис подошел к «кормушке».

— Поздравляю, у вас ВИЧ. Давайте, расписывайтесь. Если кого-то заразите, лишение свободы до трех лет.

Женщина ушла, кормушка закрылась. Рамис повернулся, посмотрел на сокамерников:

— Че это было-то?

Рамис приехал в Санкт-Петербург из Кыргызстана, работал водителем. Десять лет назад он поздно ночью возвращался с работы, уснул за рулем и попал в дорожно-транспортное происшествие. Возместить ущерб за разбитую машину Рамис не смог.

— Компания сняла с себя ответственность: я должен был работать восемь часов, а вышло тринадцать, — говорит Рамис. — Я задержался из-за того, что машину нужно было ремонтировать. Я мог бы ее оставить [в автосервисе], но внутри нее был товар, [поэтому] я дождался ремонта, отвез товар, и по пути назад это случилось.

Пять месяцев Рамис провел в СИЗО, его приговорили к двум годам колонии-поселения. На родине у мужчины остались жена и сын.

Все это время Рамис не получал антиретровирусную (АРВ) терапию, несмотря на положительный ВИЧ-статус. У мигрантов в России нет права на это лечение, а в тюрьмах тем более нет доступа к необходимым медикаментам. О заболевании мужчина ничего не знал, что-то о вирусе рассказали ему уже сокамерники.

Рамис вышел на свободу в 2013 году. Из документов у него была только справка об освобождении. Его остановили сразу по пути из колонии в Санкт-Петербург, задержали и отправили в центр для тех, кого ждет депортация.

Там Рамис провел еще шесть месяцев, во время которых ему стало плохо, развился туберкулез лимфатических узлов. Мужчину отвезли в больницу и снова подтвердили, что у него ВИЧ. После этого процесс депортации ускорился: прошел еще один суд, и сотрудники миграционной службы доставили Рамиса в аэропорт.

Рамис вспоминает, что перед депортацией ему прямо сказали:

— Как в аэропорт зайдем, ты сними маску, не говори про температуру или туберкулез, а то тебя опять вернут, в самолет не пустят.

— Мне врач велела вернуться на родину, нужно было начать принимать АРВ-терапию, иначе я не вылечил бы туберкулез. Пришлось мне маску снять и сказать, что у меня все хорошо, — говорит Рамис. — Как только взлетели, у меня головокружение началось. Этот пятичасовой перелет мне показался вечностью. Честно скажу, я думал, что сдохну.

Приезжают и здесь заражаются

В России действует закон, по которому мигрантам с ВИЧ отказывают в лечении и депортируют их на родину. Норма появилась в стране в 1995 году в качестве борьбы с распространением вируса. Изначально закон принимали в условиях, когда ВИЧ еще не был повсеместным заболеванием.

Власти считали, что эпидемию в России можно предотвратить, если ограничить поток людей с ВИЧ, рассказывает младший научный сотрудник Института социальной политики НИУ ВШЭ Даниил Кашницкий. Но уже к концу девяностых ВИЧ все равно распространился по всей России, в том числе из-за употребления инъекционных наркотиков, потому что люди пользовались общими шприцами.

Даниил подчеркивает, что сейчас в странах, откуда чаще всего приезжают мигранты в Россию, — Узбекистане, Таджикистане, Украине, Кыргызстане и Молдове — уровень распространения ВИЧ ниже, чем в России.

— На Украине немного ниже, а в остальных странах — значительно, в четыре-пять раз. Сегодня речь не идет о том, что кто-то в Россию приезжает массово с ВИЧ, а, скорее, наоборот: они приезжают и здесь заражаются ВИЧ-инфекцией, — говорит Кашницкий. — Об этом свидетельствуют данные эпидемиологического надзора среди мигрантов, вернувшихся в Узбекистан и Таджикистан. И опять же это происходит не из-за того, что они приехали в страну с высокой распространенностью заболевания, а потому, что у них повышенный риск жизни.

К повышенному риску жизни Даниил относит разрыв с семьей, отсутствие помощи и старших родственников, которые бы следили за уехавшими. В результате мигранты свободнее вступают в сексуальные отношения, могут начать употреблять наркотики.

— Я без жены три года жил, — рассказывает Рамис. — Вел, как это говорится, беспорядочные половые связи. Через постель у меня появился ВИЧ.

Сначала ты должен вернуть долги

При получении или продлении патента, а также вида на жительство в России людям необходимо сдать тест на ВИЧ. Процедура обычно проходит в миграционных центрах. Там большой поток людей, и если у кого-то находят вирус, его, как правило, никто не консультирует и ничего не объясняет. Просто говорят: «У вас ВИЧ, вы должны уехать».

— Эта новость как мешком ударяет человека по голове, — говорит Кашницкий. — В сельской местности Таджикистана, например, средняя зарплата — 100 долларов, ее хватает только на еду. Люди, чтобы приехать в Россию и оплатить патент, одалживают деньги у родных, друзей, в банках. Сначала ты должен вернуть эти долги, а потом уже только начать работать в плюс для себя.

Мигранты, приехавшие в Россию на заработки, не хотят обманывать ожидания родных. Кроме того, ВИЧ — это стигма, поэтому мигранты в последнюю очередь хотят рассказывать о заболевании своим близким. Поэтому они скрывают свой статус и начинают работать нелегально, тем более в России до сих пор сохраняется возможность работы в серой зоне.

Таким образом, запрет мигрантам с ВИЧ находиться в России имеет множество негативных последствий. Человека, у которого выявили вирус, буквально выталкивают в нелегальную сферу. Он не только не получает необходимого лечения, — оставаясь без патента и вида на жительство, мигрант никак не защищен законом, в любой момент рискует лишиться работы и зарплаты, становится особенно уязвимым перед полицией: если остановят на улице, придется давать взятку.

Работать в серой зоне решил Ильгиз. Он в 2019 году приехал в Москву из Узбекистана работать по специальности. Но не вышло. Через мобильное приложение Ильгиз познакомился с молодым человеком, который предложил ему «работать эскортом».

— После того как он это мне сказал, мы с ним поругались, дошло даже до драки. Но мне нужно было отправить домой серьезную сумму, а моими заработками в Москве этого добиться было невозможно.

Ильгиз уехал домой и, как он говорит, «подумал хорошенько». Квартиру, в которой жили его родители, выставили на аукцион за долги по коммунальным счетам. Им дали шестьдесят дней, чтобы оплатить штрафы.

Молодой человек вернулся в Москву и согласился на работу.

— Я обманывал себя, успокаивал, что это временно, что я что-то придумаю и вернусь обратно к нормальной жизни. Но я уходил в это все сильнее. Я начал встречаться с серьезными, большими людьми. Они просили доказательства, что я здоров, — каждые три месяца я проверялся. И что-то мне вдруг подсказало, что со мной что-то не так.

Самое дно

В государственном медицинском центре опасения Ильгиза подтвердились. Врач сказал ему, что у него огромная вирусная нагрузка и он болен ВИЧ.

— Я решил: надо убить себя. Прорабатывал разные варианты: спрыгнуть с этажа, повеситься, отравиться, броситься под машину. Но я понял, что мертвый принесу своей семье больше проблем, чем живой. Вывезти труп из России на родину очень сложно.

Психологической поддержки в медцентре молодому человеку не оказали, но специалист сразу начал настаивать на том, чтобы Ильгиз предоставил свои паспортные данные, убеждая, что никуда не будет их передавать.

— Я знал, что, как только предоставлю их, меня депортируют. Я не боялся выдворения на родину, но сам повод — из-за ВИЧ — меня пугал. Я не хотел, чтобы об этом кто-то узнал, — говорит Ильгиз. — Я очень дорожу родителями, такими новостями я боюсь их шокировать — они могут даже отказаться от меня. Я в этой жизни ничего не получил, самое дорогое в ней — мои мама и папа, их я не могу потерять.

Ильгиз не раскрыл свои личные данные, не рассказал о заболевании родным и остался работать в России. Но решил вести другой образ жизни и старается не возвращаться к прошлому.

Помимо трудностей с работой, иностранцы с ВИЧ не могут в России получать образование, даже платно. Четыре года назад учиться на стоматолога в Тверь из Узбекистана приехал Амир. Он был на последнем курсе института, когда узнал, что болен.

Так же как и Ильгиза, Амира никто не проконсультировал о заболевании. Вместо этого врачи стали настаивать, что ему надо встать на учет — якобы тогда он сможет бесплатно получать терапию, как и другие иностранцы.

— Конечно, это было обманом, — возмущается Амир. — Только после того, как они забрали мои данные, мне сказали о депортации. Состояние тогда было… самое дно. Какая депортация? Я не могу бросить учебу, я семь лет уже проучился на стоматолога. Плюс я отношусь к сообществу МСМ (мужчины, занимающиеся сексом с мужчинами. Термин принят в организациях, помогающих людям с ВИЧ. — Прим. ТД). Возвращение обратно закончилось бы очень плохо.

Амир узнал о своем статусе в январе 2020 года. Он до сих пор об этом никому не сказал. Молодой человек только хотел рассказать об этом парню, который, скорее всего, его заразил. Но они не виделись год, и Амир не смог его найти и поговорить с ним.

— На моей родине все считают, что ВИЧ болеют только грешники. Я сам был воспитан в таких убеждениях. Там не знают, что есть терапия, что те, кто лечится, не заразны, все думают, что если у тебя ВИЧ, то ты обречен. Но вот я уже год живу, и все в порядке.

Это просто надо сделать, и все

У мигрантов с ВИЧ, которые остаются нелегально в России, нет доступа к плановой медицине. Они могут рассчитывать только на экстренную помощь врачей.

Из-за того что мигранты не могут принимать АРВ-терапию, их иммунитет снижается, вирусная нагрузка растет, начинаются осложнения. К тому моменту, когда они попадают в больницу, им уже требуется длительное лечение, которое российское государство им обязано предоставить.

Но даже с доступом к экстренной медицине могут возникнуть трудности. В ожидании депортации Рамис провел в центре временного содержания иностранных граждан несколько месяцев, долгое время у него держалась температура сорок градусов. Лечить туберкулез он начал только в Кыргызстане.

— Четыре месяца я был в больнице. Без денег было очень плохо. Мне операцию там делали: без наркоза — «без ни хрена» — они меня резали.

Невыгодная дискриминация

В Региональной экспертной группе по здоровью мигрантов в регионе ВЕЦА подсчитали, что госпитализация и стационарное лечение мигрантов с ВИЧ обходятся России дороже, чем их обеспечение АРВ-терапией. Так, страна тратит больше 220 тысяч рублей на одного человека с запущенным случаем ВИЧ в больнице, а курс годовой АРВ-терапии стоил бы около 85 тысяч.

Если Россия легализует людей с ВИЧ, они смогут вернуться на родину, встать на учет в СПИД-центре, получить лечение и продолжить работать в России.

— Мы даже не требуем сегодня закладывать бюджет на лечение мигрантов с ВИЧ — достаточно просто убрать норму о выдворении, — говорит Даниил Кашницкий. — Врачи, чиновники почему-то считают, что отмена депортации обязательно повлечет за собой рост расходов, но это не так. От этого абсолютно никто не пострадает, а плюсов будет много. Это просто надо сделать, и все.

Многие страны отменили схожие нормы о депортации 10—15 лет назад. По словам Даниила Кашницкого, ВИЧ — это пандемия и закрытие границ не помогает борьбе с распространением вируса. Европейский суд по правам человека требовал от России полного отказа от дискриминации ВИЧ-положительных иностранцев еще в 2016 году, но за это время законодательство никак не изменилось.

В апреле депутат Государственной Думы Федот Тумусов направил на рассмотрение правительства России законопроект, предлагающий отменить обязательную депортацию мигрантов с ВИЧ, если они получают АРВ-терапию. Председатель правления некоммерческой организации «Гуманитарный проект» Денис Камалдинов уверен, что инициатива улучшит ситуацию с заболеваемостью.

— Человек, который принимает терапию, не будет передавать вирус другим. Отчасти это решит проблему профилактики, — говорит Камалдинов. — Если трудовые мигранты находятся в стране легально, значит они нужны стране. Значит, важно верифицировать все механизмы легализации этих людей вне зависимости от ВИЧ-статуса.

По мнению Камалдинова, если страны, откуда мигранты приезжают, согласятся обеспечивать их терапией, дальше нужно будет решить, кто станет контролировать лечение. Он считает, что за приверженностью к терапии должны следить в системе здравоохранения, а не в миграционной службе.

— Важно рассчитать возможности системы здравоохранения по наблюдению и сопровождению мигрантов либо отработать механизмы, которые связаны с тем, что человек предоставляет анализы для местного здравоохранения.

Тумусов рассчитывал, что инициатива будет успешна:

— По крайней мере, если смотреть на вещи объективно.

Но в середине июля от правительства пришел отрицательный отзыв на законопроект. В отзыве (есть в распоряжении редакции) уточняется, что нет правовых оснований для обеспечения мигрантов терапией за счет средств иностранных государств. Запреты на въезд и проживание иностранных граждан и лиц без гражданства с ВИЧ, согласно документу, установлены «в целях предупреждения распространения ВИЧ-инфекции на территории Российской Федерации». Исключение составляют только люди, у которых есть члены семьи, дети или родители, имеющие гражданство или постоянно проживающие на территории РФ.

Никогда не обратятся за помощью

Традиционно считается, что ВИЧ распространен лишь в определенных группах: среди гомосексуалов, инъекционных наркопотребителей. Риск заражения у них действительно выше, но, согласно официальным данным, основной путь передачи вируса в России — секс гетеросексуальных партнеров. Из-за предубеждений о распространении вируса люди с ВИЧ не сдают анализы, не знают о своем статусе, заражают партнеров и усугубляют пандемию. В 2019 году в России было зарегистрировано 1 068 839 человек, живущих с ВИЧ-инфекцией.

По словам Кашницкого, нет данных, которые бы говорили, что среди мигрантов тенденции распространения ВИЧ отличаются. По всему региону ВЕЦА растет доля сексуального пути передачи и сокращается доля передачи ВИЧ при употреблении инъекционных наркотиков.

Для борьбы с эпидемией доступ к АРВ-терапии должен быть у каждого ВИЧ-положительного человека. В среднем за три месяца лечения вирусная нагрузка снижается настолько, что человек не может заразить других людей, даже своего полового партнера при незащищенном сексе.

Согласно данным исследовательской платформы «Если быть точным», антиретровирусную терапию в России в 2019 году получали только 44% людей, живущих с ВИЧ. Это связано с недофинансированием центров СПИДа, с устаревшими протоколами лечения, а также со стигмой вокруг заболевания — люди боятся обращаться за помощью. Кто-то переживает, что узнают знакомые, что могут возникнуть трудности на работе; мигранты опасаются еще и выдворения из страны.

— Мигранты с ВИЧ никогда не обратятся за помощью, — говорит Рамис. — Они ведь знают: им светит пожизненная депортация.

Приезжие с ВИЧ не только не обращаются к врачам, но и не проходят официальное тестирование на наличие заболевания из-за страха выдворения. Поэтому полной эпидемиологической картины по количеству ВИЧ-положительных мигрантов нет. По официальным данным, в 2019 году ВИЧ выявили у 97 тысяч россиян и всего у 2 тысяч приезжих.

— Данные официального тестирования — это верхушка айсберга, — уточняет Даниил. — У нас нет возможности полагать, что ВИЧ-положительные мигранты представляют хоть какой-либо риск для россиян.


Нулевой вирусной нагрузки добились все герои этой статьи. Ильгиз с помощью фонда связался с врачом, который расписал ему план лечения, и сам покупает лекарства в аптеке. Амир получает терапию в некоммерческой организации. Оба пока что остаются в России нелегально. Рамис уже шесть лет получает лекарства в СПИД-центре Кыргызстана.

— Депортация — это неправильно, — считает Ильгиз. — Каждый человек ошибается — вы же не знаете, что будет завтра. Вот и я не знал. Я был уверен не на сто, а на тысячу процентов, что со мной этого не произойдет, я предохранялся, принимал доконтактную и постконтактную терапию, сдавал анализы. Но все равно заболел. Но главное — я знаю о своем статусе и прохожу лечение.

Рамис два года после возвращения на родину не виделся со своей женой и сыном — общался с ними лишь по телефону. Он считал, что с таким количеством проблем и ВИЧ-положительным статусом у него больше не может быть семьи. Потом Рамис начал работать в организации, которая помогает людям с ВИЧ и туберкулезом.

— Врачи из центра спрашивали меня, почему я не зову жену с сыном к себе. Я смеялся: «Вы че, гоните? У меня столько проблем». А потом решился их позвать. Еще два года я под разными предлогами занимался с женой сексом с презервативом. Но потом понял, что с терапией могу иметь здорового ребенка и не заражу жену. Нашей дочери восемь месяцев.