On Oct. 5, the Supreme Court handed down a decision with major implications for HIV prevention and public health in Canada. In a 9-0 ruling, the court found that people infected with HIV must disclose their HIV status to their sexual partners.
Law professor Robert Leckey on the Supreme Court ruling
The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled on the legal status of sexual intercourse by someone who fails to disclose that he or she is HIV-positive. It remains a serious crime, with a maximum life sentence in prison. The troubling thrust of the high court’s message is that HIV-negative people have the right to engage in unprotected sex, no questions asked.
Court's hiv clarification spurs troubling new questions
Sometimes a clarification just isn’t a clarification. Sometimes the “clarification” is no clearer than what it ostensibly clarifies, and sometimes it changes the meaning of what it claims to clarify. And sometimes it does both.
Canada: Supreme Court makes bad law worse
The Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) said today that the duty for an individual with HIV to disclose can be dispensed only when a condom is used and the individual also has a low viral load.
This news story was updated five times over five hours to include community and political responses and analyses. It now also includes my news story for aidsmap.com which provides an overview of the decision and its context.
Original post
The Supreme Court heard the two landmark cases (R v. Mabior and R v. DC) on February 8, 2012.
This Court, in Cuerrier, established that failure to disclose that one has HIV may constitute fraud vitiating consent to sexual relations under s. 265(3)(c) Cr. C. Because HIV poses a risk of serious bodily harm, the operative offence is one of aggravated sexual assault (s. 273 Cr. C.). To obtain a conviction under ss. 265(3)(c) and 273, the Crown must show, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the complainant’s consent to sexual intercourse was vitiated by the accused’s fraud as to his HIV status. The test boils down to two elements: (1) a dishonest act (either falsehoods or failure to disclose HIV status); and (2) deprivation (denying the complainant knowledge which would have caused him or her to refuse sexual relations that exposed him or her to a significant risk of serious bodily harm). Failure to disclose may amount to fraud where the complainant would not have consented had he or she known the accused was HIV‑positive, and where sexual contact poses a significant risk of or causes actual serious bodily harm.
Two main criticisms of the Cuerrier test have been advanced: first, that it is uncertain, failing to draw a clear line between criminal and non‑criminal conduct, and second, that it either overextends the criminal law or confines it too closely — the problem of breadth. While it may be difficult to apply, the Cuerrier approach is in principle valid. It carves out an appropriate area for the criminal law — one restricted to “significant risk of serious bodily harm”. The test’s approach to consent accepts the wisdom of the common law that not every deception that leads to sexual intercourse should be criminalized, while still according consent meaningful scope.
The Cuerrier requirement of “significant risk of serious bodily harm” should be read as requiring disclosure of HIV status if there is a realistic possibility of transmission of HIV. This view is supported by the common law and statutory history of fraud vitiating consent to sexual relations, and is in line with Charter values of autonomy and equality that respect the interest of a person to choose whether to consent to sex with a particular person or not. It also gives adequate weight to the nature of the harm involved in HIV transmission, and avoids setting the bar for criminal conviction too high or too low. If there is no realistic possibility of transmission of HIV, failure to disclose that one has HIV will not constitute fraud vitiating consent to sexual relations under s. 265(3)(c).
The evidence adduced in this case leads to the conclusion that, as a general matter, a realistic possibility of transmission of HIV is negated if: (i) the accused’s viral load at the time of sexual relations was low and (ii) condom protection was used. This general proposition does not preclude the common law from adapting to future advances in treatment and to circumstances where risk factors other than those considered in this case are at play.
The Court’s decisions in these two appeal cases will have profound implications not only for people living with HIV, but also for Canadian public health, police practice and the criminal justice system.
The CBC has a good, basic overview of the 9-0 decision – including video – here.
My initial thoughts on risk
My first reading of the Mabior decision (the main Supreme Court ruling) leaves me with these initial thoughts.
We now have a new SCC phrase – “realistic possibility of HIV transmission” – to debate in court, because the ‘condoms AND low viral load’ ruling is actually based on the facts of the Mabior case alone.
The focus on viral load has somewhat backfired, resulting in this very conservative ‘belt and braces’ ruling. By highlighting the 052 study result (96%) and comparing with the Cochrane condom study (80%) the SCC ruled that not just condoms but condoms with a low viral load (which the SCC appears to define as below 1500 copies/ml) results in no “realistic possibility of HIV transmission”.
Nowhere in the decision is there a discussion of the relative risks of the types of sex (oral, vaginal, anal) or the position of the person with HIV (insertive, receptive), I suppose because Mr Mabior only had insertive vaginal sex. But still the risk of HIV transmission with a high viral load and no condoms via insertive vaginal sex is estimated by the CDC to be just 5 per 10,000 exposures (i.e. 1-in-2000). Reduce that already low risk by either 80% or 96% and surely there is still no “realistic possibility of HIV transmission.”
This is, of course, better than the blanket disclosure requirement regardless of risk argued for by the Crown, but does it really create any more clarity?
This will likely mean more convictions unless a good defence lawyer brings in a good expert witness to state that unprotected sex with a low viral load is not likely to be considered to result in a “realistic possibility of HIV transmission.”
No doubt the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network will provide a much more thorough analysis in the days to come. Their intial response, via Twitter: “… a profoundly disappointing, damaging decision. And internally inconsistent as well.”
Supreme Court of Canada rules that condoms alone do not prevent a ‘realistic possibility’ of HIV transmission (originally published at aidsmap.com)
The Supreme Court of Canada stated on Friday that individuals who know they are HIV positive are liable to criminal prosecution for aggravated sexual assault if they do not disclose this fact prior to sex that may risk a “realistic possibility of transmission of HIV”.
The unanimous decision rejected the Government’s argument that there should be a blanket law requiring people with HIV to disclose regardless of the risk, stating that the duty for an HIV-positive individual to disclose can be exempted, but only when a condom is used and the individual also has a low viral load.
The court also reaffirmed the 1998 Supreme Court ruling (R v Cuerrier), which established that a person who knows they are living with HIV has a duty to disclose their HIV-positive status before engaging in conduct that poses a ‘significant risk’ of HIV transmission.
Non-disclosure (regardless of whether this is active deceit or simply no verbal discussion of HIV risk) will continue to be treated as fraud that invalidates consent to sex. If it can also be shown that the sexual partner would not have consented had they known the accused was HIV positive, this is considered aggravated sexual assault, which carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment and registration as a sex offender.
‘Significant risk’ versus ‘realistic possibility’
Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin, writing the decision for the court, appreciated that the 1998 Cuerrier decision was not explicit enough regarding what constitutes a ‘significant risk’ of HIV transmission and acknowledged that this has led to inconsistent and overly broad interpretations by Canada’s police and lower courts.
Although the 1998 decision had suggested that the “careful use of a condom” may lower the risk so that it is no longer ‘significant’, this was not binding. In recent years, courts have convicted HIV-positive individuals for having sex with a condom and/or oral sex alone while others have been acquitted for unprotected anal sex.
The two cases under review by the Supreme Court – R v Mabior and R v DC – had previously been subject to rulings at the Courts of Appeal of Manitoba and Quebec, respectively, which found there was no duty to disclose when a condom was used or when the individual with HIV had an undetectable viral load at the time of the alleged exposure.
A 2011 study, not cited the by the court, found that the lack of clarity over the duty to disclosewas resulting in “anxiety [and] confusion” for people living with HIV and led to “contradictory HIV counselling advice” by healthcare workers.
In setting the new precedent, the court stated that “condom use is not fail-safe” and referred to a 2002 Cochrane systematic review of condom effectiveness in reducing heterosexual HIV transmission which concluded that consistent use of condoms results in 80% reduction in HIV incidence.
Despite also noting the results of the HPTN 052 study, the court referred to expert witness testimony from the original 2008 trial, which stated that relying on a low or undetectable viral load that results from antiretroviral therapy was not “a safe-sex strategy”.
“However, on the evidence before us, the ultimate percentage risk of transmission resulting from the combined effect of condom use and low viral load is clearly extremely low – so low that the risk is reduced to a speculative possibility rather than a realistic possibility,” wrote Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin for the court.
The court did not set an actual level for an acceptably low viral load, but offered a description, based on the evidence of the Mabior case. “When a patient undergoes antiretroviral treatment, the viral load shrinks rapidly to less than 1,500 copies per millilitre (low viral load), and can even be brought down to less than 50 copies per millilitre (undetectable viral load) over a longer period of time. This appears to be scientifically accepted at this point, on the evidence in this case.”
Nevertheless, the court left open the possibility of adapting to future changes in scientific knowledge about HIV-related risks and the long-term effects of living with HIV, which it noted was “indisputably serious and life-endangering. Although it can be controlled by medication, HIV remains an incurable chronic infection that, if untreated, can result in death.”
More prosecutions likely
The court also addressed – and firmly rejected – public health arguments against overly broad criminalisation of HIV non-disclosure and potential or perceived HIV exposure. “The only ‘evidence’ was studies presented by interveners suggesting that criminalization ‘probably’ acts as a deterrent to HIV testing,” wrote Chief Justice McLachlin. “The conclusions in these studies are tentative and the studies were not placed in evidence and not tested by cross-examination. They fail to provide an adequate basis to justify judicial reversal of the accepted place of the criminal law in this domain.”
Legal scholar, Isabel Grant, whose recent article exploring the issues faced by the Supreme Court was extensively referred to in the R v Mabior decision told Postmedia news that she expected to see more criminal cases under the new interpretation of the law. “They pretty much went as far as they could have gone in the direction of criminalization,” she noted.
A coalition of HIV and human rights organisations led by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, which acted as interveners in the two cases, issued a statement saying it was “shocked and dismayed” at the ruling, calling the decision “a major step backwards for public health and human rights”.
They noted that the court’s standard of a ‘realistic possibility’, was “an illusory limit to the criminal law [that] blatantly ignores solid science and opens the door to convictions for non-disclosure even where the risk of transmission is negligible, approaching zero”.
In making the rulings, the court upheld an appeal court decision to acquit ‘D.C.’, a Montreal woman accused of not disclosing her HIV status to her former partner, based on the fact that she had an undetectable viral load and used a condom, but reinstated three convictions against former Winnipeg resident, Clato Mabior, who was deported to South Sudan in February.
Political reactions
Ipolitics.ca now has the first reactions from Canadian politicans to the Supreme Court ruling
In response to the ruling, NDP deputy leader and health critic Libby Davies said she believes the Supreme Court in its decision tried to respect both issues of public health and the rights of those living with HIV-AIDS. But she did have “some concern” about how far the decision goes.
“The issue of criminalization is sometimes very difficult,” she said. “It’s like a stigma that hangs over people and so that’s something that we want to avoid. So I want to look more carefully at the decision and I know that our – our critics involved with this file will also look at the decision more carefully.”
She added that prevention, education and support for those living with HIV and AIDS remain the most important things.
Liberal leader Bob Rae said he’s not in the habit of “judging the judges” but added “I don’t think that’s an unreasonable decision by the court at all.”
CBC interview with Richard Elliott / Canadian HIV organisations react
“I think the court has come just shy of basically saying if you have HIV you’re a potential criminal,” Richard Elliott, Executive Director of the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, tells the CBC, helping the confused presenter understand that this ruling does not improve the situation for people living with HIV, nor those at risk.
He is also quoted extensively in this Globe and Mail news story
“It is a step backward for public health and for human rights,” Mr. Elliott said. “The Supreme Court has ignored the solid science and has opened the door to convictions for non-disclosure even where the risk of transmission is negligible – in the realm of 1 in 100,000.” The approach adopted by the court, “gives a stamp of approval to AIDS-phobia and fuels misinformation, fear and stigma surrounding HIV,” Mr. Elliott said in an interview
The Montreal Gazette also interviewed Alison Symington, Senior Policy Analyst at the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network.
Meanwhile, Marcus McCann’s news story in Xtra.ca now has reactions from many in the HIV world, all of whom are reeling from today’s decision.
Jay Koornstra is the director of Bruce House, a charity which provides housing to people living with HIV in Ottawa. He says that the Supreme Court failed to consider “the realities of HIV today.”
“Everyone has a responsibility to protect themselves and others. I don’t think that this advances that approach to health.”
He also worries that the decision will give HIV-negative people the impression that they can simply assume partners are HIV-negative until being told otherwise — a poor strategy for protecting their health.
Tim McCaskell, another long-time AIDS activist, says that the law is out of step, requiring disclosure in cases where HIV-transmission is unlikely.
“Maybe we need two sets of safer sex guidelines. One to keep yourself and others healthy, and another to keep you out of jail,” he says.
Since HIV nondisclosure was criminalized, defence lawyers have looked for ways to limit the law’s scope. The introduction of evidence of low viral load was one such way, especially in cases where condoms hadn’t been used. But that’s going to be more difficult now, says Micheal Vonn of the BC Civil Liberties Association.
“The advances that we were making at the lower courts have been cut off at the knees,” she says. “It’s a huge setback. Massive.”
Meanwhile, AIDS service providers have been advising clients to use a condom in order to avoid the risk of prosecution — but with today’s decision, that may no longer be enough.
“You can imagine the horror show that service providers are waking up to today,” she says. “There’s so little concern [in the judgment] about what is going to happen to HIV positive people, many of whom have been very responsible about condom use.”
McCaskell also laments that the court missed an opportunity to clarify the law for all types of sex, rather than just vaginal sex between a man and a woman.
“The first email I got was, ‘Do I have to use a condom when I give a blowjob?’ The answer is, ‘We don’t know.’”
Or, as Koornstra says, “The grey area is still grey.”
McCaskell will now turn his attention to winning prosecutorial guidelines, which would come from the provincial Ministry of the Attorney General.
Cécile Kazatchkine of the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network goes a step further.
“We are calling on police and crown prosecutors not to prosecute people when a condom is used or when there is a low viral load, because we don’t believe it’s in the public interest,” Kazatchkine says. “Just because the Supreme Court has given the courts the power to prosecute these cases, it doesn’t mean that they should.”
Failing that, HIV-positive people and their allies could lobby the federal government to change the law, Vonn points out. But given the Conservative government, “it seems unlikely at the current juncture that there would be any taste for this,” she says.
While the cases will have wide-ranging implications for HIV-positive people and those that love them, McCaskell called the acquittal of DC a “glitter in the gloom.”
“In terms of that personal story, this is good. This woman has been dragged through hell and back, and now she’s been acquitted. But she was acquitted on a technicality,” says McCaskell.
Kazatchkine agrees.
“Justice has been done in that particular case.”
Coalition of interveners press release
October 5, 2012 — As a coalition of interveners, we are shocked and dismayed at today’s ruling by the Supreme Court of Canada that says that even the responsible use of a condom does not protect a person living with HIV from rampant prosecution. The Court’s judgments in R. v. Mabior and R. v. D.C., two cases relating to the criminalization of HIV non-disclosure, are a cold endorsement of AIDS-phobia. They will stand as an impediment to public health and prevention, and add even more fuel to stigma, misinformation and fear. And they place Canada once again in shameful opposition to standards set out by international human rights bodies, UNAIDS and the Global Commission on HIV and the Law.
In its decisions, the Court purports to uphold its own 1998 decision standard that a “significant risk” of HIV transmission is required in order to trigger the legal duty to disclose. But this is an illusory limit to the criminal law. It blatantly ignores solid science and opens the door to convictions for non-disclosure even where the risk of transmission is negligible, approaching zero. Even in 1998, when there was less science quantifying the small risks of HIV transmission than there is today and less effective treatment for HIV, the Supreme Court had ruled that condom-use might sufficiently reduce the risk below “significant” for the purpose of the criminal law. Yet now, 14 years later, despite significant advances in scientific knowledge, the Supreme Court decides condoms are not enough. In practice, today’s ruling means that people risk being criminally prosecuted even in cases where they exercised responsibility and took precautions, such as using condoms — which are 100% effective when used properly.
Adding to continued injustice, the Court’s actions will seriously undermine public health efforts. Criminalizing HIV non-disclosure in this way creates another disincentive to getting an HIV test and imposes a chill on what people can disclose to health professionals and support workers. People living with HIV need more health and social supports; they don’t need the constant threat of criminal accusations and possible imprisonment hanging over their heads. Similarly, people not living with HIV need to be empowered to accept responsibility for their own health, and not proceed under a false sense of security that the criminal law will protect them from infection. In short, the Court’s actions will have deleterious effects not only on the lives and health of people living with HIV, but on all of us, through fostering a climate of fear and recrimination.
While we welcome the Court’s acquittal of D.C. — an acknowledgement of at least one miscarriage of justice — the onus must now fall to those protecting the health and defending the dignity of people living with HIV. We also call on Crown prosecutors to use their discretion and refuse to be complicit in injustice just because the Court gave them the power to do so. It is not in the public interest to prosecute people living with HIV where condoms have been used or where a person has a low or undetectable viral load. Prosecutions in such cases will only perpetuate misinformation, pander to prejudice and undermine efforts at HIV prevention and treatment.
Signed, the interveners:
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
HIV/AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario (HALCO)
Coalition des organismes communautaires québécois de lutte contre le sida (COCQSIDA)
Positive Living Society of British Columbia (Positive Living BC)
Canadian AIDS Society (CAS)
Toronto People with AIDS Foundation (PWA)
Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention (Black Cap)
Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN)
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network responds
Richard Elliott, the Executive Director of the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, and one of the interveners in the Mabior case has this to say (via this blog post) about today’s decision.
We are dismayed and shocked by the Supreme Court’s decision. It is a step backward for public health and for human rights. The Court purports to maintain the current standard that a “significant risk” of HIV transmission is required in order to trigger the legal duty to disclose. But given today’s judgment, this is an illusory limit to the criminal law. The Supreme Court has ignored the solid science and has opened the door to convictions for non-disclosure even where the risk of transmission is negligible – in the realm of 1 in 100,000. Such an approach gives a stamp of approval to AIDS-phobia and fuels misinformation, fear and stigma surrounding HIV. In practice, the Court’s ruling means that people risk being criminally prosecuted even in cases where they took precautions such as using condoms – which are 100% effective when used properly. This decision will not only lead to continued injustice but undermines public health efforts. It creates another disincentive to getting an HIV test and creates a further chill on what people can disclose to health professionals and support workers. People living with HIV need more health and social supports; they don’t need the constant threat of criminal accusations and possible imprisonment hanging over their heads.
And Marcus McCann who has been covering the case for Xtra.ca notes
The decision also clears the way for the Ontario Court of Appeal, which put off hearing appeals of two criminal cases pending today’s decision from the Supreme Court.
The new rules will apply to poz folks whose cases have not yet gone to trial, and to cases which are under appeal, like those before the Ontario Court of Appeal. HIV-positive people who are already serving time for HIV nondisclosure cannot have these new rules applied retroactively.
Judge's remarks over spitting irk Sask. police group
The risk of disease from being spit upon is so low that fearing it makes police work more stressful than it needs to be, a La Ronge judge says.
Canada: Judge says disease risk from spitting is an ‘irrational, urban myth’
Read the entire ruling R. v. Ratt [2012] SKPC 154, S.J. No. 590 |
A Canadian judge in the province of Saskatchewan has ruled that spitting in the face of a police officer is a simple assault that does not result in a risk of serious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis C or herpes.
“When we in the justice system perpetuate this myth without question, without evidence of the risk, without any fact-based analysis, we are feeding into this irrational anxiety,” noted Judge Felicia Daunt during sentencing of a 36 year-old woman following her guilty plea for impaired driving and assaulting a police officer (by spitting into the right into the eye of a female arresting officer).
According to a CBC report
The Crown argued that there was a risk, although minimal, that the officer could have become infected with HIV, hepatitis C or herpes. She underwent considerable anxiety, visited a doctor and had to wait two weeks before she found out she was going to be OK.
The Crown pointed to previous cases where people who spat at police officers received jail sentences. The prosecutor pushed for the maximum sentence of six months for Ratt.
Instead, earlier this week La Ronge provincial court Judge Felicia Daunt sentenced her to time already served — five days — and six months probation.
“I want to be clear that I am in no way trivializing the well-being of police officers or minimizing the very real risks they face on a daily basis,” Daunt wrote in her nine-page decision. “They have an extremely stressful job.” However, it’s an “urban myth” that police get serious injuries after being spat at and the intense anxiety that officers and their families feel about saliva is not justified, she said.
Canada and the United States have far outpaced most other countries in attempting to prosecute HIV-positive people for spitting, notably for spitting at arresting officers. The most notorious case comes from the United States (the 2008 Willie Campbell case in Texas) but between 1993 and 2006, there were six arrests or prosecutions of people living with HIV for spitting in Canada, representing 10% of all criminal potential or perceived ‘HIV exposure’ cases during that period.
Laboratory studies have found that saliva may contain HIV, and transmission via saliva is therefore biologically plausible. However, there is absolutely no epidemiological evidence to suggest that spitting on someone could expose them to enough HIV for infection to result. Levels of HIV in saliva are not high enough to allow transmission, even if the saliva comes into contact with a mucous membrane such as that of the eye. Spitting into someone’s mouth would create the same risk as kissing – zero. The CDC recently updated its website to highlight HIV-related risks in the context of criminal prosecutions, and notes that spitting poses a ‘neglible’ risk of HIV exposure.
In this particular case, however, there was no evidence that the accused had HIV or any other communicable disease. Instead, the Crown wanted to use her as an example and have the judge sentence her to six months in prison to deter others from spitting on cops during their arrest.
Instead, Judge Daunt noted the following:
“Those who get arrested on a regular basis know the police are terrified of getting spit on. That’s why they do it. They use that fear against the officers. A detainee can threaten a police officer, he can try to hit him, and not bother that officer one bit. So if a detainee can put the fear of death into an officer simply by spitting on him or her, he is going to do it. In other words, these spitting incidents are increasing because of the fear. If we want to deter suspects from spitting on police officers, we need to educate these officers about the real risks involved, and not perpetuate their anxiety by repeating urban myth.”
Judge Duant’s reliance on science and not stigma is very much appreciated. Let us hope that Canada’s Supreme Court is similarly enlightened when it delivers its judgments in the Mabior and DC appeals this Friday, October 5th. The decision will be available as of 9:45 am 9.45 EST (15.45 CET) on the Supreme Court’s website at http://scc.lexum.org/en/index.html.
Should courts force those with HIV to tell their sex partners?
The advances in HIV-AIDS treatment in the last decade have been nothing short of amazing, transforming the virus from what was once a death sentence to what is now a manageable disease. Antiretroviral medications keep levels of the virus in carriers so low, they are often almost undetectable, greatly reducing the risk of ever passing the virus on to sexual partners.
Criminalization of Potential Exposure | HIV and the Law | CDC HIV/AIDS
During the early years of the HIV epidemic, a number of states implemented HIV-specific criminal exposure laws. These laws impose criminal penalties on living with HIV who know their HIV status and – who potentially expose others to HIV.
Denmark: Safer sex without a condom (editorial)
Below is an excellent editorial by Henriette Laursen, director of AIDS-Fondet, and Susan Cowan, staff specialist at Statens Serum Institut, on the current state of HIV science and how it should impact the Danish Government’s deliberations on whether or not to enact a new HIV-specific criminal statute following the previous statute’s suspension in February 2011.
Henriette tells me that the Government’s deliberations are still ongoing and that there will be no decision before the end of summer. But, she notes, “I guess the longer [Denmark is] without a penal code the easier [it is] to prove the country can live without [an HIV-specific law].”
The original Danish article, published in Information on 12th June 2012, can be found here. This is my English translation (with the assistance of Google translate) which might not be completely faithful to the Danish. Nevertheless, the ideas and arguments in the editorial are unchanged from the original.
Safer sex without a condom
The Ministry of Justice’s proposal to revise the Penal Code on HIV, may have the consequence that those who can infect cannot be punished, and those who may be punished, cannot infect
In medical records, you can now find advice from infectious disease physicians to HIV patients which say thinks like: “Has been informed that (s)he has a sustained fully suppressed HIV and can drop the condom.”
‘Safer sex’ for a person living with HIV today is not just sex with a condom, but also sex while under medical HIV treatment.
Medical HIV treatment today has the status of an adequate protection against infection in line with – or even more effective – than condom use. It is therefore completely by the book for the doctor to inform their successfully treated patients that they can drop the condom – in order to have children the old fashioned way, for example.
This knowledge, however, is not so well known outside of the medical field. Not least in the context of both the past and the present Government’s deliberations on what to do with the Danish HIV-criminal provision which is currently suspended because HIV is no longer a life threatening illness.
As an alternative to the former penal provision working group under the Ministry of Justice suggested that HIV-infected persons who know their HIV status should be punished by up to two years in prison for having sex without a condom. This is completely without regard to whether the patient could possibly infect anyone due to the effects of medication.
To date, fifteen years after the introduction of effective HIV treatment, not a single case has been documented where a well-treated person with HIV has infected another person through sex.
Infection comes rather from HIV-infected persons who do not yet know their HIV status and therefore not in medical care. Due to their lack of knowledge that they are HIV-positive, for good reason these people are not penalized.
The infectious cannot be punished
If implemented the working draft statute broadly means that those who can infect cannot be punished, and those who may be punished, cannot infect.The Working Group did not wish to limit the provision to people with HIV who actually are infectious, because it would be too difficult for the prosecution to prove this during a trial. [Editor’s note: this is exactly the same weak argument that the Manitoba and Ontario Crown Prosecutors used in the Canadian Supreme Court.]
The Working Group evidently believes that that the same difficulties are not present when it comes to prove whether or not a condom was used.
Strange approach
It seems quite odd that it would be easier to prove what happened between two people in a bedroom than through medical records to determine whether the person with HIV at the time was under HIV treatment, where outcomes from regular blood tests can show that HIV is reduced to a degree which means that they cannot infect.We would ask that future legislation is based on current knowledge about HIV. Since the implementation of the previous HIV criminal law there have been so many advances in the field that it no longer makes sense to criminalise HIV transmission.
HIV should now be equated with other serious infectious diseases and not have its own special rule in criminal law. HIV should instead preferably be fully addressed in the health system.
Harmful criminalisation
It should also be taken into consideration that the criminalisation of HIV transmission in our opinion does not help when it comes to limiting the spread of HIV. On the contrary, the fear of punishment means people hide and are not tested for HIV. It is not only harmful to the individual, who is at risk of illness and even death, but also for prevention.If Government and Parliament, however, focused on work to clear the prejudice and stigmatisation of people living with HIV out of the way by implementing a decriminalisation of HIV, it would be of great benefit for prevention.
The time has come to repeal the HIV provision in the Penal Code. Medical advances mean that HIV is no longer the same kind of illness that it was 10 and 20 years ago.
Some people may be reassured if a small part of the Criminal Code is preserved to allow prosecutions for very egregious cases when a person knows their HIV status, is not on medical treatment, and in a reckless manner repeatedly and knowingly exposes others to infection. But to introduce the provision as proposed is not only pointless, but downright harmful for HIV control in Denmark.
US: New York Court of Appeals Says HIV+ Man’s Saliva Is Not a “Dangerous Instrument” (Press Release)
New York Court of Appeals Says HIV+ Man’s Saliva Is Not a “Dangerous Instrument”
Punishing People on the Basis of Physical Attributes Would Create “Sliding Scale of Criminal Liability”
New York, June 7, 2012 – Legal and public health experts are applauding the New York Court of Appeals, decision today to vacate the 2006 conviction and sentencing of David Plunkett, an HIV-positive man, for aggravated assault for biting a police officer. The state prosecutor argued that Plunkett had used his saliva as a “dangerous instrument” when he allegedly bit a police officer during an altercation involving several police who were restraining him following an outburst in a medical facility. Plunkett currently is serving a 10-year prison term in Sing Sing.
New York’s highest court vacated Mr. Plunkett’s conviction and dismissed the aggravated assault complaint against him on the basis that his saliva, or any body fluid or part, cannot be treated as “dangerous instruments” and a basis for charging someone with aggravated assault under New York law.
In a 1999 decision, The NY Court of Appeals had ruled that a person’s teeth cannot be characterized as a dangerous weapon, or “instruments” under the terms of the law, as an element of an assuault charge. The prosecutor and lower court attempted to get around this by stating that the “dangerous instrument” in the indictment was in fact the defendant’s saliva, which was “readily capable of causing death or other serious physical injury.”
In its ruling, the Court “sought not simply to reach a textually and historically correct understanding of what the Legislature meant” the law to include, but also to avoid the injustices that “would result if criminal liability varied with the corporeal attributes of assailants and their victims.” This interpretation would make an individual’s health, disability or even physical characteristics relevant to a determination of the ability to do harm, resulting in a “sliding scale of criminal liability,” the Court concluded.
The ruling is particularly important because it makes clear that a person’s health status, disability or other physical attributes should never be the basis for increased charges or sentencing.
Medical and public health experts long-ago dismissed the risk of HIV transmission through spitting or biting as near-zero, too small even to be measured.
“HIV is not a particularly easy virus to transmit, and it is virtually impossible for it to be transmitted through biting,” explained Terrance Moore,Director, Policy and Health Equity at the National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD). “However, it is important that we realize that treating HIV or any disease as something that should be the basis of criminal charges, absent actual harm, is terrible for public health efforts. The Court’s implicit recognition of the injustice of basing liability on health status is a huge boon for our work.”
The Plunkett case is one of hundreds across the country where HIV-positive individuals face criminal charges and long sentences on the basis of their HIV status for no-risk conduct and consensual adult sex. Members of the Positive Justice Project, a national group challenging the medical, legal and ethical support for such laws, object to the gross scientific mischaracterizations reflected in HIV-specific criminal laws and prosecutions as “flying in the face of national efforts to get people with HIV tested and into treatment.”
“The decision has important implications for cases where people with HIV essentially are being charged and imprisoned on the basis of their health status rather than any intent to do harm,” said Catherine Hanssens, Executive Director of the Center for HIV Law and Policy (CHLP). “The Court of Appeals has gone beyond the issue of transmission risk to say that relying on disability or health status at all is an unfounded and unjust application of aggravated assault statutes.”
Dr. Jeff Birnbaum, Executive Director of the Health and Education Alternatives for Teens (HEAT) Program and the Family, Adolescent and Children’s Experience at SUNY (FACES) Network added, “I have to battle the type of stigma reflected in the prosecutor’s point of view all the time. I treat young people who are being told on one hand that HIV is something they can manage, that it doesn’t make them a pariah, and on the other that their spit and blood are lethal weapons and that they are dangerous to be around. The prosecutors bringing these cases make my job so much harder. Today’s decision is really good news.”
Dozens of U.S states and territories have laws that criminalize HIV non-disclosure and “exposure,” such as through spitting or biting. Sentences imposed on people convicted of HIV-specific offenses have ranged as high as 50 years, with many getting decades-long sentences despite lack of evidence that HIV exposure, let alone transmission, even occurred. A growing number of defendants are also being required to register as sex offenders.
In New York, prosecutors have used the general criminal law to pursue people with HIV charged with HIV transmission or exposure, resulting in long prison terms despite a lack of proof that the individual charged even was the source of a partner’s infection, and even when no transmission occurs.
David Plunkett was represented by Audrey Baron Dunning. Lambda Legal submitted an amicus brief joined by the the American Academy of HIV Medicine, the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, the Center for HIV Law and Policy, and the HIV Medical Association
The Positive Justice Project (PJP) is the first coordinated national effort to address HIV criminalization in the United States, and is coordinated by the Center for HIV Law and Policy. For more information on PJP and HIV criminalization, go to http://www.hivlawandpolicy.org/public/initiatives/positivejusticeproject.