Canada: The recent conviction of a woman living with HIV exemplifies the injustices of the current use of sexual assault laws against people living with HIV

When will justice department announce new approach to prosecuting cases of HIV non-disclosure?

Critics say that recent conviction of Indigenous woman is further proof that the use of sexual assault laws in cases of HIV non-disclosure continue to criminalize marginalized people and women of colour.


An Indigenous woman with HIV has had her appeal on an aggravated sexual assault conviction dismissed by the Manitoba Court of Appeal. The decision handed down on June 29 comes as a blow to the growing movement of lawyers and human rights advocates pushing to change laws that they say criminalize people with HIV, in particular vulnerable women.

Activists have been calling for a moratorium on all new prosecutions of HIV-non-disclosure cases.

The woman convicted in the most recent case is pregnant. She will serve nine months in a Manitoba prison. (NOW Magazine has decided not to publish her name out of respect for her privacy.)

She was convicted in 2014 for failing to disclose her HIV status to a friend she had unprotected sex with three times. They had both been drinking on each occasion. The friend later tested positive for HIV, but it’s not clear if he contracted the condition from the woman. It was never proven in court.

Testimony at her trial also revealed the woman’s own history of intergenerational sexual violence and her belief she had contracted HIV through coerced sex. But the appeal court decision did not take any of that into consideration as mitigating factors.

“Everyone is very shocked and saddened,” says Laverne Gervais, Project Coordinator of Sisters of Fire at Ka Ni Kanichihk, a support group for Indigenous women living with HIV attended regularly by the woman. “She did everything that the law wants people to do, she attended programming, bettering herself, and was working on starting a new family with her committed boyfriend.”

The conviction is considered by critics to exemplify the injustices of the current use of sexual assault laws against people living with HIV, including the stigma still attached to the condition even though it is now considered a chronic and manageable condition that can be rendered undetectable after treatment.

The trial and appeal had been widely publicized in sensational articles. The woman’s high school graduation photo was leaked to the media shortly after her arrest.

Richard Elliott, Executive Director of the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, says the fact she is HIV-positive completely changed how she was viewed by the court. “The judge presumptively saw her as a sexual assailant.”

The judge who presided over her original trial, Justice Colleen Suche, noted in her decision that the woman’s behaviour was not predatory “or part of a pattern of dangerous behaviour. Rather, her silence [in not disclosing her HIV status] was the result of fear” – namely, as a result of her own history of sexual abuse.

However, Suche instructed the jury to disregard testimony related to her intoxication.

Says Elliott: “Had she been HIV-negative, her intoxication would have been relevant in her ability to consent or not to the sex. But it was not understood as relevant in her ability to disclose her HIV status. The distinction is biased. This is clearly not a sexual assault, and the application of that law in this case does a disservice to those laws.”

It was alleged by the Crown that the accused may have transmitted HIV to her friend, but Suche indicated in her decision that “the question was not relevant” and, therefore, not before the jury. There was also no HIV phylogenetic analysis done, a test to determine if the same strain of HIV was transmitted from one person to another. The woman reportedly gave him a condom during one of the sexual encounters but he didn’t use it.

Due to the conviction on aggravated sexual assault, she is now a registered sex offender. She was allowed to volunteer at her daughter’s daycare program, but will now be barred from doing similar volunteer work because of her conviction.

She faces a challenging time in jail. People incarcerated for sexual assault because of HIV non-disclosure face stigma, discrimination and violence behind bars. They are often housed in protective custody as a result, which can mean being held in administrative segregation 24/7.

On World AIDS Day December 1, 2016, the Federal Minister of Justice Jody Wilson-Raybould promised “to examine the criminal justice system’s response to non-disclosure of HIV status,” recognizing that “the over-criminalization of HIV non-disclosure discourages many individuals from being tested and seeking treatment, and further stigmatizes those living with HIV or AIDS.”

Wilson-Raybould also acknowledged in her statement that the Canadian criminal justice system “must adapt to better reflect the current scientific evidence on the realities of this disease.”

But the hoped-for immediate moratorium on new HIV non-disclosure cases that activists have been lobbying for is not happening. And a new approach to prosecuting such cases is now not expected until the fall.

Until then, the law will continue to be applied in ways, critics say, that create more vulnerability and insecurity for already marginalized people in society, especially women of colour.

“We can’t be living in fear of the criminal law any longer,” says Jeff Potts, of the Canadian Positive People Network, a national organization representing people living with HIV.  “HIV is not a crime.”

Brazil: UN Working Group on HIV/AIDS states its opposition to Brazilian bill aiming to criminalise HIV transmission

Working group criticizes bill criminalizing HIV transmission (For article in Portuguese please scroll below)

The United Nations Expanded Thematic Group on HIV / AIDS (WG / UNAIDS) met on Monday (3) to discuss the current outlook for the AIDS epidemic in Brazil and to articulate opposition to Bill 198/2015, which would make it a heinous crime to deliberately transmit the virus. This was the first meeting of the group chaired by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) .For the UNFPA representative in Brazil, Jaime Nadal, the bill goes against the ideals and proposals of the United Nations regarding the HIV / AIDS epidemic. Criminalizing HIV transmission, in addition to reinforcing the stigmatization of people living with the virus, may discourage people from undergoing testing and treatment, since they would be under threat of becoming criminals, he said.The bill ignores the scientific advances in HIV / AIDS, which prove that antiretroviral treatments reduce the chances of transmitting the virus in sexual intercourse by up to 96%. “Many countries around the world are reforming their laws criminalising HIV transmission,” said Nadal, adding that the bill goes against the global trend.

UNAIDS Director in Brazil, Georgiana Braga-Orillard, reinforced the speech of the UNFPA representative. According to her, the bill further vulnerabilises populations with a positive serological status, since “it considers the more than 800 thousand people living with HIV in Brazil as potential criminals.”

According to her, the goal of the UN System in Brazil is for all people to be tested for the virus and, if necessary, treated – the opposite of what would happen if the bill was approved.

In a technical note, UNAIDS outlined six counter-arguments to the bill: it penalizes the most vulnerable; it promotes fear and discrimination; it favors the selective application of the law; it disregards the scientific evidence on HIV; it compromises privacy and confidentiality, and it will make Brazil lose its leading role in the response to HIV / AIDS.

Brazilian legislation

Law 12.984 defines as a crime the discrimination of people living with HIV / AIDS in Brazil. Institutions and persons who deny education, health or employment to HIV-positive persons, as well as those who promote their segregation or disclose their serostatus in order to offend them, are punishable.

For the director of the Department of Surveillance, Prevention and Control of STIs, HIV / AIDS and Viral Hepatitis, Adele Benzaken, it is important to discuss not only discrimination but about mortality caused by late diagnosis, irregularities and treatment abandonment.

Caio Oliveira, of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), stressed that article 130 of the Brazilian Penal Code already criminalizes the exposure of people to serious illnesses. In this way, it would not be necessary for the bill to make the transmission of the virus a heinous crime. “We need to make sure that the people who need them do not have any problems,” he said.

State and civil society

In addition to representatives of the UN System, leaders of social movements, non-governmental organizations and representatives of the public power participated in the meeting.

“Another major problem … is the confidentiality of medical records. Why? Because you will only be able to get this information if in any way these medical records come to the public domain, come to the justice system, “warned federal prosecutor for Citizen Rights, Deborah Duprat. The prosecutor also stressed that this issue may reach mainly socially stigmatized groups, which hide the infection to their families and society to avoid discrimination.

Pétala Brandão, from Conectas Human Rights, said that the bill is a result of human rights setbacks in Brazil. “It is a manifestation of a punitive ideology, of criminal recrudescence, which creates stigma and vulnerability,” he said.

She stressed that the participation of the United Nations is fundamental to guarantee the rights of all people, but that there must be, in essence, an articulation with civil society and social movements.

Erika Kokay (PT-DF) endorsed the argument of the Conectas specialist. “This culture of fear turns into hate and creates intolerance. The project creates invisible social differences, “said the deputy.

UNFPA chairs working group

With a strong focus on the sexual and reproductive rights agenda, UNFPA is one of 11 UN agencies to be part of the HIV / AIDS working group. The agency has assumed the presidency of the group for the 2017-2018 biennium.

UNFPA works to promote universal quality health services, including the prevention and treatment of reproductive tract infections and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV / AIDS.

Created in 1997 through a multisectoral approach, the working group seeks to support the response to the HIV / AIDS epidemic in the country. This mobilization places HIV among the priority themes of joint action of the UN System for several years.


Grupo de trabalho critica projeto de lei que criminaliza transmissão do HIV

O Grupo Temático Ampliado das Nações Unidas sobre HIV/AIDS (GT/UNAIDS) reuniu-se na segunda-feira (3) para discutir o atual panorama da epidemia de AIDS no Brasil e articular a oposição ao Projeto de Lei 198/2015, que torna crime hediondo a transmissão deliberada do vírus. Este foi o primeiro encontro do grupo presidido pelo Fundo de População das Nações Unidas (UNFPA).

Para o representante do UNFPA no Brasil, Jaime Nadal, o projeto de lei vai contra os ideais e propostas das Nações Unidas referentes à epidemia de HIV/AIDS. A criminalização da transmissão do HIV, além de reforçar a estigmatização das pessoas que vivem com o vírus, pode desencorajar as pessoas a realizarem a testagem e o tratamento, uma vez que estariam sob a ameaça de se tornarem criminosas, afirmou.

O projeto de lei desconsidera os avanços científicos em HIV/AIDS, que comprovam que tratamentos antirretrovirais reduzem em até 96% as chances de transmissão do vírus em relações sexuais. “Muitos países, em todo o mundo, estão reformando suas leis que criminalizam a transmissão do HIV”, lembrou Nadal, completando que o projeto vai na contramão da tendência mundial.

A diretora do UNAIDS no Brasil, Georgiana Braga-Orillard, reforçou a fala do representante do UNFPA. Segundo ela, o projeto de lei vulnerabiliza ainda mais as populações com estado sorológico positivo, já que “considera as mais de 800 mil pessoas vivendo com HIV no Brasil como criminosos em potencial”.

Segundo ela, a meta do Sistema ONU no Brasil é que todas as pessoas realizem o teste para o vírus e, se necessário, façam o tratamento — o oposto do que aconteceria se o projeto de lei for aprovado.

Em nota técnica, o UNAIDS salientou seis argumentos contrários ao projeto de lei: ele penaliza os mais vulneráveis; promove medo e discriminação; favorece a aplicação seletiva da lei; desconsidera as evidências científicas sobre HIV; põe em risco a privacidade e a confidencialidade; e faz com que o Brasil perca o protagonismo na resposta ao HIV/AIDS.

A legislação brasileira

A Lei 12.984 define como crime a discriminação contra pessoas que vivem com HIV/AIDS no Brasil. São passíveis de punição instituições e pessoas que negarem educação, saúde ou emprego às pessoas soropositivas, bem como as que promoverem sua segregação ou divulgarem seu estado sorológico com o intuito de ofendê-las.

Para a diretora do departamento de Vigilância, Prevenção e Controle das ISTs, HIV/Aids e Hepatites Virais, Adele Benzaken, é importante discutir não somente sobre discriminação, mas sobre a mortalidade causada pelo diagnóstico tardio, irregularidades e abandono do tratamento.

Caio Oliveira, do Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância (UNICEF), destacou que o artigo 130 do Código Penal brasileiro já tipifica como crime a exposição de pessoas a moléstias graves. Dessa maneira, não seria necessário que o projeto de lei tornasse a transmissão do vírus um crime hediondo. “Precisamos assegurar que as pessoas que precisam não tenham mais problemas”, finalizou.

Estado e sociedade civil

Além de representantes do Sistema ONU, participaram do encontro lideranças de movimentos sociais, organizações não governamentais e representantes do poder público.

“Outro grande problema (…) é a confidencialidade dos registros médicos. Como é que fica? Porque você só vai poder ter essa informação se de alguma maneira esses registros médicos vierem a público, vierem para o sistema de Justiça”, alertou a procuradora federal dos Direitos do Cidadão, Deborah Duprat. A procuradora ressaltou também que esse ponto pode atingir principalmente grupos socialmente estigmatizados, que escondem a infecção de suas famílias e da sociedade para evitar discriminação.

Pétala Brandão, da Conectas Direitos Humanos, afirmou que o projeto de lei é resultado dos retrocessos dos direitos humanos no Brasil. “Ele é uma manifestação de uma ideologia punitivista, de recrudescimento penal, que cria estigma e vulnerabilização”, declarou.

Ela ressaltou que a participação das Nações Unidas é fundamental para a garantia dos direitos de todas as pessoas, mas que deve haver, imprescindivelmente, articulação com a sociedade civil e movimentos sociais.

Para a deputada Erika Kokay (PT-DF) endossou o argumento da especialista da Conectas. “Esta cultura do medo se transforma em ódio e cria intolerâncias. O projeto invisibiliza as diversidades sociais”, disse a deputada.

UNFPA preside grupo de trabalho

Com forte atuação pela agenda de direitos sexuais e reprodutivos, o UNFPA é uma das 11 agências das Nações Unidas a fazer parte do grupo de trabalho sobre HIV/AIDS. A agência assumiu, este ano, a presidência do grupo para o biênio 2017-2018.

O UNFPA atua para a promoção do serviço de saúde de qualidade universal, incluindo a prevenção e tratamento das infecções do aparelho reprodutor e das infecções de transmissão sexual, incluindo o HIV/AIDS.

Criado em 1997 por meio de uma abordagem multissetorial, o grupo de trabalho busca apoiar a resposta à epidemia de HIV/AIDS no país. Essa mobilização coloca o HIV entre os temas prioritários de atuação conjunta do Sistema ONU há vários anos.

Mexico: Organisations call for the withdrawal of initiative aiming to criminalise HIV-transmission in Quintana Roo



POSTED ON JUNE 08, 2017, 11:44 PM 6 MINS POST Views: 1,135

By Leslie Gordillo

CANCUN, MX,- Members of associations called for the commissions of Justice, Human Rights, Development and Family groups in situations of vulnerability and of the Great Commission, in particular Mrs Laura Esther Beristain Navarrete, to reconsider the criminalization of HIV and to lower this initiative, which aims to put people with HIV under a status of potential criminals.

“We cannot allow actions that criminalise and punish and much less from a party that supposedly embraces the causes and unveiled an agenda where you will work with at-risk groups, then it is not being consistent, much less the party and its members in this case, the member of the Commission on Health,” said Roberto Guzman, Network Posithiva of Quintana Roo AC, which joined ICW Mexico and UNAYAC.

This call was made through a letter delivered in the city of Chetumal to groups already mentioned, where the points for consideration, knowing that these commissions are responsible for determining the initiative of “Decree amending Article 113 and is added in the third section, crimes against society, the seventh title, crimes against public health”, which seeks to amend article 113 of the criminal code and the punishment of 5 to 25 years with imprisonment from spreading or becoming infected with dangerous viruses to other people.

Before this, expressed in the letter some clarifications requested were taken into account to avoid an initiative “that violates the dignity and promotes stigma toward people living with HIV”, among which are: the importance of promoting actions in favour of the recognition of the human rights of women in the international order of the various instruments in this field has signed and ratified the Mexican State; not to seek punishment for behaviour that is perceived as wilful misconduct in relation to HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, because the scientific evidence indicates that HIV prevention is not achieved with punitive measures, but with public health policies that facilitate actions that promote changes at the structural level.

Also mentioned that the criminalization stigma and discrimination toward people living with HIV, including girls, children, adolescents and women, so that it is contradictory to promote actions that are contrary to the dignity of these vulnerable groups; the difficulty of determining causality, fraud, the intentionality as a number of factors in HIV transmission, such as: the possibility of the transmission, the type of exposure, the use or not of the condom, the stage of the infection, if you take your antiretroviral treatment or not, if you have a detectable load or not, if there are concomitant diseases, the status of the receiving partner and agreements established between couples.

They emphasized that the punitive measures, such as which is intended to legislate, could hinder and affect the various multisectoral action in the field of prevention, detection and care in our state. Could influence that people perceive HIV risk factors, to bypass an early detection in order not to know their status, in virtue of preventing a possible criminal proceedings.

In addition to the specific content of this initiative of “danger of contagion” could cause the legal responsibility of the HIV prevention falls only on those living with HIV, and this could be invisibilizarse the public health message that sexual partners have shared responsibility about their sexual health. And that this type of adjustments to the Criminal Code will promote higher levels of stigma and discrimination toward the various populations with HIV and their families.

Contrary to this, recounted in the Charter, should label resources to prevent, detect and respond in a timely manner HIV; to improve the quality and comprehensiveness of care services provided from the capasits and hospitals in the health sector; and reduce stigma and discrimination toward the populations affected by HIV and other STIS.


Le Llaman la atención a Diputada Beristain: Piden asociaciones detener iniciativa de penalización del VIH

Leslie Gordillo

CANCÚN, MX,- Integrantes de asociaciones exhortaron a las comisiones de Justicia, Derechos Humanos, Desarrollo Familiar y Grupos en Situación de Vulnerabilidad y de la Gran Comisión, en particular a la diputada Laura Esther Beristaín Navarrete, a reconsiderar la penalización del VIH y a bajar esta iniciativa, que pretende colocar a las personas con VIH bajo un estatus de posibles criminales.

“No podemos permitir acciones que criminalidad y penalicen y mucho menos a partir de un partido que supuestamente abraza las causas y dieron a conocer una agenda donde va trabajar con los grupos de riesgo, entonces no está siendo congruente el partido y mucho menos sus integrantes en este caso la diputada de la comisión de salud”, expresó Roberto Guzmán, de Red + Posithiva de Quintana Roo AC, organismo que se unió a ICW México y UNAYAC.

Este llamado se hizo a través de una carta entregada en la ciudad de Chetumal a los grupos ya mencionados, en donde expresan los puntos a consideración, a sabiendas que estas comisiones son responsables de dictaminar la iniciativa de “Decreto por el que se reforma el Artículo 113 y se adiciona dentro de la sección tercera delitos contra la sociedad, el titulo séptimo, delitos contra la salud pública”, la cual pretende reformar el artículo 113 del código penal y castigar de 5 a 25 años con prisión a quien contagie o infecte con virus peligrosos a otras personas.

Ante esto, manifestaron en la carta algunas precisiones que pidieron fueran tomadas en cuenta para evitar así una iniciativa “que atenta contra la dignidad y promueve el estigma hacia las personas con VIH”, entre las que destacan:

La importancia de impulsar acciones a favor del reconocimiento de los derechos humanos de las mujeres en el orden internacional de los diversos instrumentos que en esta materia ha suscrito y ratificado el Estado mexicano; no buscar castigo para las conductas que se perciben como dolosas en relación al VIH y otras infecciones sexuales, ya que la evidencia científica  señala que la prevención del VIH no se logra con medidas punitivas, sino con políticas en salud pública que faciliten acciones que promuevan cambios a nivel estructural.

Mencionaron también que la penalización favorece el estigma y la discriminación hacia personas con VIH, incluyendo a las niñas, niños, adolescentes y mujeres, por lo que resulta contradictorio impulsar acciones que contravienen a la dignidad de estos grupos vulnerables; la dificultad de determinar la causalidad, el dolo, la intencionalidad ya que intervienen diversos factores en la trasmisión del VIH, como: la posibilidad de la trasmisión, el tipo de exposición, el uso o no del condón, la etapa de la infección, sí lleva tratamiento antirretroviral o no, si tiene carga detectable o no, si existen enfermedades concomitantes, el estado de la pareja receptora y los acuerdos establecidos entre parejas.

Enfatizaron que las medidas punitivas como las que se pretende legislar, podrían obstaculizar y afectar las diversas acciones multisectoriales en materia de prevención, detección y atención del VIH en nuestro Estado. Podría influir a que las personas que se perciban con factores de riesgo ante el VIH, omitan realizarse una detección temprana a fin de no conocer su estado serológico en virtud de prevenir un posible proceso penal. 

Además de que el contenido en específico de esta iniciativa de “Peligro de contagio” podría provocar que la responsabilidad jurídica de la prevención del VIH recaiga solamente en quienes viven con VIH, y con ello podría invisibilizarse el mensaje de salud pública de que las parejas sexuales tienen responsabilidad compartida sobre su salud sexual. Y que este tipo de adecuaciones al Código Penal promoverán mayores niveles de estigma y discriminación hacia las diversas poblaciones con VIH y sus familias.

Contrario a esto, relataron en la carta, deberían etiquetar recursos para prevenir, detectar y atender oportunamente el VIH; mejorar la calidad e integralidad de los servicios de atención otorgados desde los CAPASITS y hospitales del sector salud; y disminuir el estigma y la discriminación hacia las poblaciones afectadas por el VIH y otras ITS. 

Mexico: Senator in Quintana Roo presents initiative to sentence people living with HIV to up to 25 years in prison in cases of alleged HIV transmission

PRD proposes 25 years of imprisonment to anyone who transmits HIV in Quintana Roo.

Laura Esther Beristáin Navarrete, a local senator from the PRD, presented an initiative to the Congress of Quintana Roo to sentence with up to 25 years in prison those who transmit HIV to another person.

The initiative has been described as stigmatising and a violation of the human rights of people living with the virus.

Faced with the proposal of the PRD, a group of civil organisations that fight against HIV, among them the Positive Network of Quintana Roo, ICW Mexico and Unayac, addressed a letter to the local congress in which they ask the Commission for Justice, Human Rights, Family Development and Vulnerable Groups to discard this initiative to criminalise people with HIV.

“We will not allow AIDS to be penalised by a party like the PRD, who claims to fight for the underprivileged and social causes” said Roberto Guzman, a member of the Positive Network of Quintana Roo.

The initiative seeks to reform Article 113 of the local Penal Code in order to include in the third section about “Crimes against Society”, a point that will detail crimes that threaten public health. In this way, those who transmit HIV to another person will be punished with a sentence of up to 5 to 25 years in prison.

The activists said that if this amendment to article 113 was approved, it would undermine the dignity of people living with HIV by listing them as alleged criminals, and warned that the initiative has as a background the promotion of stigma towards this population.

They also clarified that Mexico has signed international agreements in favour of the rights of people with the virus and against its criminalisation.

“The evidence points out that to prevent HIV, punitive measures are not recommended, but public health policies that promote structural changes are,” said Guzmán, who insisted that the penalty will directly affect other prevention strategies, as people will resist having an HIV test out of fear of stigma, which will interfere with the timely detection of the virus and its treatment.

In response to the demands of civil society, Beristaín defended her proposal and said that the initiative is not against people with HIV, but seeks to care for the health of the inhabitants of the state and punish those who pose a threat against it.

Finally she invited the activists to read the initiative in full. “The proposal has nothing against infected people. The only thing that seeks to take care of the health of the Quintana Roo society, it is not criminalising anyone, “said the deputy.


Laura Esther Beristáin Navarrete, senadora local de la bancada del PRD, presentó una iniciativa ante el Congreso de Quintana Roo para castigar con hasta 25 años de prisión a quienes transmitan el VIH a otra persona. La iniciativa ha sido calificada de estigmatizadora y de ir en contra de los derechos humanos de las personas que viven con el virus.

Frente a la propuesta de la perredista, un grupo de organizaciones civiles que luchan en contra del VIH, entre las que se encuentra La Red Positiva de Quintana Roo, ICW México y Unayac, dirigieron una carta al congreso local en el que solicitan a las comisiones de Justicia, Derechos Humanos, Desarrollo Familiar y Grupos Vulnerables que descarten dicha iniciativa por criminalizar a las personas con VIH.

“No permitiremos que se penalice el Sida por un partido como el PRD, que afirma luchar por los desvalidos y las causas sociales, anunciaron que la propia sociedad de Cancún trabajará por los grupos de riesgo”, declaró Roberto Guzmán, integrante de la Red Positiva de Quintana Roo.

La iniciativa busca reformar el artículo 113 del Código Penal local con el fin de incluir en la tercera sección los “Delitos contra la Sociedad”, punto en el que se detallarán los crímenes que atentan contra la salud pública. De esta forma, se castigará con una pena de 5 a 25 años de cárcel a quienes transmitan el VIH a otra persona.

Los activistas señalaron que de ser aprobada esta reforma al artículo 113 se atentaría contra la dignidad de las personas que viven con VIH al catalogarlas como presuntos criminales, además, alertaron que la iniciativa tiene como trasfondo la promoción del estigma hacia este sector poblacional. Asimismo, aclararon que México ha firmado convenios internacionales a favor de los derechos de las personas con el virus y en contra de su criminalización.

“Las pruebas señalan que para que la prevención del VIH no se recomiendan medidas punitivas, sino políticas de salud pública que promuevan cambios estructurales”, comentó Guzmán, quien insistió en que la penalización afectará de forma directa otras acciones de prevención, pues las personas se resistirán a hacerse una prueba de VIH por temor al estigma, lo cual se interpondrá en la detección oportuna del virus y en su tratamiento.

Ante los reclamos de la sociedad civil, Beristaín defendió su propuesta y dijo que la iniciativa no está en contra de las personas con VIH, sino que busca cuidar la salud de los habitantes del estado y castigar a quienes atenten contra ella. Finalmente invitó a los activistas a leer de forma completa la iniciativa.

“La propuesta no tiene nada en contra de las personas infectadas. Lo único que busca es cuidar la salud de la sociedad quintanarroense, no se está criminalizando a nadie”, señaló la diputada.

Con información de Milenio y Noticaribe. Imagen tomada del Congreso del Estado de Quintana Roo.

US: Plus magazine journalist writes about the latest case of HIV criminalisation in Florida highlighting how the law discriminates against those living with HIV

US: Help stop criminalisation laws in Pennsylvania by signing petition to express your opposition to Bills proposing to expand the current laws criminalising people living with HIV

HIV Is a Medical Condition, Not a Crime. STOP HIV Criminalization Laws in Pennsylvania!

Target: PA Rep. Dom Costa and PA House Judiciary Committee

Dear Pennsylvania Community Members, Colleagues & Supporters:

We, the Positive Women’s Network-USA Pennsylvania Chapter, oppose all forms of criminalization against people living with HIV in our communities, including those who are currently incarcerated.

Two current PA House Bills, HB 305 & 306, if passed, will expand the current laws criminalizing people living with HIV or suspected of having HIV within the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections.

Please sign this petition to express your opposition to PA House Bills 305 & 306.

To: PA Rep. Dom Costa and PA House Judiciary Committee

From: [Your Name]

Pennsylvania House Bills PA-HB 305 and PA-HB 306, if passed, will expand the current laws criminalizing people living with HIV or suspected of having HIV within the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. HIV is a medical condition, not a crime. Laws criminalizing perceived HIV exposure are extremely damaging to efforts at prevention and treatment, are stigmatizing to people living with HIV, and violate the human rights of people living with HIV.

Our communities stand united as Pennsylvanians in our view that criminalization of people living with HIV is wrong. We, the Positive Women’s Network-USA Pennsylvania Chapter and allies, oppose all forms of criminalization against people living with HIV in our communities, including those who are currently incarcerated.

We urge you to reject HB 305 and HB 306.

US: Law review article examines Louisiana's HIV-specific law and its discriminatory nature

This law review article summarizes the science of HIV and the historical background of HIV and HIV-related stigmas in the United States (“U.S.”). It delves into statistics about HIV diagnoses in the U.S. and Louisiana, and the disproportionate impact that HIV has on southern communities and communities of color. It then examines Louisiana’s HIV-specific law, introduced in 1987 and not updated since 1993, identifies the ineffectiveness and discriminatory nature of the law, how it is contrary to public health efforts, and calls for science and logic based revisions to it.  It also reviews several Louisiana HIV criminal cases.  Finally, the article acknowledges that solely changing the HIV criminal statute will not remove the stigma associated with HIV, and proposes mandatory public health training for law enforcement officers and prosecutors to combat implicit biases and HIV stigma.

The full article is availaible here

Norway: Activists concerned about latest proposals to change Norway's HIV law

Critical to changes in section 237 of the Criminal Code

Reidar Engesbak, April 26, 2017

(Google translation from, original post below)

The government last week presented a proposal – Prop. 120 L (2016–2017) – for penalties on transmission of infection and endangered spread of infection.

The Ministry of Justice’s submitted to the Storting a proposal for amendments to section 237 of the Criminal Code, which mainly follows the recommendations of the statutory committee that were appointed on the basis of criticism of the current criminal law regulation.

The law committee resulted in the NOU “About Love and Cooling Tower – Criminal Justice in Major Infectious Diseases.”

“I am pleased that we now propose a regulatory framework that addresses the medical development,” said Per-Willy Amundsen, Deputy Minister of Justice, in a press release.

The proposal entails, among other things, clarification that criminal liability is not imposed when appropriate contingency measures have been observed. This includes, among other things, successful medical treatment of HIV infection. Emphasis has been placed on the fact that the knowledge base on the treatment of HIV infection has changed in recent years and that the infection risk from well-treated HIV-positive individuals must be considered minimal.

The government also proposes a change in the Criminal Procedure Act, which allows the police to routinely investigate the infectious status of persons suspected of rape or other serious sexual assault.

“The proposal means that we can be clarified faster than today if the victims have been exposed to a risk of infection. It is important for the government to strengthen the offender’s position in criminal matters, and this change will contribute to that, “Amundsen said in the press release.

Contrary to UNAIDS ‘recommendations

The user organization New Plus – Hivpositives National Association is not so excited. The proposals, according to New Plus’s view, involve a number of things that will worsen the legal situation of those living with HIV.

“What is positive with the bill is that it is suggested that you can not prosecute people who have been negligent and that it is now necessary to commit gross negligence in order to be prosecuted,” said Kim Fangen, Managing Director of New Plus.

New Plus nevertheless believes that the boundary is still unclear. “It is still not the case that actual transmission of infection will be required in order to be punished. Consequently, the provision will still violate UNAIDS ‘recommendations, which state that punishment can only be used where there is a person who is aware that he or she has HIV or with the knowledge and willingness to infect another and infection is actually transmitted.

A little impractical

The proposition is for people to be treated for successful treatment to be exempted from punishment. It’s a suggestion New Plus applaudes. “However, the proposal implies that one can only be exempted from punishment after successful treatment and has been with his partner for prior infection prevention guidance from healthcare professionals, as well as the consent of the partner after this. This scheme applies today only to persons living in marriage or marriage-like relationships. The Ministry therefore wishes to extend the personal circle that will be covered in principle, it will apply to all,” said Fangen to Blikk Nett.

New Plus believes the scheme is impractical. “We can hardly see for ourselves that you want to bring a man for two weeks to the GP to get such consent. It will soon become most relevant for those who have been together for so long that one will nevertheless be covered by today’s wording about marital-like relationships. In any event, this means that an obligation to inform sexual partners is forced for persons who are nevertheless not infectious. People who are on successful treatment will not be able to transfer infection to others, says Fangen, and refers to statements by Professor Jens Lundgren at Rigshospitalet in Denmark.

“When you know at the same time how little knowledge exists in the society about HIV, this means that you can quickly find yourself in a very vulnerable situation to those you want to have sex with, without even jeopardizing the other.

Increased penalty frame

The Ministry of Justice’s proposal also wishes to raise the penalty frame for gross negligence from 3 to 6 years through a new provision in the Act. “This is very serious because it sends a signal about the severity of these actions and could make it even more stigmatizing to live with HIV,” Kim Fangen points out.

“We know that most infections occur when the person who has the virus does not even know that they are infected. These penalties will continue to hit people who have, in their ignorance, exposed others to infectious persons and people who can not actually infect anyone, but because they have not been open about status and conducted infectious guidance can be punished nevertheless. This is believed to mean that fewer will be open about HIV status and that people living with HIV will feel further stigmatized, “said Kim Fangen to Blikk Nett.

“We therefore see no reason to cheer over this and will continue the fight to completely decriminalize HIV.

Kritisk til endringer i Straffeloven § 237

Regjeringen la forrige uke fram et forslag til straffebestemmelser om smitteoverføring og allmennfarlig smittespredning.

Justisdepartementets proposisjon (Prop.120L) til Stortinget et forslag til endringer i Straffelovens paragraf 237, som i hovedsak følger opp anbefalingene til lovutvalget som ble oppnevnt på bakgrunn av kritikk mot den gjeldende strafferettslige reguleringen.

Lovutvalget resulterte i NOU-en «Om kjærlighet og kjøletårn — Strafferettslige spørsmål ved alvorlige smittsomme sykdommer.»

– Jeg er fornøyd med at vi nå foreslår et regelverk som tar opp i seg den medisinske utviklingen, sa justis- og beredskapsminister Per-Willy Amundsen (FrP) i en pressemelding.

Forslaget innebærer blant annet en klargjøring av at straffeansvar ikke pådras når forsvarlige smitteverntiltak er iakttatt. Dette omfatter blant annet vellykket medisinsk behandling av hivsmitte. Det er lagt vekt på at kunnskapsgrunnlaget om behandling av hivsmitte har endret seg de siste årene, og at smitterisikoen fra velbehandlede hivpositive personer må anses som minimal.

Regjeringen foreslår også en endring i straffeprosessloven som åpner for at politiet rutinemessig kan undersøke smittestatusen til personer som er mistenkt for voldtekt eller andre alvorlige seksuelle overgrep.

– Forslaget innebærer at vi raskere enn i dag kan få avklart om fornærmede har blitt utsatt for smittefare. Det er viktig for regjeringen å styrke fornærmedes stilling i straffesaker, og denne endringen vil bidra til det, sa Amundsen i pressemeldingen.

Strider mot UNAIDS’ anbefalinger

Brukerorganisasjonen Nye Pluss – Hivpositives landsforening er ikke så begeistret. Forslagene innebærer etter Nye Pluss sitt syn en rekke ting som vil forverre den juridiske situasjonen for de som lever med hiv.

– Det som er positivt med proposisjonen, er at det foreslås at man ikke kan straffeforfølge personer som bare har vært uaktsomme, og at det skal nå kreves grov uaktsomhet for å kunne straffeforfølges, sier Kim Fangen, daglig leder i Nye Pluss.

Nye Pluss mener likevel at grensegangen fortsatt er uklar.

– Det er fortsatt ikke slik at faktisk smitteoverføring vil kreves for at man skal kunne straffes. Følgelig vil bestemmelsen fortsatt stride mot UNAIDS’ anbefalinger, som statuerer at straff bare kan brukes der det er snakk om at en person enten er klar over at hen har hiv, eller med viten og vilje går inn for å smitte en annen og smitte faktisk overføres.

Lite praktisk

Proposisjonen går inn for at personer på vellykket behandling skal fritas fra straff. Det er et forslag Nye Pluss applauderer.

– Forslaget innebærer dog at man bare kan fritas fra straff om man er på vellykket behandling og har vært med sin partner til forutgående smittevernveiledning hos helsepersonell, samt fått samtykke fra partneren etter dette. Denne ordningen gjelder i dag bare for personer som lever i ekteskap eller ekteskapslignende forhold. Departementet ønsker dermed å utvide personkretsen som vil omfattes til at den i prinsippet vil gjelde alle, sier Fangen til Blikk Nett.

Nye Pluss mener ordningen er lite praktisk.

– Vi kan vanskelig se for oss at man vil ta med seg en man har datet i to uker til fastlegen for å få et slikt samtykke. Det blir fort mest aktuelt for de som har vært sammen såpass lenge at man uansett vil dekkes av dagens ordlyd om ekteskapslignende forhold. Uansett betyr dette at man tvinger frem en informasjonsplikt overfor seksualpartnere for personer som uansett ikke er smittefarlige. Personer som er på vellykket behandling vil ikke være i stand til å overføre smitte til andre, sier Fangen og viser til uttalelser fra professor Jens Lundgren ved Rigshospitalet i Danmark.

– Når man samtidig vet hvor lite kunnskap som finnes i samfunnet om hiv, gjør dette at man fort setter seg i en veldig sårbar situasjon overfor de man vil ha sex med, uten at man selv utgjør noen fare for den andre.

Økt strafferamme

Justisdepartementets proposisjon ønsker i tillegg å heve strafferammen for grov uaktsomhet fra 3 til 6 år gjennom en ny bestemmelse i loven.

– Dette er svært alvorlig fordi det sender et signal om alvorlighetsgraden av disse handlingene og vil kunne gjøre det ytterligere stigmatiserende å leve med hiv, påpeker Kim Fangen.

– Vi vet at de fleste smitteoverføringer skjer der personen som har viruset ikke selv vet at hen er smittet. Disse straffebestemmelsene vil forsette å ramme personer som i sin uvitenhet har utsatt andre for smittefare og personer som i realiteten ikke kan smitte noen, men som fordi de ikke har vært åpne om status og gjennomført smitteveiledning vil kunne straffeforfølges likevel. Dette tror vi vil medføre at færre vil være åpne om hivstatus og at personer som lever med hiv vil føle seg ytterligere stigmatisert, sier Kim Fangen til Blikk Nett.

– Vi ser dermed ingen grunn til å juble over dette og vil fortsette kampen for å avkriminalisere hiv fullstendig.

[Update]Mexico: Legislation to criminalise HIV transmission withdrawn in San Luis Potosi State Congress

A House Representative withdraws opinion/ruling that would criminalize HIV transmission in San Luis Potosi

The opinion/ruling with draft decree that was intended to add the crime of risk of contagion to the penal criminal code of the State of San Luis Potosi was withdraw The document established penalties and sanctions to whom or who put someone else at risk of contagion of  “a venereal disease or other serious infective period”.

A Member of San Luis Potosí friends fight against AIDS  /, Andrés Costilla Castro denounced than this initiative was an attempt against the dignity  of PLHIV and promoted stigma towards PLHIV in San Luis Potosí and  because of that, they demanded for such decree to be eliminated.

The document was presented by Esther Angelica Martinez Cardenas of the PRI and approved by justice committees; Health and Social Welfare.

Costilla Castro reiterated that this initiative would put people with HIV under a status of potential criminals, and that it opposed their dignity as persons, attempting to take away human rights and stigmatising them because of a health condition.

The opinion/ruling read as follows:

The offence of contagion is committed if a person puts someone in danger of contagion, knowing they are suffering from a venereal disease or other serious illness during an infectious period, putting in danger of contagion the health of another person, by sexual intercourse, or other transmissible method; shall be sentenced from one month to three years in prison, and up to forty days of the value of the unit of measurement and valid update. If the condition or disease was incurable, a sentence of six months to five years in prison shall be imposed. In  the case of spouses, boyfriends or concubines, only the case could proceed following a complaint by the offended party.

The opinion/ruling was removed during the session on Thursday to be analyzed again by the committees involved in the issue.

Diputada retira dictamen para penalizar el contagio de VIH en SLP

Fue retirado el dictamen con proyecto de decreto que planteaba  la adición del delito de Peligro de Contagio al Código Penal del Estado de San Luis Potosí. El documento establecía penas y sanciones a quien o quienes pongan a otra persona en riesgo del contagio de “una enfermedad venérea u otra grave en período infectante”.

Por su parte el integrante de la organización Amigos Potosinos en Lucha Contra el Sida, Andrés Costilla Castro denunció que esta iniciativa  atenta contra la dignidad y promueve el estigma hacia las personas con VIH en San Luis Potosí por lo que solicitaron fuera bajado este dictamen.

El documento, fue presentado por la priista Esther Angélica Martínez Cárdenas y aprobado por las Comisiones de Justicia; y Salud y Asistencia Social.

Costilla Castro reiteró que esta iniciativa colocaría a las personas con VIH bajo un estatus de posibles criminales, contraviniendo a su dignidad como personas, a tentando a sus derechos humanos y estigmatizándolos por su condición de salud,

El dictamen marcaba lo siguiente:

Comete el delito de peligro de contagio quien, a sabiendas de que padece una enfermedad venérea u otra grave en período infectante, ponga en peligro de contagio la salud de otra persona, por relaciones sexuales, u otro medio transmisible; será sancionado de un mes a tres años de prisión, y hasta cuarenta días del valor de la unidad de medida y actualización vigente

Si la enfermedad padecida fuera incurable se impondrá la pena de seis meses a cinco años de prisión. Cuando se trate de cónyuges, concubinarios o concubinas, sólo podrá procederse por querella de parte ofendida

El dictamen fue retirado durante la sesión de este jueves para ser analizado nuevamente por las comisiones involucradas en el tema.

Published in La Orquesta on March 17, 2017


First article published on March 16, 2017 (English google translation, scroll down for Spanish article)

Congress a step away from criminalising HIV transmission…Again

The Secretary of health, international treaties and activists are against the proposal.

By María José Puente

This Thursday, in a plenary session, the State Congress will vote on a draft decree that adds the crime of Danger of Contagion to the Penal Code of the State of San Luis Potosí. If approved, the new legislation establishes penalties and sanctions to those who put someone else at risk of contagion of “a venereal or other serious illness when being infectious.”

The document, already approved by the Justice Commissions; and Health and Social Services , was presented to the Congress by Esther Angélica Martínez Cárdenas, from the PRI group. There, the deputy says that it is necessary for the Potosino penal code to adopt the federal standard, where the crime is mentioned and allows for a penalty of up to 5 years in prison, equal to the one raised in the State decision.

The text reads:

“The offense of contagion is committed by a person who, knowing that he suffers from a venereal or other serious illness in an infectious period, endangers the health of another person by sexual intercourse or other transmissible means; Will be sanctioned from one month to three years in prison, and up to forty days of the value of the current unit of measurement and update.

If the illness suffered is incurable, a sentence of six months to five years’ imprisonment shall be imposed. In the case of spouses, or concubines, the case may only proceed following a complaint by the offended party “.

For the organizations that defend the rights of the LGBT population and the Ministry of Health at the national and even state level, this homologation is not only anachronistic, but it  also puts at risk the population suffering from ilnesses such as those mentioned there and particularly those who have been or may be diagnosed with HIV or AIDS.


In October of 2016, Juan Manuel Carreras, governor of San Luis; In conjunction with the Women’s Institute, attempted a similar legislative move, presenting a package of initiatives aimed at preventing violence against women.

The argument, said in an interview Jeús Paul Ibarra Collazo , head of Red Diversificadores Sociale was directed in such a way because the rate of contagion of women by way of their spouses could increase because part of the male population, openly heterosexual, actually had sexual relations with other homosexual men, contracted the disease and then, continued at the same time with their female partner, which resulted in her being infected as well.

Ibarra Collazo recognizes that the male homosexual population leads the statistics of HIV or AIDS, because by keeping alive what he calls internalized homophobia, the spread of the disease through sexual contact between men increases the number of cases.

Regardless of this, the Ministry of Health sent a press release specifically addressed to Juan Manuel Carreras, who asked him to take a second look at the initiative because, according to international treaties to which Mexico is a signatory, the measure that the governor and the IMES intended to boost is useless.

The National Center for Prevention and Control of HIV / AIDS of the Ministry of Health calls for an analysis of this proposal in the framework of international and national recommendations in this area, since criminalization or criminalization of people with HIV is not a public policy that helps to reduce and control the epidemic, quite the contrary, it has been shown that the establishment of restrictions, indications or penalties for people with HIV does not prevent them from spreading the virus and there is little evidence that Criminal sanctions will ‘rehabilitate’ a person so as to avoid future risk behavior of HIV transmission, “the statement said.

After reception of the document and after a dialogue between the state agencies, Red Diversificadores Sociales and the pressure of the group Amigos Potosinos in Fight against Aids, the initiative seemed to have been withdrawn; However, this March 16, again and after already having been approved by the aforementioned committees, the article will be voted on by the 27 deputies that make up the Congress, without it being clear whether Congresswoman Esther Angélica Martínez Cárdenas is aware or not of the previous initiative.


  Although the Ministry of Health points out that “imposing penalties can only be justified in case of conduct that is legally condemnable, so that criminal law based on this objective can only legitimately be applied to a subset of cases of HIV transmission” it also highlights that “this does not have anything to do with the primary goal of preventing HIV transmission. “

This can also be seen as presented by APELCS : “It is very difficult to determine causality, deceit, intentionality and various factors involved in the transmission of HIV”, and also, as stated by Paul Ibarra, and reaffirmed by the Ministry of Health, establishing punitive measures for the contagion of HIV or any other disease could inhibit the will of the key subjects to undergo the screening tests that finally have proven to be a palliative way to avoid transmission.

That is, when there is a penalty for contagion, it automatically pose a warning sign on the carriers, whether men, women, children or girls, which can facilitate discrimination and stigma on a disease that, with the advance of science and effective public policies of prevention, has ceased to be a death sentence for a large part of the population.

APELCS , on the other hand, exhorts “the members of the Health Commissions; Justice and social services; In particular to Congresswoman Esther Angélica Martínez Cárdenas to reconsider the criminalization of HIV and to lower this initiative, as they would put people with HIV under the status of potential criminals, in contravention to their dignity as persons, undermining their human rights and stigmatizing them for their Health condition “.

Paul Ibarra , on the other hand, points out what seems to be obvious and that is that there is a dislocation between the powers of the state, since the return of this attempt to change the Criminal Code, denotes that the deputy who is promoting it did not take into account the antecedent in October, nor was aware of the pronouncement against by the Ministry of Health, RDS and APELCS scarcely 5 months ago.

Published in La Orquesta on March 16, 2017


Congreso, a un paso de penalizar el contagio de VIH… Otra vez

Secretaría de Salud, tratados internacionales y activistas están en contra de la propuesta.

Por María José Puente

Este jueves, en el Pleno del Congreso del Estado será votado un dictamen con proyecto de decreto que plantea la adición del delito de Peligro de Contagio al Código Penal del Estado de San Luis Potosí. De aprobarse, la nueva normativa establece penas y sanciones a quien o quienes pongan a otra persona en riesgo del contagio de “una enfermedad venérea u otra grave en período infectante”.

El documento, ya aprobado por las Comisiones de Justicia; y Salud y Asistencia Social, fue presentado en el Congreso por Esther Angélica Martínez Cárdenas, de la bancada priista. Ahí, la diputada expone que es necesario que el código penal potosino tome de molde la norma federal, donde el delito mencionado sí se contempla y establece una pena que puede llegar a los 5 años de prisión, igual que lo plantea el dictamen estatal.

Textualmente, en el dictamen se lee:

“Comete el delito de peligro de contagio quien, a sabiendas de que padece una enfermedad venérea u otra grave en período infectante, ponga en peligro de contagio la salud de otra persona, por relaciones sexuales, u otro medio transmisible; será sancionado de un mes a tres años de prisión, y hasta cuarenta días del valor de la unidad de medida y actualización vigente.

Si la enfermedad padecida fuera incurable se impondrá la pena de seis meses a cinco años de prisión. Cuando se trate de cónyuges, concubinarios o concubinas, sólo podrá procederse por querella de parte ofendida”.

Para las organizaciones de defensa de los derechos de la población LGBT y la propia Secretaría de Salud a nivel nacional y hasta estatal, dicha homologación es no solo anacrónica, sino que pone en riesgo a la población portadora de enfermedades como las que ahí se señalan y particularmente a quienes han sido diagnosticados o podrían serlo con VIH o Sida.


En octubre de 2016, Juan Manuel Carreras, gobernador de San Luis; en conjunto con el Instituto de las Mujeres intentó una movida legislativa similar, presentando un paquete de iniciativas que tenían como objetivo prevenir la violencia contra las mujeres.

El argumento, dice en entrevista Jeús Paul Ibarra Collazo, titular de Red Diversificadores Sociales; se dirigía en el sentido de que el índice de contagio de mujeres por la vía de sus cónyuges podría ir en aumento porque parte de la población masculina, abiertamente heterosexual, en realidad mantiene relaciones sexuales con otros hombres homosexuales, contrae la enfermedad y luego, al continuar con su pareja mujer, ella también resultaba contagiada.

Ibarra Collazo reconoce que la población homosexual masculina lidera la estadística de contagio de VIH o Sida, pues al mantenerse vivo lo que él llama homofobia interiorizada, el contagio y diseminación de la enfermedad por contacto sexual entre hombres incrementa el número de casos.

Independientemente de ello, la Secretaría de Salud envió un comunicado de prensa específicamente dirigido a Juan Manuel Carreras, a quien le pidió echar un segundo vistazo sobre la iniciativa pues, según tratados internacionales a los que México está suscrito, la medida que el gobernador y el IMES pretendían impulsar es inservible.

El Centro Nacional para la Prevención y Control del VIH/Sida de la Secretaría de Salud hace un llamado para que se analice esta propuesta en el marco de las recomendaciones internacionales y nacionales en la materia, ya que la penalización o criminalización de las personas con VIH no es una política pública que ayude a la disminución y el control de la epidemia, muy por el contrario está demostrado que el establecimiento de restricciones, señalamientos o penas a personas con VIH no impide que propague el virus y existe poca evidencia de que las sanciones penales ‘rehabilitarán’ a una persona de modo que evite un comportamiento futuro de riesgo de transmisión del VIH” sentencia el comunicado.

Recibido el documento y tras un diálogo entre las dependencias estatales, Red Diversificadores Sociales y la presión del grupo Amigos Potosinos en Lucha contra el Sida, la iniciativa parece haber sido retirada; sin embargo, este 16 de marzo, nuevamente y ya aprobado incluso por las comisiones mencionadas, el dictamen será votado por los 27 diputados que integran el Congreso, sin que quede claro si la diputada Esther Angélica Martínez Cárdenas tiene conocimiento de la iniciativa anterior.


 Aunque la Secretaría de Salud apunta que “imponer penas solo puede justificarse en conductas que sean jurídicamente condenables, de modo que el derecho penal basado en este objetivo solo puede aplicarse legítimamente a un subconjunto de casos de transmisión del VIH” también remata que “esto no tiene nada que ver con el objetivo principal de prevenir la transmisión del VIH”.

Eso puede también verse como lo plantea APELCS: “Es muy difícil determinar la causalidad, el dolo, la intencionalidad ya que intervienen diversos factores en la trasmisión del VIH” además, como también secunda Paul Ibarra y reafirma la Secretaría de Salud, establecer medidas punitivas por el contagio de VIH o cualquier otra enfermedad podría inhibir la voluntad de los sujetos clave para someterse a las pruebas que finalmente sí han demostrado ser un paliativo para evitar el contagio.

Es decir, que al existir una pena por el contagio, automáticamente se establece una señal de alerta sobre los sujetos portadores, sean hombres, mujeres, niños o niñas, lo que puede favorecer la discriminación y el estigma sobre una enfermedad que, con el avance de la ciencia y las políticas públicas efectivas de prevención, ha dejado de ser, para una buena parte de la población, una sentencia de muerte.

APELCS, por su parte, exhorta “a las y los integrantes de las Comisiones de Salud; Justicia y asistencia social; en particular a la Diputada Esther Angélica Martínez Cárdenas a reconsiderar la penalización del VIH y a bajar esta iniciativa, pues colocarían a las personas con VIH bajo un estatus de posibles criminales, contraviniendo a su dignidad como personas, atentando a sus derechos humanos y estigmatizándoles por su condición de salud”.

Paúl Ibarra, por otro lado, señala lo que a ojos vistas parece saltar y es que existe una desarticulación entre los poderes del estado, pues el regreso de este intento de modificación al Código Penal, denota que la diputada que la promueve no tomó en cuenta el antecedente de octubre, ni tuvo conocimiento del pronunciamiento en contra hecho por la Secretaría de Salud, RDS y APELCS hace escasos 5 meses.

Published in La Orquesta on March 17, 2017

[Update] US: Utah House Judiciary Committee approves bill making it a criminal offense to engage in consensual sexual activity without disclosing known HIV-positive status

Utah committee approves bill that increases penalties for failing to disclose HIV-positive status – Measure would also make it a crime to have consensual sex without disclosing infection.

Sexual offense convictions would carry an enhanced penalty if the perpetrator is HIV-positive under a bill approved Friday by the House Judiciary Committee.

Committee members voted 9-2 in favor of HB369, which calls for a one-step increase in charges for offenses perpetrated by individuals with HIV or AIDS.

The proposal also would make it a class A misdemeanor to engage in otherwise consensual sexual activity if people fail to disclose their HIV status to their sexual partners.

Rep. Justin Fawson, R-North Ogden, said his bill’s class A misdemeanor “nonconsensual sexual conduct” charge is comparable to a charge of reckless endangerment. And while treatment and medication can significantly minimize the risk of spreading infection, Fawson said, people still put their partners in danger by failing to disclose their status.

“There is no way to reduce the risk to zero,” he said. “There’s no way.”

Equality Utah Executive Director Troy Williams said there are already criminal enhancements in Utah code for “bodily harm,” which would cover the intentional or reckless spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

He said the state should encourage HIV-positive individuals to get tested and receive treatment and is worried that HB369 could undermine STI prevention efforts by focusing on status rather than actions.

“We should absolutely be enhancing penalties for intent and harm, but not the health status of the perpetrator,” he said. “We would want to do everything in our power to open the doors to encourage people to be tested.”

Rep. Dixon Pitcher, R-Ogden, asked Williams whether the state’s compassion for a person who is HIV-positive should outweigh the compassion for a person who is infected without warning.

“It’s unconscionable to me that somebody would have sex with somebody without disclosing what they are carrying,” Pitcher said.

But Williams said compassion is not mutually exclusive, cautioning lawmakers against taking steps that target individuals based on their health.

“It is moving us down a path of stigmatizing and criminalizing people who live with HIV,” he said.

Will Carlson, a representative for the Statewide Association of Prosecutors, said applying the law in court could be challenging, because it requires proof beyond a reasonable doubt that perpetrators were aware of their HIV-positive status.

“Proving that a defendant knew, at the time, that a sexual act occurred, may be problematic,” he said.

The committee considered several amendments to the bill, including one that would have broadened the criminal enhancement to the transition of any sexually transmitted infection. That amendment failed, and Fawson suggested that additional changes could be made when HB369 reaches the House floor.


Utah House Judiciary Committee discuss passing law that would classify HIV non-disclosure as rape

Bill Charging HIV/AIDS Patients with Rape if they Don’t Disclose Held

Legislation that criminalizes sexual situations involving HIV/AIDS sufferers who knowingly engage in sex without informing the other person was held Wednesday by the House Judiciary Committee.

HB 369 – Sexual Offenses and Statutory Nonconsent Amendments, sponsored by Representative Justin Fawson (Republican – North Ogden), amends statutory nonconsent to sexual activity to include sexual contact in situations where a person who is knowingly infected with HIV or AIDS and engages in sexual activity with a person who is unaware of their illness.

Will Carlson, representing the Statewide Association of Prosecutors, agrees with the legislation’s intent – however, he feels that it goes too far. “We join with the representative in searching out ways to prevent its spread. We appreciate the idea that the best and healthiest form of intimacy is a fully-informed intimacy,” said Carlson. “But with first-degree felonies, which is the heaviest hammer the criminal justice system can offer, this does not do what the sponsor is trying to do. This does not say if you have a crime and the offender is HIV-positive then that crime is enhanced. This says if you are HIV-positive and you are intimate, this is a crime unless you’ve disclosed your status.”

Troy Williams, executive director of Equality Utah, called the bill “a punitive approach” that further stigmatizes those who suffer from HIV or AIDS and could actually result in a reduction in HIV testing. “Like all people, we want to see a reduction in HIV infections. We want HIV-positive members of the LGBTQ community to be tested, know their status, and to not feel stigma in disclosing their status with intimate partners,” said Williams. “This proposed legislation could actually have the opposite effect. By increasing HIV-related stigma and potential criminal consequences for knowing and sharing one’s HIV-positive status, this bill could actually discourage HIV testing and disclosure. There’s no evidence that laws targeting people living with HIV for criminal penalties actually reduce the number of new cases of HIV or improve public health in any way.”

Like the others who testified, Ron Gordon, executive director of the Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, also feels that HB 369 simply goes too far. “The question of whether that should have any kind of enhancement might be one proper for discussion, but this bill goes much further than that and takes conduct that right now would not be criminal at all and would make that a first-degree felony rape,” said Gordon. “That’s the concern that my commission has, is that it goes from being lawful under current law to first-degree felony rape. That’s a very big jump in our criminal code.”

Representative Karianne Lisonbee (Republican – Clearfield) believes the legislation is fine the way it is. “I really don’t see the problem with this bill. I think informed consent means informed consent. Whether the disease is transmitted or not, the person should inform, the person should disclose. If they don’t, it should be a crime because they are potentially infecting another person with a deadly disease. I don’t have a problem with this language.”

Representative Brian Greene (Republican – Pleasant Grove) agrees that something needs to be done but questioned going as far as labeling it as rape. “The question has been raised, shouldn’t this be criminal? Shouldn’t having sexual relations with somebody, an infected person having those relations with somebody else and not disclosing that be criminal? I think we all agree that it ought to be, but the question is should it be rape?” said Greene.

Greene also believes the statute itself needs fixing. “This is a problematic statute. It’s a poorly drafted statute, and we continue to come back to it and try to add new elements rather than fixing the statute,” said Greene. “I think [HB 369] just perpetuates the problems.” In 2015, Greene came under fire when he questioned whether engaging in sex with an unconscious person is rape in every instance while discussing legislation in the same section of code. Greene later apologized for his remarks.

Representative Brian King (Democrat – Salt Lake City) moved to hold the bill, a motion which unanimously passed. Fawson told committee members he would work on the bill and bring it back in a couple of days.

Published on Utah Political Capitol on February 22, 2017