Lambda Legal Urges Congress to Pass the REPEAL HIV Discrimination Act

Lambda Legal is voicing its support the REPEAL HIV Discrimination Act, which would encourage states to reconsider laws and practices that unfairly target people with HIV for consensual sex and conduct that poses no real risk of HIV transmission. Scott Schoettes, Lambda Legal’s HIV Project Director, says: “The more messages we can send to states to modernize or eliminate HIV criminalization laws the better—and that is exactly what this bill does. It is high time the nation’s HIV criminalization laws reflect the current reality of living with HIV, both from medical and social perspectives. Except for perhaps the most extreme cases, the criminal law is far too blunt an instrument to address the subtle dynamics of HIV disclosure.”

Bahrain: Proposed law would require people with HIV to obtain judges' permission to marry

Bahrain citizens suffering from a hereditary or incurable disease – such as sickle cell anaemia, HIV, and hepatitis – will need to get permission from the courts to get married under a new draft bill currently being considered by the government, it has been reported. Under the current law, in place since 2004, it is compulsory for all engaged couples to get a certificate from the Health Ministry that states they have undergone premarital check-ups, where they are tested for hereditary diseases such as sickle cell anaemia and thalassaemia, and incurable diseases like HIV, and hepatitis.

While the outcome of the check-ups does not currently restrict them from going ahead with the marriage, a new bill could mean those who test positive for any of the hereditary or incurable diseases will need to get permission from the courts to pursue the marriage, according to a report by Gulf Daily News. A draft of the law is now before the National Assembly for revision. However, the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs has already objected to the move and said it was against Sharia Law and basic human rights to stop anyone marrying someone they want to on the grounds of their health conditions. A doctor who is behind the proposal reportedly said “it was essential for judges to take the decision in such cases to prevent emotions from getting in the way.”

Nigeria: Yobe state assembly plans mandatory couples HIV testing before marriage

The Speaker of the Yobe House of Assembly, Alhaji Adamu Dala Dogo, has disclosed that the House would soon pass a law which would make it mandatory for all intending couples to undergo HIV/AIDS test before their marriages in any church or mosque in the state. He said this was to help prevent the spread of the scourge in the state, as it was on the increase.

The law, according to the speaker, is expected to be passed before the end of the year and would be useful in the efforts to ensure that the scourge of AIDS in the state is “remarkable curtailed.” “The spread of this deadly virus can only be effectively prevented from spreading among the people through ‘genuine tests’ on HIV/AIDS, particularly on all intending couples that want to get married.”

Keeping Confidence: HIV and the criminal law from service provider perspectives (HJN, 2013) (3 of 4)

The Keeping Confidence one day conference was a free event to discuss findings from a report that we produced in conjunction with Birkbeck College. For more detailed information on the project please follow this link to the project description page:

Overview of updated 2013 BHIVA/BASHH position paper, ‘HIV transmission, the law and the work of the clinical team’

Dr Mary Poulton, Consultant and Clinical Head, Sexual Health and HIV, Kings College Hospital

Video produced by

Haiti: Alleged sex workers 'rounded up' by justice officials working for the Ministry of Social Affairs and tested for HIV

JACMEL, Haiti ( – Authorities in Jacmel rounded up young girls spending time in the cafés of the city in order to test them for AIDS and according to the Commissioner of Jacmel, Antoine Jean Frero, in the first week, 9 young women regularly found at two of the city’s cafés tested positive for HIV. The idea was to encourage young girls with precarious lifestyles in Jacmel to get tested. The effort was being carried out by justice officials and the Ministry of Social Affairs. Commissioner Frero said in the first café authorities had nabbed 3 women who tested positive for AIDS and on the first cafe and 6 were found to have AIDS covered.

Grenada: Health Minister proposes new HIV-specific criminal law

People who intentionally transmit HIV/AIDS to unsuspecting partners may soon find themselves on the wrong side of the law in Grenada, according to Health Minister, Dr. Clarice Modeste-Curwen.  “There are those who are saying when they discover their positive status, I ain’t going down so alone”, she told Parliament. However, Modeste-Curwen is warning that in due course, legislation would be tabled in Parliament to force culprits to take legal responsibility for their actions. She said it is a matter of concern when one hears on the street that an infected person was planning to infect unsuspecting persons because they would have discovered that they are themselves infected by the disease.

Grenada: Health Minister claims HIV-specific criminal law needed to prevent 'deliberate' transmission

ST GEORGE’S, Grenada, Thursday April 18, 2013 – Health Minister Dr, Clarice Modeste is concerned about people who are wilfully transmitting the HIV virus to others and believes that legislation should be enacted to deal with them once there is evidence that a person is being exposed to the virus as a means of revenge.

Switzerland: Swiss Federal Supreme Court rules that criminal HIV exposure or transmission is no longer necessarily a serious assault

The Swiss Federal Supreme Court has ruled that HIV infection may no longer be automatically considered a serious assault, due to improved outcomes in life-expectancy on antiretroviral therapy.

A news article on the ruling, featuring Groupe sida Genève‘s spokesperson, Deborah Glejser, appeared (in French) in yesterday’s Le Temps.

Case 6B_337/2012 was heard on 19th March 2013 and published on Wednesday.  This note, written by Sascha Moore of Groupe sida Genève, explains the ruling in detail.

In a recent ruling, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court revisited its long standing jurisprudence on the severity of an HIV infection. Since 1999 (BGE 116 IV 125), any transmission or attempted transmission of HIV has been deemed to inflict or attempt to inflict severe harm and qualifies thus as an offence under article 122 of the Swiss Criminal Code relating to serious assault.

The appellant had appealed his conviction by the Superior Court of the Canton of Zurich under both article 122 and article 231 of the criminal code pertaining to transmission of human diseases for transmitting HIV to a sexual partner. The Superior court had imposed a 30 month partially suspended custodial sentence.

In the third part of his appeal, the appellant objected to the qualification of transmission of HIV as a serious injury on the grounds that, although still an incurable chronic medical condition, HIV infection is well managed thanks to current medical treatment. Life expectancy of individuals living with HIV is now nearly equal to those of persons not infected and as a result of this progress transmission should only qualify as common assault under article 123 of the criminal code.

The Federal Court agreed with the appellant to the extent that recent scientific progress and current treatment options lead to the conclusion that HIV infection does not necessarily constitute a serious threat to life. The Court nevertheless held that HIV infection still causes complex and life-long physiological and psychological changes which in some cases may lead to serious or even life threatening harm.

The ruling in effect overruled the Federal Court’s own jurisprudence that held that HIV infection is a serious injury that qualifies as serious assault and allows a finding of serious assault only if the facts of the case warrant. It thus imposes a duty on lower courts to determine in every case brought before them whether the transmission or attempted transmission qualifies as common assault under article 123 or rather as serious assault under article 122 of the criminal code.

Serious assault is punishable with a custodial sentence not exceeding 10 years, whereas the maximum sentence for common assault is 3 years. The courts reversal will certainly limit some sentences to the maximum of 3 years for common assault whereas the average sentence for HIV transmission or attempted transmission had previously varied from 2 to 4 years in cases where 122 and 231 were applied concurrently.

As opposed to serious assault which is prosecuted ex officio (without complaint), common assault is prosecuted ex officio only for those exceptions provided in paragraph 2 of article 123 that cover use of poison or weapons, assault on persons in the care of the accused or unable to defend themselves and finally assault on spouses, registered partners or cohabitating partners.

The Federal Court rejected the appellant’s other contentions that the lower court had arbitrarily rejected the appellant’s defence invoking the victim’s consent to unprotected sexual relations as well as that the Court had erred in determining that the appellant was indeed the person who infected the victim. The Court did not follow the appellant’s argument there was sufficient doubt as to the victim’s testimony to benefit the accused.

The case is remanded to the Superior Court for a fresh determination whether the conduct in question may be qualified as common or serious assault.


Kan. health agency pledges to protect AIDS/HIV patients from quarantines, clearing bill's path

TOPEKA, Kansas – A promise from Kansas’ health department Thursday to continue protecting AIDS and HIV patients from being quarantined has resolved a dispute over a legislative proposal for helping medical personnel and emergency workers who may have been exposed to infectious diseases.

Botswana’s draconian Public Health Bill approved by Parliament, BONELA will challenge it as unconstitutional once President signs into law (Update 3)

Update: April 5th 2013

Very disappointing news from Botswana. The Public Health Bill – including all of its draconian provisions on HIV – has been approved by Parliament.

BONELA issued this press release last week just prior to the vote.


We knew that the Public Health Bill will be back in Parliament for further debate. However, we had anticipated that the Ministry of Health would heed calls made by stakeholders such as BONELA, UNAIDS, WHO, SALC, AIDS Alliance, ARASA, Ditshwanelo and other concerned Batswana and make amendments to the bill, particularly on the controversial, offensive and invasive provisions.

To our utter shock, the Ministry of Health intends to make no changes to the bill at all; even with the benefit of information on best practices availed to them. This to us; is a clear case of indifference and a deliberate plan to violate people’s rights.

BONELA and its stakeholders have done all that is possible to raise awareness, especially to the general public who would be affected by this law. It is now up to MPs to propose and vote on the amendments.

If MPs fail or decide not to discharge that constitutional mandate, as concerned stakeholders, we would know that our MPs are happy to see people’s rights being violated-that they are happy to see Batswana being tested for HIV without their consent, happy to give doctors sole mandates on deciding when and what to do with patients without consultations.

We would also know that MPs by failing to do their duty are happy to see litigants in court pleading not to be tested for HIV because their government want them to. Moreover, we would know that our MPs are happy to place responsibilities of sexual matters ONLY on those who are HIV positive by agreeing with forceful disclosure to all potential sexual partners by people living with HIV even if they are using protection.

Lastly, our MPs will be happy to see that whoever seeks dental services is required to do an HIV test before such services are meted.

It is therefore, in the hands of MPs to exercise their power to propose and vote for a sound Public Health bill. It is in your hands……

According to this APA piece, published on Wednesday, the Bill was approved by parliament. BONELA is now waiting for Botswana President, Ian Khama, to sign the Bill into law before it can approach the High Court to challenge the offending clauses as unconstitutional.

Botswana’s Health Minister, Dr John Seakgosing on Tuesday said the Public Health Bill, which seeks among other things, to isolate people who infect others with sexually-transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS, while knowing their status, will apply to Members of Parliament, cabinet ministers and even the president.

He explained to APA in an interview that the Bill that was passed last week, will not apply only to ordinary citizens.

According to Seakgosing, if the president, ministers and legislators are found to be infecting others carelessly, they will be brought before the courts where the magistrate will take a decision to isolate them from the public.

While he explained that the Bill does not seek to empower medical practitioners to force clients to undergo tests, but Clause 104 (3) (b) provides that “the director or a person authorised by him may where necessary and reasonable, require a person or a category of persons to undergo an HIV test”. Clause 104 (4) then provides that “where a person required to undergo a test under Clause 104 (3) refuses to do so, the director may apply to a magistrate for an order requiring that person to undergo the test.”

But some HIV/AIDS activists are up in arms saying the Bill will reverse the gains achieved in fighting the HIV scourge as it encourages discrimination.

AIDS advocacy group Botswana Network on Ethics Law and HIV/AIDS (BONELA) says it intends to take the government to court over the Public Health Bill that has been approved by parliament.

BONELA director, Uyapo Ndadi, said in an interview that his organisation is only waiting for President Ian Khama to sign the Bill into law before it can approach the high court to challenge certain clauses in it as they are unconstitutional.

Update: December 14th 2012

The Public Health Hill has been shelved until next February thanks to the advocacy against the “outrageous” HIV-related provisions (see below) spearheaded by the Botswana Network on Ethics, Law and HIV/AIDS (BONELA). That’s the good news this morning, according to Uyapo Ndadi, BONELA’s Executive Director:

I am happy to inform you that the outrageous Public Health Bill has been shelved, at least until next year February when parliament resumes business. Our collective advocacy has helped to thwart cabinet’s plans to have the bill passed into law during this sitting.

I am happy to further inform you that UNAIDS has also written to our government to remove the draconian provisions from the bill.

It is now hoped that in the intervening months, BONELA and other human rights advocates will add to the pressure created by UNAIDS to make the Government see that in order to save face internationally, they must either substantially rewrite the Bill or drop it completely.

Update: December 11th

Disappointing and worrying news today from BONELA:

Parliament yesterday voted in favour of passing the Bill from the 2nd reading stage to the Committee stage. Amendments to the Bill may be made at the Committee stage. It means that our efforts to get the Minister to withdraw the bill for lack of consultation have failed. Our hope now is that Parliament will remove from the bill the draconian parts of it.

A report in BOPA daily news highlights the debate yesterday

The Member of Parliament for Lobatse, Mr Nehemiah Modubule says he does not support the Public Health Bill in its current state. Debating the bill in parliament on Thursday, Mr Modubule said it should first be put into perspective, as some of the clauses are contradictory. He argued that they would have a hard time trying to amend such clauses if the bill passes to the committee stage. He noted that consultations with some stakeholders such as Botswana Network on Law and AIDS (BONELA) were not done. Furthermore, he said, the minister of health should have done justice to the bill by deferring it for further consultations, as some clauses touch on customs and practices of Batswana.

In his contribution, the MP for Moshupa, Mr Mokgweetsi Masisi supported the bill, arguing that prevention and control of diseases is not peculiar to Botswana, more so that new communicable diseases continue to emerge. Mr Masisi said the bill conforms to international practices in terms of public health, adding that consultations had been done and they should not delay the bill.

Original post: December 10th

On Friday, Botswana’s Parliament debated the proposed Public Health Bill which contains some shocking and regressive HIV-related provisions that, according to a strongly-worded press release from the Botswana Network on Ethics, Law and HIV/AIDS (BONELA) “have no place in a democratic and modern day Botswana..that are counter-productive, discriminatory, unconstitutional and barbaric.”

The relevant passages of the Bill are available to download here (Botswana Public Health Bill 2012.pdf, 1.4MB)

Some of the most problematic provisions as highlighted by BONELA, are below.

Clause 104 (3) b – empowering medical practitioners to force their patients to undergo HIV tests without their consent.

The Director, or any person authorised by him or her, may, where necessary and reasonable require a person or a category of persons to undergo an HIV test.

Clause 105 (2) b – empowering doctors to test patients without their knowledge.

A medical practitioner responsible for the treatment of a person may conduct an HIV test without the consent of that person where —  (b) the medical practitioner believes that such a test is clinically necessary or desirable in the interests of that person.

Clause 109 (3) – allowing surgeons or dentists to test a patient for HIV before deciding on whether to carry out a non-urgent procedure.

Where, in the opinion of a medical practitioner, nurse or dental practitioner, the surgical or dental procedure is not urgently required in respect of a person, the medical practitioner, nurse or dental practitioner may require the person to undergo an HIV test before carrying out that procedure.

Clause 116 (1) – mandating HIV disclosure to all potential sexual partners or care giver and allowing prosecution for placing another at risk.

A person who is aware of being infected with HIV or is carrying and is aware of carrying HIV antibodies shall — (a) take all reasonable measures and precautions to prevent the transmission of HIV to others; (b) inform, in advance, any sexual contact or care giver or person with whom sharp instruments are shared, of that fact; and (c) not place another person at risk of becoming infected with HIV.

Clause 116 (7)  empowering doctors to disclose their patient’s HIV status to their sexual partner without their consent.

A medical practitioner who is responsible for the treatment of a person and who becomes aware that the person has not, after a reasonable opportunity [disclosed their HIV status] may, after consultation with an approved specialist medical practitioner, inform any sexual contact or care giver of that person of the HIV or HIV antibody status of that person.

Clause 116 (9-12) –  limiting the right to freedom of movement for people with HIV without sufficient legal checks and balances.

(9) The Director or any officer representing the Director may, in writing, apply to a magistrate for an order where the Director reasonably believes that a person infected with HIV — (a) is not complying with this Part; b) knowingly or recklessly places another person at risk of becoming infected with HIV without the knowledge of that person of the infected person’s HIV status; or (c) is likely to continue the behaviour referred to in paragraph (b).  (10) For the purpose of subsection (9), a magistrate may make any or all of the following orders — (a) an order that the person infected with HIV undergo such medical and psychological assessment as the Minister determines; (b) an order imposing restrictions on the person for a period not exceeding 28 days; or (c) an order requiring that the person be isolated and detained by a person, at a place and in the manner specified in the order for a period not exceeding 28 days. (11) In making an order in respect of a person under subsection (10), a magistrate shall take into account the following matters — (a) whether, arid by what method, the person transmitted HIV; (b) the seriousness of the risk of the person infecting other persons; (c) the past behaviour and likely future behaviour of the person; and (d) any other matter the magistrate considers relevant. (12) The Director may, in writing, apply to a magistrate to renew an order made under subsection (10) for a further period or periods not exceeding 28 days.

According to BONELA, the Bill appeared from out of the blue without any public consultation.

We are concerned by government attitude and tendency of introducing Bills in Parliament and debating them before engaging all stakeholders, including the civil society and Batswana as a whole. We know that the Botswana Health Professions Council is not aware of this Bill for they have not been consulted on it. As custodians of health we expect them to be intimately involved as this Bill is going to affect the way they work. This bill is significant in the lives of all of us and we therefore call upon [Minister of Health] Reverend Dr. John G.N. Seakgosing [contactable via phone on +267313632521] to withdraw it and if he refuses to, we urge MPs to reject it.

Although the Bill was discussed last Friday – and a copy of the Bill obtained only then – Parliament adjourned before voting, but will continue this week.  Action, therefore, is urgently required.