HIV Criminalization: A Concept That Has to Be Talked About
by Emili Ema Sedlar
The topic of HIV is an issue many people are uneducated in, especially when bringing up different complex fragments that are connected with HIV and how they influence the lives of people living with HIV. Unfortunately, most people today lack knowledge, understanding and curiosity in the basic information on HIV, thus many don’t know how understand how laws and policies impact people living with HIV. This is where the issue of HIV criminalization comes in–a topic that many, unfortunately, don’t think about these days, since many don’t know it exists or do not understand its impacts. But it has become one of the most crucial issues for HIV/AIDS activists today.
According to the Center for HIV Law and Policy, in 36 US states, people living with HIV have been arrested, accused and prosecuted against for having consensual sex, biting and spitting. In addition to this, since 2008, there have been more than 260 cases reported of HIV criminalization under states in which there are HIV specific laws and in states where there were broad terms for bodily fluids or sex work. Because of these gruesome and unjust laws, people living with HIV are a specific target, living in fear and stigmatized for their status. Also, many people are illiterate about these prejudiced laws, which break the basic principles of human rights and instead of asking questions; many ignore the issue of HIV criminalization that is present in their country. This kind of mentality has to be stop, and an open educational and informational dialogue has to begin.
Unfairness in the justice system
Monique Howell is a veteran who served in the US army. She is now a stay-at-home mom of three boys and a motivational speaker. “I have been criminalized for living with HIV for nondisclosure by having unprotected sex with another soldier. I was put on trial. The other soldier did not get the virus,” Howell explained.
Furthermore, Howell described that if convicted, she was looking at 8 to 12 years. “They moved me out of my house and into a single soldier barracks where I was monitored day in and out while on trial. They ended up dropping all my charges and released me out the military,” Howell further illustrated.
Howell knows many others fighting today against HIV criminalization and pointed out how this is a long, challenging road to bringing justice to many today who are accused of criminal acts for living normal lives with HIV. “The SERO Project has been working countless hours trying to make these laws accurate and up to date. Not only the SERO Project, but others have started campaigns and partner up, including PWN-USA with the SERO Project, to come together with ideas on how we can continue to head in the right direction with HIV criminalization,” she finally added.
Hope to Educate About HIV Criminalization
Toward the end of the conversation, Howell depicted how she still has hope of creating a society in which people will be educated about HIV and changing the laws that stigmatize and create fears for those living with HIV. “My hopes is that we are treated fairly and not treated based off society’s ignorance. We must educate one another.”
Ken Pinkela was in the US army for 29 years. He is currently working with the SERO Project as the Military Policy Director and runs communications/social media for the project. Pinkela was falsely accused and prosecuted for HIV exposure by an Army Lieutenant. “With no investigation or evidence of any kind (physical or medical), I was courtmartialed and convicted of then an aggrevated assault (which was later dropped to assault and battery via an important US Air Force HIV case).”
The US military does not have authorization nor do they have a congressinally authorized charge related to anything HIV, Pinkela revealed. Pinkela emphasized how he has received unfair and unjust treatment from the Army, in which he was stopped from being deployed and having overseas assignments. Even though there has been slow progress in the military, the changes have still been valuable; one of them is the US Air Force case, “US vs. Gutierrez,” in which the court has recognized the benefits of advanced medicine and science. However, even though this kind of recognition exists, there are issues that still negatively impact service members who are HIV positive.
“HIV positive service members are singled out and given an order that is known as the Safe Sex Order, which threatens that any sexual contact with or without a condom is subject to prosecution, even if the service member discloses their HIV status,” clarified Pinkela.
Moreover, Pinkela illustrated how service memebers living with HIV are seen as sexual deviants; thus there is a big gap between those who are HIV negative and those who are positive. In the end, Pinkela described how he hopes that the HIV Discrimination Act will be passed. Just this year in March, the bill (HR 1739) was re-introduced in the US House of Representatives.
Perspectives from advocates and activists
In the last couple of years, there has been significant progress and work into modernizing HIV specific laws. For example, in 2016, Colorado modernized their STI codes, which included the repeal of HIV specific status. Their coalition effort was spearheaded by Positive Women’s Network – USA Colorado.
In 2014, Iowa modernized their HIV specific laws. Tami Haught is one of the activists who helped change those laws, where she led community forums to educate communities, lobby legislators and organized CHAINS’s state lobby day. This kind of initiative started way back in 2004 and was active in 2009, when many activists and advocates gathered and realized they needed to bring a change.
Currently, Haught is the SERO Project’s Organizing and Training Coordination and is helping and supporting different states to modernizes their HIV specific status. Haught explained that one of the greatest issues of HIV criminalization is the lack of knowledge about this problematic issue. “People living with HIV are generally aware of these laws. The general public is very unaware about basic HIV facts. People are still unaware of how HIV is transmitted so a lot of misinformation is still available to people.”
Haught described that with HIV criminalization can come another horrific factor that deeply impacts a person’s life: sex offender registration. One of the worst case scenarios of an HIV criminalization case came from Iowa. “One-time sexual encounter, protection was used, person living with HIV was medically adherent ad virally suppressed, so there was no exposure to HIV–zero risk of harm. However, Iowa’s law was a disclosure law, the person living with HIV was unable to prove disclosure, so he was charged, convicted, and sentenced to 25 years of jail and lifetime sex offender status. This was consensual sex between two adults,” explained Haught.
However, the judge reconsidered his case and he was released from prison. Once the law was modernized in 2014, people accused of HIV criminalization were removed from the sex offender registry list.
Everyone matters to us
Haught explained how today, the SERO Project is doing everything they can to help not only modernize the laws, but to help people impacted by HIV criminalization laws. They have their own Survivor’s Network which offers different programs to support those who need the most. “Cindy Stine communicates with people and runs the Christmas Card project to send greeting to people currently incarcerated to let them know they matter and are not forgotten, offering hope and hopefully comfort to a group of people other would ignore or throw away. Everyone matters to us,” said Haught.
Kamaria Laffrey is currently fighting against HIV criminalization as the Florida Community Organizer for The SERO Project. Laffrey mentioned how more and more people today are aware of the problematic issue of HIV criminalization, since there are many networks collaborating together in the fight against HIV criminalization. “The SERO Project, PWN, The Center for HIV Law & Policy, HIV Justice Worldwide and many others are instrumental in building skills for advocates to go into their communities and educate other people living with HIV, public health experts, legislators, law enforcement entities, and even trauma center response facilities,” explained Laffrey.
However, Laffrey also revealed the situation in Florida when it comes to HIV criminalization. “The laws in Florida were passed in 1986. Between the years of 1988-2016, Florida has convicted 99 people under HIV criminalization laws. These laws differ by region, demonstrating differences in behavior, prosecutor attitudes or local political culture. Of those 99 cases, 53 of them were women. As of 2014, women accounted for 28% of all people living with HIV; however made up 54% of those convicted under the laws,” explained Laffrey.
A future to collaborate with different activists
Laffrey’s future plan is to help out people that are victims of HIV criminalization; she will organize and collaborate with different networks working to eradicate HIV criminalization laws. “I personally plan to continue to conduct the workshop Be the Change You Seek: Engaging in a Resistant Community to challenge people to understand that the vagueness of our laws is intentional, and that we don’t have to accept them just because they are on the books when they are used to wrongfully prosecute a group of people,” explained Laffrey.
In the same way, one of her greatest hopes for other activists and advocates is to fight for education, so that people will become more aware and conscious about the unfairness of HIV criminalization laws and the way they impact people’s lives. That way, people will be able to fight together to change these outdated, discriminatory laws.