RT @EbaPatrick: HIV criminalization preconference #beyondblame opens @aids2016 with full room #HIVrights @Lzloures @HIVJusticeNet https://t…
RT @HIVJusticeNet: There is some good news. Some #HIVcriminalisation laws are being opposed and defeated #BeyondBlame #AIDS2016 https://t.c…
RT @HIVJusticeNet: “Criminalisation leads only to violations of human rights” — Dr Herminie #BeyondBlame #AIDS2016 https://t.co/gyuue8thvD
RT @HIVJusticeNet: “It’s a bit sad that after all these years we still have to have these meetings.” Johanna Kehler #BeyondBlame https://t.…
Women are disproportionately penalized under laws that criminalize HIV transmission or non-disclosure #ChallengeCrim #BeyondBlame #AIDS2016
“I am making a direct call. @potus, have the courage to sign an executive order to end #HIVcriminalisation.” Pinkela #BeyondBlame #AIDS2016
RT @HIVJusticeNet: Where HIV prosecutions have taken place: @edwinjbernard #BeyondBlame #AIDS2016 https://t.co/Jv0wg8n2qc
RT @HIVJusticeNet: A standing ovation for #HIVcriminalisation survivor Kerry Thomas, speaking from prison. #BeyondBlame #AIDS2016 https://t…
Stirring testimonies, calls for #decriminalization from #BeyondBlame #AIDS2016 @AIDS_Free_World @_ARASAcomms @HIVJusticeNet @Uganetlaw
“No evidence was produced, no medical, no physical, nothing but an allegation.” Kenneth Pinkela on his prosecution #AIDS2016 #BeyondBlame
RT @_ARASAcomms: “Durban is indeed where we broke the conspiracy of silence. It is…here that we must end the tragedy of HIV criminalisati…
“In technical terms, I’ve been erased” after incredible 26-yr career and 272 days in military prison based on allegation only #BeyondBlame
–@BarbCardell– laws were being used as a blunt force instrument to get women, youth and homeless to admit to lesser laws #BeyondBlame
Horrifying cases of #HIV criminalization. HT and thx. Rosemary Namiburu: Uganda, Kenneth Pinkela, Kerry Thomas: USA #BeyondBlame #AIDS2016
3rd inspiring speaker, Lt. Col. Kenneth Pinkela, dismissed 4 weeks ago from US army as result of appellate process #BeyondBlame
“How can we reach 90-90-90 when we are unjustly criminalizing HIV?” @HIVJusticeNet @TheSeroProject #BeyondBlame at #AIDS2016
.@BarbCardell shares incredible examples of intersectionality within fight to repeal HIV crim in Colorado. #BeyondBlame
–@BarbCardell– Not only are HIV criminalisation laws offensive, they are bad science. #BeyondBlame
Breakout session happening now at #BeyondBlame: HIV criminalisation and the intersection with other criminalised and marginalised groups
“HIV treatment works! We just have to get the law to follow. Ben Young of @IAPAC #BeyondBlame #AIDS2016 https://t.co/FwrzUtovI0
“you have died of peer review” someone help this guy @trevorhoppe #AIDS2016 #BeyondBlame #Sociology https://t.co/Tc1i9NohmF
RT @Wanameme: @EbaPatrick of @UNAIDS says criminalisation undermines efforts to end HIV #BeyondBlame @KELINKenya @HIVJusticeNet
RT @Wanameme: Kerry Thomas says HIV is #BeyondBlame. He joined the preconference via phone from prison in Idaho, USA. @KELINKenya https://t…
#ChallengeCrim #BeyondBlame #AIDS2016 Should failure 2 disclose HIV status 2 partner lead 2 jail time? (Vote,Rt)
“Emotional support is just as important… how do you deal with stigma from other inmates on a day-to-day basis?” Kerry Thomas #BeyondBlame
Question from audience at #beyondblame “Why do we allow these HIV Criminal cases to continue, it is not fair” @aids2016 what do we do?
RT @HIVJusticeNet: “The movement is growing, it is still led by people with HIV, but we have so many others on our side.” @edwinjbernard #B…
RT @benyoungmd: Using tech to have Kerry Thomas address #BeyondBlame from prison for HIV exposure, despite condom/undetectable VL. https://…
Как мы можем достигнуть цели 90-90-90, когда мы несправедливо криминализуем ВИЧ? @HIVJusticeNet @TheSeroProject #BeyondBlame at #AIDS2016
“Imagine 50,000 orgasms. That’s a lot of fluid.” Ben Young on the effectiveness of TasP. We’re all imagining… #BeyondBlame #AIDS2016
RT @kenpinkela: Colorado shares success in #Durban #AIDS2016 #beyondblame @BarbCardell @PatSteadman @TheSeroProject @uspwn https://t.co/F1U…
“I am now a burden on the very society that I chose to defend, and I did nothing wrong.” @kenpinkela #BeyondBlame #AIDS2016
RT @Wanameme: “Criminalization can never be a solution to any health problem” Dr Herminie (Seychelles) #BeyondBlame @KELINKenya https://t.c…
RT @Wanameme: @EbaPatrick of @UNAIDS says Criminalisation undermines efforts to end HIV #BeyondBlame @KELINKenya #AIDS2016 https://t.co/O3V…
RT @Wanameme: @EbaPatrick “Parliament shouldn’t be an unexpected ally but a critical one in efforts to end HIV criminalisation” #BeyondBlam…
RT @Wanameme: Dora (UGANET) shares a recent petition filed to challenge sections of HIV Law in Uganda #BeyondBlame @KELINKenya https://t.co…
#BeyondBlame hears live from Kerry Thomas from Idaho prison – 30 yr sentence for #HIV nondisclosure despite condom, undetectable viral load
Powerful stories of advocacy against unjust #HIV #criminalization from Colorado, Kenya, Uganda & Australia at #BeyondBlame
Ken Pinkela, US army soldier, tells of prosecution for #HIV non-disclosure based on mere allegation contradicted by evidence #BeyondBlame
RT @bencriley: “As you hear our stories remember we have friends, co-workers, families, entire communities that are affected.” Kenneth Pink…
Healthcare providers also face #HIV criminalization. Rosemary Namiburu, nurse (Uganda). #BeyondBlame #AIDS2016 @IAPAC
“I am now a burden on the very society I chose to defend.” #BeyondBlame #AIDS2016
RT @_ARASAcomms: Attendees from 36 different countries at #BeyondBlame, the largest HIV de-criminalisation pre-conference to date #AIDS2016
RT @EbaPatrick: Kerry Thomas speaks to #beyondblame at @aids2016 from Idaho prison – says “HIV is beyond blame” https://t.co/i5JEwBFp70
RT @uspwn: #HIV Crim laws r blunt force instrument against sex workers youth, Trans, women- @BarbCardell #BeyondBlame #AIDS2016 https://t.c…