Press Conference (AIDS 2012)

HIV Criminalization – An Epidemic Of Ignorance?

Laws and prosecutions that single out people with living with HIV are ineffective, counterproductive and unjust.

As delegates from around the world met in Washington DC at AIDS 2012 to discuss how to “end AIDS” through the application of the latest scientific advances, this press conference highlighted how laws and policies based on stigma and ignorance are not only creating major barriers to prevention, testing, care and treatment, but also seriously violating the human rights of people living with HIV.

Hosted by (in alphabetical order): The Center for HIV Law & Policy / Positive Justice Project, United States; Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+), Netherlands; HIV Justice Network, United Kingdom/Germany; INA (Maori, Indigenous & South Pacific) HIV/AIDS Foundation, New Zealand; The SERO Project, United States; Terrence Higgins Trust, United Kingdom; UNAIDS, Switzerland.

Chaired by Paul de Lay, Deputy Executive Director, UNAIDS, Switzerland


– Nick Rhoades, HIV criminalization survivor, United States [from 03:28]
– Marama Pala, former complainant, New Zealand [from 09:15]
– Edwin J Bernard, Co-ordinator, HIV Justice Network/Consultant, GNP+ [from 14:35]
– Laurel Sprague, Research Director – SERO, United States [from 23:15]
– Lisa Fager Bediako, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation/ Positive Justice Project, United States [from 33:10]

Video produced by Nicholas Feustel,, for the HIV Justice Network

HIV prosecutions: global ranking (AIDS 2012)

Presented by Edwin J Bernard at 19th International AIDS Conference, Washington DC, July 22-27, 2012.

Video produced by Nicholas Feustel,, for the HIV Justice Network

Introduction by Susan Timberlake [00:00]
Introduction by Laurel Sprague [01:54]
Start of Edwin J Bernard’s presentation [03:33]
Slide 01: Overview [04:40]
Slide 02: Global Commission on HIV and the Law [05:19]
Slide 03: Case Study: Take a Test, Risk Arrest [05:21]
Slide 04: Global Overview of Laws and Prosecutions [08:29]
Slide 05: Law Enforcement: Top 30 Jurisdictions [09:47]
Slide 06: Law Enforcement Hot Spots [10:58]
Slide 07: Top 15 Global HIV Criminalization Hot Spots [11:19]
Slide 08: Focus On Africa [12:09]
Slide 09: Focus On Africa: Positive Developments [13:08]
Slide 10: Focus On Europe and Central Asia [14:10]
Slide 11: Focus On Europe and Central Africa: Positive Developments [15:18]
Slide 12: Oslo Declaration on HIV Criminalisation [17:45]

Updated abstract based on final data

Criminal prosecutions for HIV non-disclosure, exposure and transmission: overview and updated global ranking

E.J. Bernard (HIV Justice Network, Berlin, Germany/ Criminal HIV Transmission (blog), Brighton, UK)
M. Nyambe (Global Network of People Living with HIV, GNP+, Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Background: Many jurisdictions continue to inappropriately prosecute people living with HIV (PLHIV) for non-disclosure of HIV-positive status, alleged exposure and non-intentional transmission. Although most HIV-related criminal cases are framed by prosecutors and the media as being cases of ´deliberate´ HIV transmission, the vast majority have involved neither malicious intent nor has transmission actually occurred or the route of transmission been adequately proven.

Methods: This global overview of HIV-related criminal laws and prosecutions is based on latest data from GNP+ Global Criminalisation Scan and media reports collated on Final ranking will be based on the total number of prosecutions by July 1 2012 per 1000 PLHIV.

Results: At least 66 countries have HIV-specific criminal laws and at least 47 countries have used HIV-specific (n=20) or general laws to prosecute HIV non-disclosure, exposure or transmission. Despite growing national and international advocacy, prosecutions have not diminished, particularly in high-income countries, with the greatest numbers in North America. Since 2010, prosecutions have taken place in Belgium and Republic of Congo for the first time. In 2011, although HIV-specific laws were suspended in Denmark and rejected in Guyana, Romania passed a new HIV-specific criminal statute. In Africa, the continent with the most HIV-specific criminal laws but with few known prosecutions, Guinea, Togo and Senegal have revised their existing HIV-related legislation or adopted new legislation in line with UNAIDS guidance.

Conclusions: Given the lack or inadequacy of systems to track HIV-related prosecutions in most places, it is not possible to determine the actual number of prosecutions for every country in the world. These data should be considered illustrative of a more widespread, but generally undocumented, use of criminal law against people with HIV. Improved monitoring of laws, law enforcement, and access to justice is still required to fully understand impact on HIV response and PLHIV.

HIV Criminalisation Discourages HIV Testing, Creates Disabling and Uncertain Legal Environment for People with HIV in U.S. (Press Release)

The SERO Project: National Criminalization Survey

Washington, D.C. July 25, 2012

Preliminary data from the Sero Project’s ground-breaking survey of more than two thousand people living with HIV (PLHIV) in the U.S., released July 25, 2012, at the International AIDS Conference in Washington, D.C., reveals HIV criminalization is a significant deterrent to testing, accessing care and treatment for HIV:

• One quarter of respondents (25.1%) indicated they knew one or more people who told them they did not want to get tested for HIV because of fear of prosecution if they tested positive; more than 5% indicated that “many people” have told them this.

• Almost half of respondents (49.6%) felt it could be reasonable for someone to avoid testing for HIV, and 41.6% felt it could be reasonable to avoid HIV treatment for fear of prosecution.

“We expected the survey to show criminalization is a deterrent to HIV testing, but these findings indicate it is an even bigger obstacle than previously believed,” said Laurel Sprague, the project’s principal investigator who is also Sero’s Research Director. “The community’s response has been tremendous; it is obvious there is tremendous concern about HIV criminalization. I look forward to further analysis of the survey responses, including of those who are HIV negative or do not know their HIV status, which will be released in a report later this year.”

Sean Strub, Sero’s executive director and the founder of POZ Magazine, said “This is a wake-up call for public health officials and policymakers who have failed to recognize the extent to which HIV criminalization hampers efforts to combat AIDS. We’ve known for years that HIV criminal statutes do not achieve their intended purpose, to reduce HIV transmission. Now it is clear that these statutes are driving the epidemic, because of how they fuel stigma and discourage HIV testing and accessing the treatment that reduces transmission.”

Strub and Sprague are both long‐term HIV survivors and advocates who have championed self‐empowerment for people with HIV to combat stigma and improve health outcomes for themselves and their communities. The 2,076 people living with HIV in the United States who responded to the Sero survey also painted a disturbing picture of a disabling legal environment for people with HIV:

• More than a third (38.4%) reported they worried a few times or frequently about being falsely accused of not disclosing their HIV positive status; amongst transgendered persons that cigure rose to 60%.

• Respondents in the Midwest (45.9%) and South (40.9%) were more likely to express fear about false accusations than those in the West (35.1%) and Northeast (32.3%).

• Just less than two‐thirds (62.7%) of respondents were not certain whether or not their state required people with HIV to disclose their status to a partner before having sex, with the uncertainty highest in the Northeast (72.4%) and West (71.3%) and South (61.6%) and lowest in the Midwest (40.4%).

• There were significant regional differences amongst those reporting that they were informed about potential criminal liability at the time of their diagnosis. The highest rate was in the Midwest (28.8%) and South (14.8%) and lower rates were seen in the West (7.5%) and Northeast (4.1%).

• Respondents also indicated a lack of clarity about what could subject them to prosecution (47.7% “not clear”, 30% “somewhat clear” and 22.3% “completely clear”). Men reported a greater lack of clarity on this point.

The top reasons cited for disclosure were that it is “the right thing to do”, “to have honest relationships” and “not cause harm to another” or “to protect their partner”, not that it was required by law or because of fear of criminal prosecution. More than 8 in 10 PLHIV in the study said that they believe that sexual partners share equally in the responsibility for HIV prevention.

The detailed survey, which required 20 to 25 minutes to complete, was conducted online in June and July of 2012, and is the first in‐depth examination of the effect of HIV criminalization on people with HIV and one of the largest surveys of people in the U.S. with HIV ever conducted. Further results and analysis will be released later in the year.

The Sero Project is a not‐for‐profit human rights organization combating HIV‐related stigma by working to end inappropriate criminal prosecutions of people with HIV for non‐disclosure of their HIV status, potential or perceived HIV exposure or HIV transmission.

The Sero Project is supported by the Elton John AIDS Foundation, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS and the H. van Ameringen Foundation as well as many individual supporters. Special thanks to POZ Magazine, the North American regional affiliate of the Global Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS, the Positive Women’s Network, The Body and other community resources that assisted in survey promotion.

Special thanks also to Thom Riehle, Ian Anderson, Edwin Bernard, Regan Hofmann, Cecilia Chung, Julie Davids, Mark S. King and Alex Garner for their expertise and support.

Download the press release here.  More detailed preliminary data can be downloaded here.


HIV Criminalization – An Epidemic Of Ignorance? Press Conference at AIDS 2012 (Press Release)

For Immediate Release
Press Conference: 10am, Wednesday 25th July, Press Conference Room 2
HIV Criminalization – An Epidemic Of Ignorance?
Laws and prosecutions that single out people with living with HIV are ineffective, counterproductive and unjust.
As delegates from around the world meet this week in Washington DC at AIDS 2012 to discuss how to “end AIDS” through the application of the latest scientific advances, laws and policies based on stigma and ignorance are not only creating major barriers to prevention, testing, care and treatment, but also seriously violating the human rights of people living with HIV.
This is especially true in the United States, where 36 states and 2 territories have HIV-specific criminal statutes that single out people living with HIV as potential criminals. However, this growing epidemic of bad laws and prosecutions is a global problem that requires an internationally co-ordinated and concerted effort to overcome.
Come meet people living with HIV who have been involved in both sides of a prosecution as well as some of the experts and advocates who are part of a growing global movement, supported by UNAIDS and the UNDP-led Global Commission on HIV and the Law, working to ensure that the application of criminal laws, if any, to people living with HIV is fair, consistent, restrained, proportionate and appropriate, and serves justice without jeopardising public health objectives and fundamental human rights.
As well as two very personal stories that embody just how HIV criminalization is fundamentally wrong-headed and unjust, presentations will include:
·          New data on the Top 15 global HIV criminalization hot-spots
·          Preliminary results of SERO criminalization survey highlighting the devastating impact of HIV criminalization in the United States
·          The Positive Justice Project’s consensus statement and the latest information on Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s REPEAL HIV Discrimination Act
Hosted by (in alphabetical order): 
·          The Center for HIV Law & PolicyPositive Justice Project, United States
·          Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+), Netherlands
·          HIV Justice Network, United Kingdom/Germany
·          The SERO Project, United States
·          Terrence Higgins Trust, United Kingdom
·          UNAIDS, Switzerland
Chaired by Paul de Lay, Deputy Executive Director, UNAIDS, Switzerland, speakers will include:
·          Nick Rhoades, HIV criminalization survivor, United States
·          Marama Pala, former complainant, New Zealand
·          Edwin J Bernard, Co-ordinator, HIV Justice Network, and Consultant, GNP+ Global Criminalisation Scan
·          Laurel Sprague, Research Director – SERO, United States
·          Lisa Fager Bediako, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation/ Positive Justice Project, United States.
A question and answer session will follow.  The press conference will end at 10.45am.
To arrange interviews with any of the speakers please contact Edwin J Bernard via email or mobile.
Media Contact
Edwin J Bernard, Co-ordinator, HIV Justice Network
Mobile: +1.347.681.8411
Email: edwin(at)

HIV criminalisation at AIDS 2012 (updated July 23)

The main focus of the International AIDS Conference, taking place right now in Washington DC until July 29th might not be the criminalisation of HIV non-disclosure, potential exposure and transmission, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of sessions, meetings and activities related to HIV criminalisation taking place.

In fact, the impact of HIV criminalisation is creeping into much broader discussions and sessions, notably how the excitment of all these new prevention technologies (such as the additive preventative effect of treatment for people living with HIV, or ‘treatment as prevention’ and the use of anti-HIV drugs as an prevention tool for people at risk of HIV, or ‘PreP’) must be tempered by the realities that people will not access prevention or treatment if they fear being treated as second-class citizens by the law.

Although there is a ‘Criminalisation of HIV Transmission, Exposure…’ roadmap for the main conference available at AIDS 2012’s programme at a glance (Microsoft Silverlight plug-in required) it doesn’t cover pre-conference meetings or all events in the Global Village.  So here is your handy pictoral guide to what I currently know is going on relating to HIV criminalisation at AIDS 2012.  I hope to see many of you there!

(Apologies for the poor formatting – but info is more important than pretty design)

 Click on the image to see a larger version.

SUSA57     The Politics of Condoms: Cock-ups, Controversies and Cucumbers
      Non-Commercial Satellite
Venue:     Mini Room 3
Time:     22.07.2012, 15:45 – 17:45

15:50 Condoms as evidence – of misdemeanours, crimes and punitive laws; Susan Timberlake (Chief, Human Rights and Law Division, UNAIDS) and Monique Moree (HIV Activist)

MOGS09 HIV and the Law: Insights on How to Advocate for Enabling Legal Environments for African and Black Populations Across the Diaspora
Panel Discussion
Venue: GV Session Room 2
Time: 23.07.2012, 18:30 – 19:30
TUSY03 The Global Commission on HIV and the Law: A Movement for HIV Law Reform   Symposia Session Venue: Session Room 2 Time: 24.07.2012, 14:30 – 16:00
Criminalise Hate, Not HIV panel, Human Rights Networking Zone: Global Village, Tuesday July 24, 18.30-20.00

WEAD02     Get a Test; Risk Arrest
      Oral Abstract Session : Track D
Venue:     Session Room 9
Time:     25.07.2012, 11:00 – 12:30
Co-Chairs:     Susan Timberlake, Chief, Human Rights and Law Division, UNAIDS, Switzerland
Laurel Sprague, United States

WEDNESDAY 25 JULY: 1pm-2pm
HIV criminalisation: personal perspectives (1pm-2pm)
Chair/Facilitator: Edwin J Bernard 5 mins
Speaker: Louis Gay, Norway 10 mins
Speaker: Robert Suttle, USA 10 mins
Speaker: Marama Pala, New Zealand 10 mins
Discussion: 25 min

THAD02     Legal Action, Legal Support
      Oral Abstract Session : Track D
Venue:     Session Room 7
Time:     26.07.2012, 11:00 – 12:30
Co-Chairs:     Ralf Jurgens, Canada
Michaela Clayton, Namibia
THGS04     Is HIV a Crime? Race, Sexuality, Poverty and the Impact of Criminalization
      Panel Discussion
Venue:     GV Session Room 2
Time:     26.07.2012, 13:00 – 14:30
THWS16     Building Evidence: How to Monitor Punitive and Protective Laws and Their Enforcement to Promote Access to Justice and Effect Anti-Criminalization Advocacy
      Community Skills Development
Venue:     Mini Room 10
Time:     26.07.2012, 14:30 – 16:00
Language:           English

Level:                  Intermediate

Target audience: Advocate, Legal professional, Community-based advocate

Seating limits:    50
Co-Facilitators:     Edwin Jeremy Bernard, HIV Justice Network
Lisa Power, THT, United Kingdom
Sean Strub, SERO, United States
Moono Nyambe, GNP+, Netherlands

THCA11     Positive Women: Exposing Injustice
Venue:     Global Village Screening Room
Time:     26.07.2012, 18:00 – 19:00
Co-Facilitators:     Richard Elliott, Canada
Alison Symington, Canada

Doing HIV Justice: Clarifying criminal law and policy through prosecutorial guidance.  A documentary for the HIV Justice Network by Edwin J Bernard and Nicholas Feustel.  Global Village Screeing Room. Thursday 26 July 19.00-19.45.
HIV criminalization laws and the trend towards increased criminlization of people living with HIV, Maurice Tomlinson AIDS Free World, Jamaica in FRSY02 “Getting to Zero Excuses’. Sessions Room 2, Friday 27th July, 11am

Media Stigma, HIV And Criminalization for AIDS 2012 (Leo Herrera, Sero Project, US, 2012)

SERO Project, Media Stigma, HIV And Criminalization for International AIDS Conference, Washington DC, July 2012.

Presentation by Sean Strub, Film by Leo Herrera.

Global Commission on HIV and the Law: an analysis of their HIV criminalisation recommendations

Today, the Global Commission on HIV and the Law finally issued its long-awaited report, ‘HIV and the Law: Risks, Rights and Health.’  It was well worth the wait.

“Fundamentally unjust, morally harmful, and virtually impossible to enforce with any semblance of fairness, such laws impose regimes of surveillance and punishment on sexually active people living with HIV, not only in their intimate relations and reproductive and maternal lives, but also in their attempts to earn a living.”

That’s how the Chapter 2 of the report, focusing on the criminalisation of HIV non-disclosure, potential exposure and non-intentional transmission begins.  The rest of the chapter pulls no punches either.

Of course, the Global Commmission, and the report itself, cover much more than HIV criminalisation, and it pulls no punches recommending repeal of punitive laws impacting consensual same-sex sex, sex work, drug use and patent laws affecting access to HIV treatment.  However, since this blog – and the focus of my work – is specifically about HIV criminalisation I’m only going to focus on the six pages in the report (and five pages of references) that specifically addresses this issue. 

Five recommendations on HIV criminalisation: click on image to enlarge

To cut to the chase, the report recommends the following:

To ensure an effective, sustainable response to HIV that is consistent with human rights obligations:

2.1. Countries must not enact laws that explicitly criminalise HIV transmission, HIV exposure or failure to disclose HIV status. Where such laws exist, they are counterproductive and must be repealed. The provisions of model codes that have been advanced to support the enactment of such laws should be withdrawn and amended to conform to these recommendations.
2.2. Law enforcement authorities must not prosecute people in cases of HIV non-disclosure or exposure where no intentional or malicious HIV transmission has been proven to take place. Invoking criminal laws in cases of adult private consensual sexual activity is disproportionate and counterproductive to enhancing public health.
2.3. Countries must amend or repeal any law that explicitly or effectively criminalises vertical transmission of HIV. While the process of review and repeal is under way, governments must place moratoria on enforcement of any such laws.
2.4. Countries may legitimately prosecute HIV transmission that was both actual and intentional, using general criminal law, but such prosecutions should be pursued with care and require a high standard of evidence and proof.
2.5. The convictions of those who have been successfully prosecuted for HIV exposure, non-disclosure and transmission must be reviewed. Such convictions must be set aside or the accused immediately released from prison with pardons or similar actions to ensure that these charges do not remain on criminal or sex offender records.

The first four points are consistent with the 2008 UNAIDS/UNDP Policy Brief recommendations but go further in terms of tone. For example, using “must” rather than “should”.

Point 2.3 on vertical transmission really needs no further explanation and should be implemented immediately. 

But what did the Commission mean by some of the recommendations, which, when you read them from the point of view of a legislator, or someone who can affect policy in the criminal justice system, might not be quite as clear as they could be?

And what about point 2.5 recommending that anyone imprisoned for HIV non-disclosure, potential exposure or non-intentional transmission have their case reviewed?  Although it doesn’t spell out the criteria for review, they should be consistent with the International Guidelines on HIV and Human Rights published by UNAIDS and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).  Since 1998 they have recommended that in order for someone to be convicted, “the elements of foreseeability, intent, causality and consent [must be] clearly and legally established to support a guilty verdict….” If we now consider that the Commission recommends that only intentional and malicious transmission should be a crime, if the above criteria have not been met (and in most cases they have not), the Global Commission recommends immediate release from prison, a pardon and removal of criminal records (and in the US and Canada, removal from the sex offender registry).

I asked Professor Matthew Weait, who served as a member of the Technical Advisory Group for the Commission (the TAG), with particular responsibility for HIV criminalisation about how we should interpret recommendations 2.1, 2.2 and 2.4 in the real world.

The excellent working paper that he prepared for the Commission, The Criminalisation of HIV Exposure and Transmission: A Global Review is also now available to download. A second paper, Criminalisation and the Moral Responsibility for Sexual Transmission of HIV by Matthew and his fellow TAG member, Professor Scott Burris is also now available.

Q: In 2.1 Does the Commission only recommend repealing laws that explicitly criminalise non-disclosure, exposure or transmission?  What, for example, does that mean for Canada, which uses general laws to prosecute non-disclosure?

It’s a good question!  Before I answer it, can I emphasise that what I say here should in no way should be seen as reflecting the views or interpretation either of other TAG members, the Commissioners, or the UNDP Secretariat that provided logistical and other support.  They are personal views.  So – with that in mind – I think it’s important to read this Recommendation in the context of the Report as a whole. What is abundantly clear is that the Commission believes that only the actual and deliberate transmission of HIV may legitimately be criminalised, and all the Recommendations need to be read in that light. This means, in my view, that countries which criminalise HIV under their general laws are also being addressed here.  The reason is that in many such countries it is only HIV transmission, exposure and non-disclosure which is prosecuted in the criminal courts under general provisions which could also be used in the context of other diseases.  The fact that other diseases are not, or extremely rarely so, means that HIV is – to my mind – explicitly criminalised.  Just because HIV is criminalised under a general law doesn’t detract from the fact that such criminalisation is explicit in practice.  You’ll have to follow this up with the Commission though!

Q: In 2.2 Does the Commission mean that law enforcement authorities can prosecute for HIV exposure and non-disclosure where there is proof of intentional or malicious transmission?

I don’t think so, no.  The “must not” construction of the Recommendation does not imply the opposite, especially where to read it this way would be against the entire tenor of the Report. It is very important, in my view, that law enforcement authorities do not take this as a “green light” – not only because it would lead to over-criminalisation (belt and braces) – but it would serve no purpose.  

Q: In 2.4 Does the Commission suggest that prosecutions can still take place that aren’t malicious?  How do you prosecute “with care”?

This Recommendation is in permissive language, similar to that used in the UNAIDS 2008 Policy Guidance, and does not – I think this is important – mandate criminalisation as such.  It seems to me to be intended to provide states with a “let out” clause, reflecting the views of many in the wider HIV policy community, and is politically pragmatic and realistic. Some might think it is a unfortunate that this is in a list of Recommendations, but I think I understand why it has been. It might have been better to phrase the Recommendation in the form, “If countries wish to criminalise HIV, they should only do so in cases of actual and intentional transmission”, but I don’t think we should get too hung up on the exact language here. As with the other Recommendations, it has to be read in the light of everything else in the Report, where it is clear that Commission is arguing for the most restrictive approach possible. It will also, by the way, be important to see whether the Report itself addresses in more detail what is meant by intentional and malicious. Different jurisdictions interpret these terms is in a variety of ways – some equating them with knowledge of status, some with knowledge of the risk of transmission, and some with deliberate or purposive intent (or a combination of all these). The fact that the Commission uses the term “malicious” in Recommendation 2.2 suggests that it has in mind deliberate and purposive intention

As for question of pursuing prosecutions ‘with care’, it is clear that the Commission has affirmed what has been emphasised in a number of recent policy documents, including a recent initiative of UNAIDS.  The highest (I would personally have preferred that, rather than “high”) is necessary when dealing with liability based on expert evidence (as transmission cases typically are, at least where the scientific analysis facilities are available).

Catherine Hanssens highlights the problem with US HIV disclosure laws

This morning, the Global Commission held a press conference that featured several of the Commissioners: US Congresswoman Barbara Lee; Canada’s Stephen Lewis (Co-Director and Co-Founder of AIDS-Free World); and His Excellency Mr. Festus Gontebanye Mogae, former President of Botswana.

Three members of civil society also participated: Nevena Ciric, More than Help, AIDS +, Serbia; Maurice Tomlinson, AIDS-Free World, Jamaica and Nick Rhoades, Positive Justice Project, The Center for HIV Law and Policy, United States.

Nick Rhoades spoke with clarity and power about the lessons learned from his own terrible experience. HIV criminalisation wastes money, harms prevention and human rights, he concluded. Return sanity, science and justice to HIV laws.

I was convicted in 2008 under Iowa’s law titled “criminal transmission of HIV” although HIV was not actually transmitted.  This involved a one-time, consensual sexual encounter with another adult.  My viral load was undetectable, I used a condom – and again, I did not transmit HIV.  However, none of these facts mattered in the eyes of the law.  The judge imposed the maximum sentence of 25 years in prison and the requirement to register as a sex offender for the rest of my life.  After sentencing, the judge was subject to a significant amount of pressure from advocates in the U.S. and even Europe – requesting my sentence be reconsidered.  After being incarcerated for over a year, he released me on five years probation, but I am of course, still a sex offender. [Nick is now appealing his conviction.]

During my course through the correctional system, I transferred facilities four times.  Each time I was transferred, I would be either without medications or missing certain medications for a period of days. And when I was released, I had lost my place on the AIDS Drug Assistance Program, so I was put on a wait-list. The correctional system offered no assistance in finding a social worker or medication assistance once I was released from prison.

The personal toll this has taken on me and my family and friends cannot be measured.  This has caused great mental anguish, financial burdens and major professional barriers for me, now that I am a sex offender.  I have been virtually unemployable.  I am fortunate enough now to be employed from home by The Center for HIV Law & Policy, but most aren’t so lucky.  To this day, I deal with terrible depression.  It’s not easy.

What’s more, the price to enforce these archaic laws is considerable.  The approximate cost to tax-payers to incarcerate just one individual in Iowa – factoring in the cost of medications and routine medical care is approximately sixty-five to seventy thousand dollars annually. This cost is borne by tax-payers and doesn’t include the lost income and contribution to society that incarceration causes. Then consider the price to supervise people convicted under these laws while on probation or parole – often being forced to add in the costs of monitoring offenders on the sex offender registry – and the public is paying an incredible amount of money for enforcing laws that, more often than not, are punishing people for not transmitting HIV.  In many cases, such as mine, taxpayers are paying for the enforcement of laws that punish people with HIV who actually follow the primary prevention messages of public health counselors: stay in treatment, keep your viral load as close to undetectable as possible, use condoms – and otherwise, keep sex safe[r].

These laws enhance stigma that cripples people living with HIV/AIDS from accessing services. They make disclosure issues much more difficult due to ramifications one may face with a mere accusation. I also believe stigma, made thicker by these laws, is keeping people from getting tested.

Furthermore, I have been a member of the Iowa HIV Community Planning group – chaired by the Iowa Department of Public Health – since 2009.  I see all the data.  This year, the Iowa Department of Public Health’s prevention-based budget faced a 25% decrease which will eventually grow to 55% over the next five years. Dollars marked to treat people in care are next for slashing.  Those in care and with undetectable viral loads are up to 96% less likely to transmit the virus, yet we are cutting funding away from proven HIV prevention programs while increasing costly prosecution and imprisonment of people like me living with HIV.  When one considers that there is no evidence that these laws have any impact on people’s sexual behaviors, it is clearly not an effective use of our resources while infringing on individuals’ human rights and working in conflict with public health goals.

Criminal laws and policies that target people based on their HIV status must be repealed.  Please support Congressperson Barbara Lee’s “Repeal HIV Discrimination Act” now, and engage with those who are promoting the movement to return sanity, science and justice to the law’s treatment of HIV.

Following Nick’s powerful testminony, much of the rest of the Global Commission press conference mostly focused on HIV criminalisation in the US and Canada – as it should since the vast majority of prosecutions take place in these two countries, a fact highlighted by Stephen Lewis and echoed by Nick Rhoades.

I was very honoured to be quoted in the report.

I asked Rep. Barbara Lee how it is posssible to change these bad laws when it appears that they have popular support. “Modernising these laws won’t be easy,” she said. “But I have to tell you that the public isn’t really aware of these laws. Once you explain it to them, they’re shocked. What we have to do is mount public education campaigns about these laws. At state level, many state legislators don’t know these laws are on the books, and they can change them if there is the political will. So we need public and political education and civil society support for a political movement to hold politicians accountable. But… yes we can!”

As for other countries using general criminal laws to prosecute non-disclosure, potential exposure and transmission, in the next few months UNAIDS will be releasing a policy consideration document that will help countries understand exactly how to limit their application through a better understanding of HIV science as well as public health and human rights principles. 

There’s going to be a lot more happening around the Global Commission’s Report and all of the amazing evidence the Commission accrued during it’s two year existence.  I recommend spending time on the Global Commission website where you will now find a treasure trove of documents to help further anti-criminalisation advocacy and eventually lead to HIV justice for all.

Dominican Republic: Urge President Fernández to repeal HIV criminalisation laws

A campaign to request the urgent modification of two HIV-specific criminal statutes in the Dominican Republic has gone viral.

I first became aware of the campaign via Twitter (in Spanish) and now ITPC (the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition) has circulated an English translation (see below) and are urging their members to sign on.

Please consider joining them by asking President Fernández to repeal HIV criminalisation laws §78 and §79. You might also want to refer him to the Spanish version of the Oslo Declaration on HIV Criminalisation which can be downloaded directly here.

To the President of the Dominican Republic

The signatories below, which include members of regional networks, non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations, request the urgent modification of Law 135-11 (known as the HIV/AIDS law) for violating the National Constitution as well international agreements that the Dominican Republic has signed up to.

Moreover, the law violates the human rights of Dominican citizens, in particular those living with HIV. We emphatically reject articles 78 and 79 of the law for promoting the criminalization of the transmission of HIV.

Such measures violate the rights of people living with HIV, ignore international good practice, undermine prevention efforts and increase stigma and discrimination. We request a swift amendment to the law and attach UNAIDS policy guidelines on the criminalization of HIV transmission.

In the absence of an amendment to the law, we will support Dominican citizens and organizations in condemning the law at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and at the Organization of American States.

In the hope of a favorable response, respectfully,

In order to sign the petition, visit this link (in Spanish) and please fill the form above with your Apellido (surname), Nombre (first name), País (country), Correo electrónico (email) and, optionally, the name of your organisation.  You can link to, or paste, the Spanish version of the Oslo Declaration, in the Comentarios box.

More background on the law can be found on the International HIV/AIDS Alliance blog.

Futher Background: from

Reject Article 78

On the 7th June 2011, the president of the Dominican Republic enacted Law 135-11, known as the “HIV/AIDS Law”- the regulations thereof are still being finalised. This national law is the result of five years of multisectorial work, and although most of its articles are very progressive, at the same time it includes the criminalization of HIV transmission. The most questionable parts of the law are to be found in the following articles:

Article 78: Obligation to disclose one’s sexual partner. Any person who knows that they are HIV positive and does not tell their sexual partner can be sentenced to two to five years’ imprisonment. 

Article 79: Intentional transmission of HIV. Any person who intentionally transmits HIV, via any means, can be sentenced to twenty years’ imprisonment.

This law, and in particular the two aforementioned articles, promote the criminalisation, persecution and seclusion of people living with HIV in the Dominican Republic. It violates their human rights and contradicts a number of international agreements.

Join the campaign to amend law 135-11 (known as the HIV/AIDS law)

On Facebook, post your support on your wall, on the wall of the President of the Dominican Republic and the wall of the National HIV/AIDS Commission
On Twitter, use the folllowing hashtags and twitter handles when expressing your support #leysida @conavihsida @presidenciaRD
Send an e-mail or a letter to the Dominican Republic Embassy in your country, find the contact details here  

Canada: New documentary, ‘Positive Women: Exposing Injustice’ has world premiere in Toronto

Last night saw the world premiere of a compelling, heart-wrenchingly moving 45 minute documentary film executive produced by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network that tells the intimately personal stories of four women living with HIV in Canada. It argues that the current legal situation which criminalises sexual behaviour between consenting adults and discriminates against those living with HIV is irrational, ineffective and unjust.

Positive Women: Exposing Injustice features four courageous positive women bravely speaking from the heart on this important issue:

  • Diane, from Quebec (the defendant in the Supreme Court case R v DC) who was charged for not telling her partner that she had HIV at the beginning of an ultimately abusive relationship;
  • Jessica, a young woman who chose not to pursue charges against the man who infected her, and who has some of the best lines in the film (she calls disclosing her HIV-positive status, “dropping the H-bomb”!);
  • Lynn, an Aboriginal woman who has personally faced extreme stigma and violence due to her HIV-positive status; and
  • Claudia, a Latina woman who describes the challenges of disclosure and intimate relationships for women living with HIV. 

Legal experts, doctors, counsellors and support workers also appear in the film to complement the women’s stories and to challenge current Canadian legal practice that is oppressing the very women they are meant to protect. Anyone who believes that HIV criminalisation protects women needs to see this film.

It will next be screened in Washington DC at the International AIDS Conference on Thursday July 26th in the Global Village Screening Room from 18:00-19:00.  The screening will be followed by a question and answer session.

For more information about the documentary, which was produced and directed by Alison Duke, visit

Denmark: Safer sex without a condom (editorial)

Below is an excellent editorial by Henriette Laursen, director of AIDS-Fondet, and Susan Cowan, staff specialist at Statens Serum Institut, on the current state of HIV science and how it should impact the Danish Government’s deliberations on whether or not to enact a new HIV-specific criminal statute following the previous statute’s suspension in February 2011.

Henriette tells me that the Government’s deliberations are still ongoing and that there will be no decision before the end of summer. But, she notes, “I guess the longer [Denmark is] without a penal code the easier [it is] to prove the country can live without [an HIV-specific law].”

The original Danish article, published in Information on 12th June 2012, can be found here.  This is my English translation (with the assistance of Google translate) which might not be completely faithful to the Danish.  Nevertheless, the ideas and arguments in the editorial are unchanged from the original.

Safer sex without a condom

The Ministry of Justice’s proposal to revise the Penal Code on HIV, may have the consequence that those who can infect cannot be punished, and those who may be punished, cannot infect

In medical records, you can now find advice from infectious disease physicians to HIV patients which say thinks like: “Has been informed that (s)he has a sustained fully suppressed HIV and can drop the condom.”

‘Safer sex’ for a person living with HIV today is not just sex with a condom, but also sex while under medical HIV treatment.

Medical HIV treatment today has the status of an adequate protection against infection in line with – or even more effective – than condom use. It is therefore completely by the book for the doctor to inform their successfully treated patients that they can drop the condom – in order to have children the old fashioned way, for example.

This knowledge, however, is not so well known outside of the medical field. Not least in the context of both the past and the present Government’s deliberations on what to do with the Danish HIV-criminal provision which is currently suspended because HIV is no longer a life threatening illness.

As an alternative to the former penal provision working group under the Ministry of Justice  suggested that HIV-infected persons who know their HIV status should be punished by up to two years in prison for having sex without a condom. This is completely without regard to whether the patient could possibly infect anyone due to the effects of medication.

To date, fifteen years after the introduction of effective HIV treatment, not a single case has been documented  where a well-treated person with HIV has infected another person through sex.

Infection comes rather from HIV-infected persons who do not yet know their HIV status and therefore not in medical care. Due to their lack of knowledge that they are HIV-positive, for good reason these people are not penalized.

The infectious cannot be punished
If implemented the working draft statute broadly means that those who can infect cannot be punished, and those who may be punished, cannot infect.

The Working Group did not wish to limit the provision to people with HIV who actually are infectious, because it would be too difficult for the prosecution to prove this during a trial. [Editor’s note: this is exactly the same weak argument that the Manitoba and Ontario Crown Prosecutors used in the Canadian Supreme Court.]

The Working Group evidently believes that that the same difficulties are not present when it comes to prove whether or not a condom was used.

Strange approach
It seems quite odd that it would be easier to prove what happened between two people in a bedroom than through medical records to determine whether the person with HIV at the time was under HIV treatment, where outcomes from regular blood tests can show that HIV is reduced to a degree which means that they cannot infect.

We would ask that future legislation is based on current knowledge about HIV. Since the implementation of the previous HIV criminal law there have been so many advances in the field that it no longer makes sense to criminalise HIV transmission.

HIV should now be equated with other serious infectious diseases and not have its own special rule in criminal law. HIV should instead preferably be fully addressed in the health system.

Harmful criminalisation
It should also be taken into consideration that the criminalisation of HIV transmission in our opinion does not help when it comes to limiting the spread of HIV. On the contrary, the fear of punishment means people hide and are not tested for HIV. It is not only harmful to the individual, who is at risk of illness and even death, but also for prevention.

If Government and Parliament, however, focused on work to clear the prejudice and stigmatisation of people living with HIV out of the way by implementing a decriminalisation of HIV, it would be of great benefit for prevention.

The time has come to repeal the HIV provision in the Penal Code. Medical advances mean that HIV is no longer the same kind of illness that it was 10 and 20 years ago.

Some people may be reassured if a small part of the Criminal Code is preserved to allow prosecutions for very egregious cases when a person knows their HIV status, is not on medical treatment, and in a reckless manner repeatedly and knowingly exposes others to infection. But to introduce the provision as proposed is not only pointless, but downright harmful for HIV control in Denmark.