Advancing HIV Justice: A progress report of achievements and challenges in global advocacy against HIV criminalisation was written by Edwin J Bernard and Sally Cameron on behalf of the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) and the HIV Justice Network.
Additional input was provided by: Andrew Doupe, Adam Garner, Julian Hows, and Martin Stolk (GNP+); Lucy Stackpool-Moore (IPPF); Sean Strub (Sero Project); and Patrick Eba and Nina Sun (UNAIDS).
We hope it will be useful for individuals and organisations working to end or mitigate the harm of HIV criminalisation around the world, as well for others with an interest in HIV and human rights issues.
We would especially like to acknowledge the tireless work of advocates around the world challenging laws, policies and practices that inappropriately regulate and punish people living with HIV, without whom this report would not have been possible.
We also gratefully acknowledge the financial contribution of UNAIDS.
Read Advancing HIV Justice below (click on the rectangle on the bottom right to view in full screen mode) or download the pdf (52 pages, 978KB) here.