Russia: Criminal case dropped against woman accused of alleged HIV transmission

Uzbekistan: 27-year-old woman sentenced to 6.5 years in jail for alleged HIV transmission

[Update]France: 41-year-old woman sentenced in Brittany to 30 months, 24 suspended, for alleged HIV transmission

Kyrgyzstan: Case of alleged HIV transmission under investigation

Zimbabwe: 32-year-old woman arrested in Bulawayo for alleged HIV transmission

India: Mumbai judge rules that sex worker living with HIV cannot be released as she would “pose a danger to society”

Russia: Woman sentenced in Komi to one year in penal colony for alleged HIV exposure

Russia: Woman charged in Yaroslavl Region for allegedly not disclosing her status

Russia: Woman charged with alleged HIV transmission in Nyagan

Russia: Case of alleged HIV transmission reported in 2015 in Moscow awaits investigation