[Update]Canada: (with documents) Montreal woman prosecuted in revenge, sentenced to a year in the community, acquitted on appeal

Russia: woman charged with 4,5 years in jail for HIV transmission in Bashkiria based on hospital’s information

[Update]Germany: Nadja Benaissa given a two-year suspended sentence

Austria: 42-year-old woman sentenced in Salzburg to 8 months suspended for alleged HIV exposure

Russia: in Maloyaroslavletz woman convicted of HIV transmission to two men, found guilty and sentenced to 1 year 7 month in prison

Belarus: 35-year-old woman is prosecuted for HIV transmission in Hrodno region

Russia: Moscow police prosecutes HIV+ woman for HIV transmission to her boyfriend as she knew about her HIV-status before the relationships

[Update]US: Michigan strip club employee pleads ‘no contest’ to HIV non-disclosure