Ukraine: Luhansk woman amnestied as earlier she had two-year sentence for alleged HIV exposure

US: Ohio woman charged with same crime – felonious assault – for both HIV non-disclosure and knife stabbing

Sweden: Court of Appeal reduces 1.5 year sentence to 8 months for a Falun woman previously convicted of attempted aggravated assault for unprotected sex

Ukraine: In Dnipropetrovsk region, woman released with a two-year probation sentence for HIV exposure

US: South Carolina female sex worker arrested for alleged HIV non-disclosure

Ukraine: Donetsk woman found guilty of ‘HIV exposure’ to two men, receives a 2-year suspended sentence

Belarus: young woman from Brest charged with 3 years in jail and a fine for HIV transmission

Austria: HIV denialist woman sentenced in Graz to 14 months in prison for transmitting HIV to her baby

Ukraine: Appeal court still finds woman criminally liable for husband and child’s HIV-related deaths, but reduces her sentence to probation instead of four years in prison

Moldova: incarcerated HIV+ woman who bit a prison officer sentenced to another 4 years 8 months in jail