Russia: woman from Bryansk receives suspended 3-year sentence plus 3-year probation for alleged HIV transmission to her partner

Czech Republic: Sex worker facing 3 to 8 years in prison for alleged HIV exposure

Zimbabwe: Constitutional court dismisses appeal from two people convicted of "knowingly infecting" their partner. They now face up to 20 years imprisonment.

Zambia: Woman sues for divorce and asks court for compensation for alleged HIV transmission

US: Tennessee sex worker charged with alleged criminal exposure to HIV

Ukraine: Mykolayiv woman found not-guilty of HIV exposure by the appellation court

Belarus: young woman from Berestovitsa fined for HIV exposure as no HIV transmission cases found

US: Virginia Court sentences 49 year old HIV positive woman to six months in prison for biting her sister during fight

[Update]UAE: Abu Dhabi court sentences young woman, 19, to three years in prison for potential HIV exposure




Zimbabwe: Woman, 34, accused of transmitting HIV to husband; pleads not guilty, testifying he was already HIV-positive but untested when they married