Missouri woman with HIV arrested and charged for offering to perform (oral?) sex during massage to undercover cop, faces 5 – 15 years in prison

Belarus: In Rechitza, Gomel region, sex worker with HIV brought to court for a possible virus transmission to her clients; she can face up to three years in prison

US: Missouri sex worker arrested for living with HIV defended on local TV news by advocate highlighting latest science around HIV risks

Slovakia: Sex worker sentenced to 7 years for alleged HIV exposure

Tajikistan: 505 sex workers detained and forced to HIV and STI testing by the police

Saudi Arabia: Syrian women beggars who had sex with two young Saudi men accused of being Assad’s agents after the men are diagnosed with HIV

US: Ohio sex worker with HIV, whose case inspired an HIV-specific sex work law in 1996, arrested again

Bolivia: Sex worker placed under house arrest for allegedly exposing her clients to HIV

US: Florida sex worker charged with ‘criminal transmission of HIV’ for not disclosing her HIV status to undercover cops

US: Tennessee woman with HIV charged with ‘aggravated prostitution’ for offering sex to undercover cops