US: Ohio woman living with HIV arrested on sex-work related charges

US: Georgia man pleads not guilty to charge of reckless conduct after arrest by undercover policeman

US: Man living with HIV pleads not-guilty in Georgia to charges of alleged HIV non-disclosure and prostitution

US: Florida woman living with HIV sentenced to a year in prison for soliciting

Czech Republic: Pardubice female sex worker arrested for potential ‘HIV exposure’ for offering condomless sex

Czech Republic: Sex worker facing 3 to 8 years in prison for alleged HIV exposure

US: Tennessee sex worker charged with alleged criminal exposure to HIV

US: Male sex worker gets probation after pleading guilty to HIV non-disclosure prior to sex with Batesville, Indiana mayor

[update]Greece: 12 Years later, European court of human rights rules in favour of women forcibly tested and publicly exposed in a notorious HIV-criminalisation case

Kazakhstan: Almaty police identifies 98 sex workers as HIV-positive and tracks their clients