Russia: Federal investigation agency overrides police to request investigation of HIV transmission case

US: Man charged with alleged criminal exposure to HIV in Tennessee

UK: Man charged with grievous bodily harm for alleged HIV transmission sentenced to three years and four months in Leeds

Russia: Case of HIV non-disclosure in Nizhny Novgorod dropped after partner petitions the court

Russia: Criminal case opens against Korsakovo’s resident for alleged HIV transmission

UK: Man placed under GPS monitoring and given suspended sentence for breaching Sexual Risk Order

[Update]US: Nushawn Williams loses his latest appeal to be released from custody

Russia: Belgorod man faces up to five years in prison for alleged HIV transmission

Uzbekistan: Man arrested for alleged HIV transmission could face up to 8 years in prison

[Update] UK: Man extradited from Jamaica for alleged ‘reckless’ HIV transmission jailed for 3 years