Zimbabwe: Fifth HIV-related criminal prosecution in two years

US: Georgia man charged with ‘felony reckless conduct’ for alleged HIV non-disclosure

Ukraine: Man from Kivorograd released with a suspended one-year sentenced with charges in alleged HIV transmission

US: Georgia man accused of HIV non-disclosure claims complainant knew he was positive

Ukraine: Sevastopol man will serve 2 years in jail for an alleged HIV transmission following a suspended sentence for a previous conviction

Sweden: Man living with HIV released after court of appeal takes treatment into account

Russia: Kemerovo man will have two years’ conventional imprisonment for allegedly transmitting HIV to his wife

Australia: Sydney court sentences Zimbabwean migrant, 44, to a minimum of three years in prison for HIV transmission without disclosure

Zimbabwe: Man, 43, on trial for ‘deliberate infection’, accused by former partner after relationship ends

Russia: In Khanty-Mansi Region, man sentenced to 2.5 years of strict regime colony for perceived HIV transmission, non-disclosure