US: Florida man with HIV and hepatitis B charged with non-disclosure prior to sex with ‘Craigslist’ woman

Russia: Bryansk court rules 3-year probation and a fine for a man who allegedly transmitted HIV

US: Man, 28, pleads guilty to reckless endangerment for ‘exposing’ two women to HIV, despite undetectable viral load

US: After dispute over whether ‘sexual intercourse’ includes sex between men, the meaning of another part of Florida’s HIV-specific law is challenged again. Is HIV non-disclosure to two women a single crime?

Colombia: Man sentenced to 3 years and 4 months in Bogota for alleged HIV transmission

US: Ohio man who pled guilty to HIV non-disclosure sentenced to five years’ probation for felonious assault, angering the complainant

Russia: in Volga area, man was sentenced to 2 years and 15 days for perceived HIV transmission

English version – Translation (For Russian version, please scroll down)

In the Samara region, a man has been sentenced for the deliberate transmission of HIV. The Zhigulyovsk City Court found a local resident guilty. He was put on record as HIV infected  in 2008 and was warned of criminal liability if he will pass the virus to a healthy person.

Despite this, according to the materials of the criminal case, in early 2014, a man entered into a sexual relationship with his girlfriend. He didn’t tell her of his diseases.

The verdict of the court to the man is 2 years 15 days’ imprisonment in a penal colony, according to the prosecutor’s office of the Samara region.

В Самарской области вынесен приговор по делу об умышленном заражении ВИЧ-инфекцией. Городской суд Жигулевска признал в этом виновным местного жителя. Он был поставлен на учет в 2008 году и предупрежден об уголовной ответственности, если он передаст вирус здоровому человеку.

Несмотря на это, согласно материалам уголовного дела, в начале 2014 года мужчина вступил в сексуальную связь со своей подругой. О наличии у него заболевания он ей не сообщил.

Приговор суда, назначенный мужчине, – 2 года 15 дней лишения свободы в колонии-поселении, сообщает прокуратура Самарской области.

Originally published in ТК Терра

Zimbabwe: Sixth HIV prosecution since 2012 under vague and overly broad Section 79 of Criminal Law Act

Russia: 4 years in prison for Tyumen man for possible HIV transmission to his pregnant girlfriend as she finds about her status at antenatal clinic

Russia: 1,5 years in prison and 2 million rubles compensation for alleged HIV transmission in Arkhangelsk