[Update]UK: CPS drops reckless HIV transmission prosecution due to lack of phylogenetic report

US: Tennessee man accused of ‘knowingly infecting his wife with HIV’

Ukraine: Chernivtsi man sentenced to four years in prison with multiple charges, including robbing and HIV exposure for biting

US: Man previously convicted of ‘HIV exposure’ in South Carolina charged in Georgia with ‘reckless conduct’ for not disclosing his HIV-positive status

[Update]US: New Jersey man convicted of HIV non-disclosure appeals ‘open ended’ reimbursement of medical and psychological expenses for the two female complainants

[Update] Iceland: Nigerian ‘asylum seeker’ accused of infecting women with HIV released, but investigation continues

Russia: man from Anjero-Sudjensk of Kemerovo region prosecuted for possible HIV transmission; he can face up to 5 years imprisonment

US: Missouri man gets suspended sentence after pleading guilty to HIV non-disclosure and ‘reckless’ transmission

Ohio: Man indicted on one count of felonious assault for alleged HIV non-disclosure to woman he met on Craigslist

UK: Zambian migrant, 28, pleads guilty to two counts of ‘reckless’ HIV transmission, sentenced to seven years