US: Illinois woman makes HIV ‘exposure’ complaint immediately after learning HIV status of partner following condom failure during one night stand

US: Michigan man accused of HIV non-disclosure during consensual sex with three different women improperly linked in news report with another local HIV case involving sexual assault; highlights confusion over use of same law to prosecute consensual and non-consensual acts

Kazakhstan: Kazybekbi District Court sentences man accused of alleged HIV transmission to four years probation

Russia: In Novorossiysk, man accused in allegedly infecting with HIV his ex-spouse and a girlfriend; he can be sentenced to up to five years in prison

[update]Gambia: 52-year-old German national convicted of negligent act likely to spread infection of a disease dangerous to life, sentenced to pay a fine of D250, 000 or risk a year’s imprisonment

Belarus: man from Hrodno is prosecuted for alleged HIV transmission to four women

Belarus: Baranovichy police detained a man who could possibly transmit HIV to several women, he can have from 2 to 7 years in prison

Gambia: Briton sentenced to pay a fine after pleading guilty to two-count charge of negligent act likely to spread infection of disease dangerous to life

Russia: In Novosibirsk, man found guilty in allegedly infecting his wife with HIV and sentenced to one year in prison

Belarus: drug user who allegedly infected his girlfriend with HIV gets three years in prison