US: Florida Man faces charges of violating the public health code for alleged HIV transmission

[Update] Australia: Migrant living with HIV deported to Zimbabwe in case that went all the way to the High Court

US: Indiana police issues arrest warrant for man accused of alleged HIV non-disclosure

[Update]France: Man living with HIV sentenced in his absence to 12 years in jail for alleged HIV transmission

[update]Zimbabwe: Complainant withdraw charges against Bulawayo man accused of alleged HIV-exposure

Russia: Man, 27, prosecuted for alleged HIV transmission in Chita region

Zimbabwe: 39 year-old man convicted for "deliberate transmission of HIV", despite no actual transmission, released on bail following intervention of Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights

US: Kentucky man living with HIV charged with "wanton endangerment" for alleged HIV non-disclosure

[Update]US: Iowa man originally charged with four counts of “criminal transmission” pleads guilty to two lesser charges of “reckless exposure”

Spain: Man sentenced to 9 years in jail by Zaragoza Court for alleged HIV transmission