France: 52 year-old man sentenced to 5 years in jail for alleged HIV transmission

[Update]Canada: Nova Scotia Appeal Court overturns convictions of man living with HIV, stating that consent is not diminished by HIV non-disclosure



US: 26-year-old man jailed in Florida for "unlawful HIV transmission"



US: Man sentenced to 3 years probation in Ohio for alleged HIV non-disclosure



[Update]US: Ohio man found guilty of involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to 8 years in prison for alleged HIV non-disclosure



[Update]US: Indiana man sentenced to 8 years in prison for alleged HIV non-disclosure to sexual partners

[Update] US: Man charged with alleged HIV-exposure in Tennessee faces third charge

Russia: 30-year-old man sentenced in the Urals to 2 years suspended sentence for alleged HIV transmission

UK: Man charged with causing grievous bodily harm for alleged HIV transmission