US: Wisconsin man charged with recklessly endangering safety for alleged HIV non-disclosure

Russia: 37-year-old sentenced to 6 years in correctional colony for alleged HIV transmission

India: Police to investigate case filed by newly-wed against her husband for alleged HIV transmission

Canada: 60-year-old sentenced to seven years in prison for unprotected sex and alleged HIV non-disclosure



Canada: Quebec man sentenced to three and a half year in jail for alleged HIV exposure

Germany: Country broadens use of criminal law to removal of condom without consent

[update]Kazakhstan: Man living with HIV sentenced to five years in prison in Astana for alleged HIV infection

Kenya: Mombasa man living with HIV arrested and charged for having sex while being aware of his status

Russia: 37-year-old man facing up to 8 years in jail in Ufa for alleged HIV infection

Russia: Criminal case initiated in Tyumen against man living with HIV for alleged HIV transmission