[Update]Russia: Irkutsk regional court upholds sentence of man convicted of alleged "wilful HIV transmission"

Romania: 32-year-old man from Botosani charged with alleged HIV transmission

France: 30-year-old man sentenced to seven years in jail for alleged HIV transmission

[Update]Italy: 36-year-old man sentenced to 16 years imprisonment for alleged HIV transmission

Source: IOL News, March 14, 2019

Italian man who infected women with HIV sentenced to 16 years

Rome – An Italian man who contracted the HIV virus and passed it on to women he slept with was convicted Thursday of voluntary manslaughter and causing serious injuries and jailed for 16 years and eight months.

CX, 35, was tried by a court in Ancona, the ANSA news agency said. His lawyers are considering whether to appeal, it added.

The man was arrested last year after one of his victims reported him to police. She was a plaintiff in the trial. Another one, said to have been X’s full-time girlfriend, died in June 2017, ANSA said.

X has declared himself a “negationist” on the existence of HIV, which is known to cause acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Life expectancy for HIV/AIDS patients has greatly increased in recent years, but the disease is still a major cause of death.

When they arrested him in 2018, police described X as a regular user of dating websites who could have infected more than 200 people, having had HIV for more than 10 years. But his trial hinged on only two documented cases.

HIV man may have infected over 200 women

Truck driver arrested for criminal injury

(ANSA) – Rome, June 13 – A 36-year-old truck driver from Ancona has been arrested for allegedly passing on HIV to women via unprotected sexual intercourse, sources said Wednesday. The suspect travelled all over Italy for work and it is feared he infected over 200 women. The man, who denied having the virus although he suffered from it for at least nine years, was arrested for alleged criminal injury.

    Police will launch an appeal to trace the potential victims, some of whom may have been contacted by the suspect via social networks and online chats.

Published in Ansa News on June 14, 2018

Brazil: 33-year-old man arrested and charged with aggravated homicide for alleged HIV transmission

Published in Jornal do Commercio online on February 20, 2019 – Google translation, for article in Portuguese, scroll down.


The suspect is alleged to have forged his medical tests to claim he was not HIV positive.

The civil police arrested a man after he transmitted the HIV virus to his partner with intent to kill her. PX, 33, was arrested on Tuesday (19th) at the Integrated Passenger Terminal, in the neighbourhood of Curado in Recife. The woman died after being stopped from taking treatment against the virus.

The investigations that led to the arrest of the suspect were coordinated by the Sao Lourenco da Mata Police Station. According to the delegate Diogo Santiago, the man was denounced by the Public Ministry of Pernambuco (MPPE) for aggravated homicide. The representative of the MPPE understood that “he carried on the crime by knowing that he had the virus and preventing his partner from taking medical treatment” said Santiago.

Forged tests

Still according to Diogo Santiago, X is alleged to have forged his medical tests results to deny that he had the virus to his former companion. “At the time he began a relationship with a young woman who was 14 years old while he was married to another woman.  She had sought out the adolescent’s family to report that the man was HIV positive. To deny the accusations from his wife, the man is alleged to have forged his test results” states the delegates.

The deputy believes that by the way he acts, X may have had other victims. For this reason, with the disclosure of the picture of the suspect, the police asks for possible new victims to come forward and denounce the man. “We believe that there may be more victims, first because of his behaviour, denying that he was HIV positive, and secondly because according to information he enjoyed going to parties and shows with young girls. There are even reports that he was already in a new relationship while his life partner was bedridden, “said the delegate Diogo Santiago. 

“We have two goals with the divulgation of the man’s picture: the first one is for the people who have been involved with him to seek medical attention so they can have a diagnosis” said Diogo Santiago. The second one is for them to come to the police station to register the occurrence so that the police can investigate and charge him if other people have been infected by the suspect, “said Diogo Santiago.


Homem transmite HIV para companheira com intenção de matá-la

O suspeito teria forjado exames médicos para afirmar não ser soropositivo

A Polícia Civil prendeu um homem após ele transmitir o vírus do HIV para sua companheira com intenção de matá-la. Paulo Cesar da Silva, de 33 anos, foi preso nessa terça-feira (19), no Terminal Integrados de Passageiros (TIP), no bairro do Curado, no Recife. A mulher morreu após ser impedida de realizar tratamento contra o vírus.

As investigaçóes que levaram à prisão do suspeito foram coordenadas pela Delegacia de São Lourenço da Mata. De acordo com o delegado Diogo Santiago, o homem foi denunciado pelo Ministério Público de Pernambuco (MPPE) por homicídio qualificado. “O representante do MPPE entendeu que ele praticou esse tipo de crime por conhecimento que ele tinha o vírus e ter impedido sua companheira de realizar o tratamento médico”, disse Santiago.

Exames forjados

Ainda segundo Diogo Santiago, Paulo Cesar teria forjado exames médicos para desmentir sua ex-companheira, que teria dito que ele seria soropositivo. “Na época que ele começou a se relacionar com a jovem, que tinha 14 anos, ele era casado com outra mulher. Ela havia procurado a família da adolescente para informar que o homem seria soropositivo. Para desmentir sua esposa, o homem teria forjado exames de sangue”, afirmou o delegado.

O delegado acredita que, pela forma de agir, Paulo pode ter feito outras vítimas. Para isso, com a divulgação da imagem do suspeito, a polícia pede para possíveis novas vítimas denunciem o homem. “Acreditamos que possa haver mais vítimas. Primeiro pelo comportamento dele de negar que ele é soropositivo e por, segundo informaçóes, gostar de ir a festas e shows com meninas jovens. Inclusive, há relatos de que ele já estaria em um novo relacionamento, enquanto sua companheira estava acamada”, falou o delegado Diogo Santiago.

“Temos dois objetivos com a divulgação da imagem dele. O primeiro é para que as pessoas que se relacionaram com ele procurem atendimento médico para que haja um diagnóstico. Segundo é que procurem a delegacia para registrar a ocorrência para que a polícia possa investigar e responsabilizar ele, caso outras pessoas tenham sido infectadas pelo suspeito”, disse Diogo Santiago.


Brazil: Man living with HIV arrested for alleged HIV exposure

[Update]Canada: New Federal guidelines leads Northwest Territories to drop sexual assault charge for alleged HIV non-disclosure against Nunavut man

US: Military highest court confirms sailor’s convictions for sexual assault due to alleged HIV non-disclosure



Peru: Man sentenced to six and half years in prison for alleged HIV transmission to his partner and daughter in second case of HIV criminalisation in Peru

[Update]US: Indiana man already incarcerated for other alleged HIV non-disclosure charges pleads guilty in another county