Canada: Winnipeg man sentenced to 4 years in prison for HIV non-disclosure and transmission

US: 47-year-old arrested in Florida for allegedly having sex without disclosing his status

Russia: 36-year-old charged with alleged HIV transmission in Chelyabinsk faces up to 5 years in prison

Russia: 34-year-old man charged for alleged HIV transmission in Kamchatka

Russia: 29-year-old man in penal colony charged for alleged HIV transmission

India: Man and his family charged after his wife lodges a complaint for alleged HIV non-disclosure and transmission

US: Man arrested in Florida for alleged HIV non-disclosure

[Update] US: Maryland man sentenced to 30 years, with all but 9 years suspended, for ‘knowingly attempting to transfer HIV’

[Update]US: Missouri man already charged earlier this year with reckless transmission faces new charges

Russia: In Krasnodar Territory, man faces up to five years in prison for alleged HIV transmission