US: Arkansas man pleads no contest to felony ‘knowing HIV exposure’ for alleged HIV transmission gets four months in prison but must register as a sex offender

Estonia: Man sentenced to two years and eight months in prison for alleged HIV transmission

[Update]New Zealand: Court of Appeal reviews court decision in case of man sentenced for alleged HIV transmission and non-disclosure

[Update]Switzerland: Man acquitted under new HIV law, because malicious intent could not be proven, is back on trial.

US: Ohio man charged with felonious assault for alleged HIV non-disclosure

UK: 25 year-old gay man sentenced to 7 years in jail for ‘reckless’ HIV transmission to two men

Zimbabwe: Woman living with HIV on trial for alleged HIV exposure

Honduras: Journalist in Honduras arrested for allegedly transmitting tuberculosis and HIV to neighbours

France: Man living with HIV under investigation for alleged HIV non-disclosure and HIV-transmission

[Update]Canada: Woman convicted and sentenced to jail in 2016 for alleged HIV non-disclosure appeals to Supreme Court