Romania: 30-year-old man sentenced to 6 years in prison for alleged HIV non-disclosure and transmission

[Update]UK: 61-year-old man sentenced to eight years imprisonment plus extended probation of four and a half years for HIV transmission

Russia: Woman accused of alleged HIV transmission and non-disclosure in Rostov region

Spain: Supreme Court upholds acquittal of man accused of HIV transmission as evidence points to complainant being aware of his status

Russia: Man to face trial for alleged HIV transmission in Umba

Portugal: Court of Appeal confirm sentence of man found guilty of HIV transmission

[Update]Russia: 21-year-old man sentenced to two years in jail for alleged HIV transmission

Egypt: Civil Court orders husband to pay compensation to his wife for alleged HIV transmission

Russia: Criminal case opens in St Petersburg against 37-year-old man for alleged HIV transmission

Canada: Winnipeg man sentenced to 4 years in prison for HIV non-disclosure and transmission