[Update]Sweden: Gay doctor convicted of HIV exposure has sentence reduced

Singapore: Two men with HIV jailed for non-disclosure to same man at different times

Sweden: Young man, 20, gets eight months in prison, must pay 220,000 kronor to eight women for HIV non-disclosure

Belgium: Man sentenced to 3 years in jail for alleged HIV transmission in Huy

Moldova: incarcerated HIV+ woman who bit a prison officer sentenced to another 4 years 8 months in jail

[Update]Canada: (with documents) Montreal woman prosecuted in revenge, sentenced to a year in the community, acquitted on appeal

Canada: Quebec gay man arrested, remanded in custody for non-disclosure prior to bareback orgy

[Update]Germany: Nadja Benaissa given a two-year suspended sentence

Austria: 42-year-old woman sentenced in Salzburg to 8 months suspended for alleged HIV exposure