Bermuda: Man, 23, receives three years’ probation for not disclosing his HIV status to his girlfriend

Austria: Fine and conditional prison sentence for 33-year-old accused of HIV exposure

US: Texas Court of Appeals says man sentenced for alleged HIV transmission entitled to appeal hearing

US: Florida man charged with ‘criminal transmission of HIV and sexual intercourse without disclosure of HIV’ following complaints by two women

US: Ohio woman charged with same crime – felonious assault – for both HIV non-disclosure and knife stabbing

Sweden: Court of Appeal reduces 1.5 year sentence to 8 months for a Falun woman previously convicted of attempted aggravated assault for unprotected sex

Ukraine: In Dnipropetrovsk region, woman released with a two-year probation sentence for HIV exposure

US: Gay man charged with ‘reckless’ exposure under Missouri’s HIV disclosure law

Ghana: Ghana man arrested during live radio interview for ‘spreading HIV’