Bolivia: Sex worker placed under house arrest for allegedly exposing her clients to HIV

US: Georgia man, 21, pleads guilty to ‘four counts of felony reckless conduct by an HIV infected person’, get 20 years in prison and lifetime sex offender status

Russia: woman gets 1 year 3 months in prison for HIV non-disclosure and exposure in Perm region

South Africa: First-ever successful prosecution for ‘HIV exposure’ upheld as attempted murder by Pretoria High Court

[Update]Germany: Gay Bavarian soldier loses appeal against 2 year, 3 month sentence for grievious bodily harm following alleged HIV transmission during one night stand; a second, unrelated, case involving HIV exposure results in 18 months probation

Canada: Felix and Mekonnen HIV non-disclosure convictions overturned by Ontario Court of Appeals

US: Washington State man faces first degree assault charges for saying ‘I have HIV’ and rubbing blood on hospital security guard, nurse

US: Male porn actor and LA production company sued by female performer for alleged HIV non-disclosure

Ukraine: Luhansk woman amnestied as earlier she had two-year sentence for alleged HIV exposure

US: Florida court rules ‘sexual intercourse’ can apply to gay men, HIV non-disclosure charges reinstated against Olympic equestrian