Canada: B.C. Supreme Court jury convicts Zimbabwean migrant of aggravated sexual assault for HIV non-disclosure

UAE: Prisoner with HIV gets additional six months for ‘endangering lives’, after allegedly dripping his blood into a tea kettle

US: Georgia man charged with ‘felony reckless conduct’ for alleged HIV non-disclosure

US: Georgia man accused of HIV non-disclosure claims complainant knew he was positive

US: Gay man in Idaho arrested for alleged HIV non-disclosure during one-night stand

US: Florida court to decide if HIV non-disclosure law applies to sex between men

Sweden: Man living with HIV released after court of appeal takes treatment into account

US: Ohio woman, 20, sentenced to four years in prison for HIV non-disclosure

[Update]US: Georgia’s HIV-specific criminal law to face constitutional challenge following woman’s non-disclosure conviction

US: Ohio man arrested for public indecency, charged with a felony count of solicitation due to his HIV-positive status