[Update]US: Ohio judge sentences young woman to seven years under felonious assault charges following guilty plea to HIV non-disclosure; sentence is not only longer than prosecution recommended, judge ignored scientific evidence

[Update] Iceland: Nigerian ‘asylum seeker’ accused of infecting women with HIV released, but investigation continues

[Update]US: Missouri man who grossly exaggerated his sexual exploits "to make partner jealous" pays price with a 30 year sentence for two counts of HIV exposure without disclosure

US: Gay Louisiana man, 23, accused of HIV non-disclosure by former partner who since tested positive

Ohio: Man indicted on one count of felonious assault for alleged HIV non-disclosure to woman he met on Craigslist

Canada: Gay Winnipeg man pleads guilty to aggravated sexual assault for HIV non-disclosure before condomless sex ‘with high viral load’, complainant has since tested HIV-positive

[Update]US: Michigan prosecutors drop alleged HIV non-disclosure case against previously convicted man

[Update]US: How good lawyers, up-to-date scientific knowledge and national advocacy networks made all the difference for Pennsylvania’s Julie Graham

Canada: Montreal man, 61, accused of HIV non-disclosure by two women, one of whom is now HIV-positive

[Update]Canada: Toronto police issue ‘public alert’ after man with HIV, tried in 2010 for alleged HIV non-disclosure and accused again in 2013, is arrested for breaching bail conditions