[Update]US: Young Pennsylvania man born with HIV sentenced 33 to 66 months-prison term for allegedly not disclosing before sex with three women

US: Man accused of alleged HIV non-disclosure is charged with sexual penetration by a person infected with AIDS or HIV

US: Virginia man found guilty of misdemeanor infected sexual battery for alleged HIV non disclosure

UK: Man jailed for five yeats at Bristol Crown Court for reckless transmission of HIV

Sweden: Woman given suspended sentence for alleged HIV-non disclosure, no transmission occurred

Canada: Winnipeg man in denial about his HIV diagnosis awaits sentencing after pleading guilty to aggravated sexual assault

Kazakhstan: Almaty police identifies 98 sex workers as HIV-positive and tracks their clients

Finland: Supreme Court upholds Court of Appeal’s judgment stands against man found guilty of alleged HIV exposure

Finland: Supreme Court The Supreme Court dismisses charge of attempted aggravated assault for HIV exposure

US: Man previously convicted of ‘HIV exposure’ in South Carolina charged in Georgia with ‘reckless conduct’ for not disclosing his HIV-positive status