[Update] US: Charges dropped against gay Tennessee man charged with ‘criminal exposure to HIV’ for receiving oral sex without disclosure

US: Florida man arrested on felony charge for alleged non-disclosure

Czech Republic: Pardubice female sex worker arrested for potential ‘HIV exposure’ for offering condomless sex

Czech Republic: Sex worker facing 3 to 8 years in prison for alleged HIV exposure

US: Ohio man who spat on police officers faces an additional third-degree felony charge for being HIV positive despite zero transmission risk

US: Oklahoma City man sentenced to 5 years in prison for alleged HIV non-disclosure

Russia: Former prisoner from Perm region, who potentially exposed a woman to HIV without disclosure, facing up to a year in prison

Romania: Former monk sentenced to 2 years and 6 months for alleged HIV exposure

Sweden: Court takes viral load and negligible risks of transmission into account and acquit man accused of alleged HIV exposure

US: Florida man charged with HIV non-disclosure despite using a condom