US: Arkansas Police issues wanted notice for man accused of alleged HIV exposure

US: Man living with HIV pleads not-guilty in Georgia to charges of alleged HIV non-disclosure and prostitution

US: Florida woman living with HIV sentenced to a year in prison for soliciting

Russia: 11 more months for convict accused of ‘HIV exposure’ for spraying blood on prison officers

Canada: Day release granted on appeal to HIV positive man sentenced to six years in prison



Iceland: Case dropped against HIV-positive migrant accused of HIV transmission due to lack of evidence

[Update]US: Mississippi man sentenced to 10 years in prison for potential HIV exposure following guilty plea to ‘endangerment by bodily substance’

US: Gay man charged under North Dakota’s overly broad HIV ‘exposure’ law for oral sex without disclosure and condoms




US: Arkansas HIV non-disclosure prosecution case study forms basis of critical analysis of HIV criminalisation laws

Canada: 20-year-old man charged with 4 counts of aggravated sexual assault for alleged HIV non-disclosure