Kenya: Woman living with HIV ordered by court to pay compensation to ex-partner for alleged HIV non-disclosure

France: HIV transmission cases highlighted as settting a precedent for arrest of man accused of alleged hepatitis C transmission

Canada: Ontario’s Court of Appeal grants new trial to man convicted in 2013, over juror’s biased conduct



US: Georgia man pleads not guilty to charge of reckless conduct after arrest by undercover policeman

[Update]US: Iowa man originally charged with four counts of “criminal transmission” pleads guilty to two lesser charges of “reckless exposure”

US: Memphis man charged with criminal exposure for alleged HIV non-diclosure

US: Tennessee woman charged with alleged HIV exposure and aggravated assault

Nigeria: Foreign national living with HIV arrested in Lagos for alleged HIV transmission

US: Florida man sentenced to three years in prison for alleged HIV non-disclosure

US: 24 years old Michigan man facing up to two years in jail for alleged HIV non-disclosure

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