Canada: Man living with HIV in Quebec faces charges of sexual assault for alleged HIV non-disclosure

Germany: Cologne court acquits man with undetectable viral load of attempted grievous bodily harm; judge learns about treatment as prevention from expert witness

Russia: Two women arrested in Pervouralsk for alleged HIV-exposure

Czech Republic: 24 year-old woman living with HIV sentenced to 5 years in prison for alleged HIV-exposure






US: New court hearing granted for Iowa man sentenced to 12 years for alleged HIV exposure based on 2014 Iowa Supreme Court decision in the Nick Rhoades case

Belgium: Brussels male sex worker gets 18 months for ‘attempted poisoning’ after disclosing his HIV status to a client who then obtained PEP following a single episode of condomless sex

US: Georgia man charged with "assault by an HIV infected person" against a police officer for not disclosing his status during arrest

[Update]US: Florida Supreme Court rules that HIV-disclosure before "sexual intercourse" applies to same-sex relationships as well as heterosexual ones

[Update]Canada: Man accused of alleged HIV transmission and non-disclosure in Quebec sentenced to 7 years in jail




US: Indiana court issues public health injunction against man who failed in his "duty to warn", ordering him to attend counseling