[Update] US: Man charged with alleged HIV-exposure in Tennessee faces third charge
Norway: Trans sex worker with HIV deported from Norway after police considered opening criminal proceedings for HIV exposure
Russia: Fundraising appeal to appoint new lawyer for 18-year-old woman prosecuted for alleged HIV exposure in the Volga region
Italy: 24-year-old man arrested in Florence and charged with grievous bodily harm for alleged HIV exposure
US: Woman living with HIV arrested in Oklahoma for sex work and “intending to transfer HIV”
[Update]Zimbabwe: High Court reduces jail sentence of man living with HIV from 13 years to 2 years
Taiwan: 11 men charged with alleged HIV-exposure and non-disclosure at sex parties
[Update]US: After Court of Appeals loss, defense lawyers are hoping Ohio’s Supreme Court will hear HIV disclosure case
Korea: 26 year-old sex worker arrested for allegedly exposing her customers to HIV