Suriname: 38-year-old woman to be charged with grievous bodily harm for alleged HIV exposure




Greece: Athens Court recognises that undetectable = untransmissable and acquits man with undetectable viral load

[Update]Canada: Nova Scotia Appeal Court overturns convictions of man living with HIV, stating that consent is not diminished by HIV non-disclosure



US: Ohio Prisoner living with HIV charged with felonious assault for engaging in sexual conduct



US: Man sentenced to 3 years probation in Ohio for alleged HIV non-disclosure



Belarus: Woman charged for not disclosing her HIV status before having sex

US: Iowa man sues former lawyer for not exercising the appropriate level of care and expertise in 2009 landmark HIV criminalisation case


[Update]US: Indiana man sentenced to 8 years in prison for alleged HIV non-disclosure to sexual partners

US: 26-year-old charged with felonious assault in Ohio for alleged HIV non-disclosure

US: 37-year-old man arrested in Louisiana for "intentional exposure to HIV"