Uzbekistan: Woman sentenced to 4 years of house arrest and other restrictions for alleged HIV exposure

US: Man sentenced to two to three years in jail in Ohio for alleged HIV exposure

US: Man with undetectable viral load jailed over partner’s worries, despite scientific evidence and changes in the law

Singapore: Man jailed for coercing his HIV-Positive wife into sex work while his wife is acquitted on non-disclosure charges

Belarus: 34 year-old woman charged with HIV exposure in Soligorsk

US: Man arrested in Florida for alleged HIV non-dislosure

Senegal: 41-year-old sentenced to 5 years for attempted HIV transmission and “unnatural acts”

US: Ohio sex worker charged for engaging in solicitation after a positive HIV test

US: North Carolina man charged with felonious assault for alleged HIV non-disclosure

Senegal: Two men appear in court charged with “act against nature and deliberate HIV infection”