US: Man living with HIV in Oklahoma charged with “knowingly transmitting HIV”after sexual encounter and alleged non-disclosure



Singapore: 29-year-old man living with HIV sentenced to 2 years for HIV non-disclosure

Russia: Woman sentenced to prison in Komi for alleged HIV exposure

[Update] US: Charges of alleged HIV non-dislosure dropped against gay man living with HIV in South Carolina

Russia: 23-year-old woman sentenced to 2 years in prison for alleged HIV exposure n Penza

Canada: Gay man living with HIV sentenced in Quebec to 43 months in prison following conviction for alleged HIV non-disclosure

US: Idaho man charged with “knowingly transferring bodily fluid which may contain HIV”

US: Man charged with “second-degree recklessly endangering safety” in Wisconsin for alleged HIV non-disclosure

US: Tennessee man faces HIV criminal exposure charges for spitting at police officer

Canada: Man living with HIV charged with aggravated sexual assault in Winnipeg for alleged HIV non-disclosure