[Update] UK: 26 year-old man loses appeal against conviction and sentence for intentional HIV exposure / transmission


Zimbabwe: Court discharges man accused of alleged deliberate HIV transmission

[Update]France: 47-year-old sentenced in Nancy to 24 months, 14 of them suspended, for not disclosing his HIV status to his partners

Tajikistan: 29-year-old sex worker arrested in Sogd region for continuing to engage in sex work despite HIV status

US: Mississippi woman arrested and remanded into custody for allegedly not disclosing her status

UK: Man given a four-year sexual risk order by Southampton court for HIV non-disclosure and told to give police 24 hrs notice if he intends to have sex

US: 20-year-old student charged in Georgia with aggravated sexual battery and reckless conduct for alleged HIV exposure



[Update] Australia: Gay man jailed for a maximum term of four years and six months for alleged HIV transmission and non-disclosure

Tajikistan: Second woman in a year to be charged for providing sexual services despite a positive HIV test

Russia: Man sentenced to prison for allegedly having intimate relationships without protection loses appeal in Chelyabinsk regional court



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