US: 28-year-old man facing criminal charges in Arkansas for alleged HIV exposure



Tajikistan: Sex worker sentenced to one year and 4 months in jail for alleged HIV exposure

Russia: 39-year-old woman sentenced to one year imprisonment for alleged HIV exposure and non-disclosure

Brazil: Man living with HIV arrested for alleged HIV exposure

Belarus: 22-year-old woman under investigation in Minsk for alleged HIV exposure

[Update]Canada: New Federal guidelines leads Northwest Territories to drop sexual assault charge for alleged HIV non-disclosure against Nunavut man

US: Military highest court confirms sailor’s convictions for sexual assault due to alleged HIV non-disclosure



US: 22-year-old man arrested in Mississippi for alleged HIV-exposure


India: ‘Poisoning’ charges used for the first time to prosecute two people living with HIV

[Update]US: Indiana man already incarcerated for other alleged HIV non-disclosure charges pleads guilty in another county