Uzbekistan: Man sentenced to 5 years for alleged HIV transmission


January 30, 2025
Source: Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Court Decisions Platform

On January 30, 2025, the Mirabad District Court of Tashkent held an open session to hear the criminal case against X., who was charged under Article 113 of the Criminal Code of Uzbekistan for knowingly endangering and infecting another person with HIV.

The court found that he had been registered as HIV-positive at the Tashkent City AIDS Center since May 20, 2009 and had signed an acknowledgment that he could face prosecution if he transmitted the virus. However, from 2018 to 2022, he allegedly engaged in unprotected sexual relations with Y. without informing her of his condition.

During their relationship, Y became pregnant and gave birth on August 22, 2019, breastfeeding the child for three years while unaware of Sadikov’s HIV status. Eventually, Y. was diagnosed with HIV.

Based on the requirements of Article 33 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the defendant was found guilty of committing a crime and sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 5 (five) years.