Sentenced to 14 years in prison for infecting his wife with HIV
A man from Botosani was sentenced to 14 years in prison after it was proven that he intentionally infected his wife with HIV.
VH is accused of venereal contamination and transmission of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), threats, destruction and home invasion, informs B1 TV.
The man will also have to pay moral and civil damages in the amount of 12,700 lei to his ex-in-laws and his child, as well as a monthly benefit for him, in the amount of 600 lei, until the fulfillment. the age of majority.
VH, 39, unemployed, and social worker I, 40, met in 2009 and were married in June 2010. The two decided to formalize their relationship. when the couple’s little girl was already three months old.
Shortly after the wedding, the man left his wife a note telling her that he was infected with HIV and that she had most likely contracted the disease. Indeed, the woman did her tests, which confirmed what her husband said. Just three months after the wedding, at the end of August, I died of AIDS.
On the other hand, her husband defends himself and claims that Irina Hutanu knew she was ill, but that, even in this situation, she would have agreed to have unprotected sex with him.
Condamnat la 14 ani de inchisoare pentru ca si-a infectat sotia cu HIV
Un barbat din Botosani a fost condamnat la 14 ani de inchisoare dupa ce s-a dovedit ca si-a infectat intentionat sotia cu virusul HIV.
VH este acuzat de contaminare venerica si transmitere a Virsului Imunodeficientei Umane (HIV), amenintari, distrugere si violare de domiciliu, informeaza B1 TV.
De asemenea, barbatul va trebui sa plateasca daune morale si civile in valoare de 12.700 de lei fostilor socri si copilului sau, precum si o prestatie lunara pentru acesta, in valoare de de 600 de lei, pana la implinirea varstei majoratului.
VH, 39 de ani, fara ocupatie, si asistentul social I, in varsta de 40 de ani, s-au cunoscut in 2009 si s-au casatorit in luna iunie 2010. Cei doi s-au hotarat sa-si oficializeze relatia cand fetita cuplului avea deja varsta de trei luni.
La scurt timp dupa nunta, barbatul i-a lasat sotiei sale un bilet in care i-a spus ca este infectat cu HIV si ca, foarte probabil, a luat si ea boala. Intr-adevar, femeia si-a facut analizele, care au confirmat cele spuse de sotul ei. La doar trei luni dupa nunta, la sfarsitul lunii august, I a murit, rapusa de SIDA.
Pe de alta parte, sotul se apara si sustine ca I ar fi stiut ca este bolnav, dar ca, chiar si in aceasta situatie, ar fi acceptat sa intretina relatii sexuale neprotejate cu el.