France: 28-year-old man convicted of alleged HIV transmission


January 15, 2025
Source: Ouest France
Translated with Scroll down for text in French.

On Tuesday 14 January, a 28-year-old man was convicted of having transmitted the AIDS virus, of which he knew he was a carrier, to three women in the Vendée region. The Vendéen man had had unprotected sex with his partners, without telling them of his illness, even though he had stopped his treatment. The hearing was marked by the testimony of a victim and her mother.

‘He ruined the lives of three people. People close to us whom he hurt. We’ll always wonder why he did it, when all he had to do was use a condom or come to terms with his illness’, said the young woman in the La Roche-sur-Yon criminal court. On Tuesday 14 January, a 28-year-old man was convicted of infecting three women in the Vendée with HIV between 2016 and 2017. Although he knew he was carrying the disease, the Abidjan-born man had interrupted his AIDS treatment when he arrived in France.

Mardi 14 janvier, un homme âgé de 28 ans a été condamné pour avoir transmis le virus du sida, dont il se savait porteur, à trois femmes en Vendée. Le Vendéen avait eu des rapports non protégés avec ses partenaires, sans les prévenir de sa maladie, alors qu’il avait stoppé son traitement. Les témoignages d’une victime et de sa mère ont marqué l’audience.

« Il a gâché la vie de trois personnes. De nos proches à qui il a fait du mal. On se demandera toujours pourquoi il a fait ça, alors qu’il suffisait de mettre une capote ou d’assumer sa maladie », souffle la jeune femme devant le tribunal correctionnel de La Roche-sur-Yon. Mardi 14 janvier, un homme de 28 ans a été condamné pour avoir transmis le VIH à trois Vendéennes, entre 2016 et 2017. Alors qu’il se savait porteur de la maladie, le natif d’Abidjan avait interrompu son traitement du sida à son arrivée en France.