Sentenced to nine years in prison for spreading AIDS to his partner
The Provincial Court of Madrid has sentenced to nine years in prison a man who infected his partner with AIDS, who was not told that he suffered from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and with whom he had continuous sexual relations for two years without using any type of protection.
The convicted person, of Colombian nationality and in an irregular situation in Spain, knew he had the disease since 2004 but did not communicate it to his partner until she ended the relationship and underwent tests to find out if he was a carrier of the disease. HIV.
The court considers that the events constitute a crime of aggravated injuries as it involves the contagion of a serious illness and obliges the accused to compensate his ex-partner with 60,000 euros and prohibits him from approaching her within 500 meters.
The ruling indicates that between 2007 and 2009, the time that the relationship lasted, “the accused had continuous sexual relations with the victim and despite the infection he suffered and the high probability of contagion by sexual transmission, he did not use a condom or protection against any kind”.
Condenado a nueve años de cárcel por contagiar el SIDA a su pareja
El acusado mantuvo relaciones sexuales sin protección durante dos años
La Audiencia Provincial de Madrid ha condenado a nueve años de prisión a un hombre que contagió el Sida a su pareja, a la que no le dijo que padecía el síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida y con la que mantuvo relaciones sexuales continuadas durante dos años sin utilizar ningún tipo de protección.