On Thursday, the interrupted trial continues in the case of the Iris elderly facility
The main hearing in the case of the Iris elderly facility will continue before the judge of the District Court (OS) Bratislava I on Thursday (January 6), where fake doctor Ivan B. and fake nurse Vanessa P appear as defendants.
The last two experts should testify on Thursday and documentary evidence should be read. Last time, on Tuesday (January 28), three of the four experts who appeared in court testified before the court.
On October 17, 2019, Vanessa P. from the district of Malacky made a statement of guilt before a single judge, and thus pleaded guilty. She then stated in court that the decision to administer the medication was decided by Ivan B. and saw him insert a cannula for patients. He also led people who were not employed or hospitalized there to the facility. She also admitted that she, Ivan B. and other people used drugs and consumed alcohol in the facility. Relatives of the clients stated that they thought that Ivan B. was a doctor, because he acted like that and everyone in the facility still addressed him.
Some said their family relatives were tied up so they wouldn’t walk around the facility and that they had been beaten. Ivan B. was also to contact people for the purpose of sexual intercourse for a financial reward. He is supposed to have hidden from the victims that he had a confirmed HIV infection. Ivan B. has long confirmed that he has the HIV virus, but he is being treated and has been taking medication regularly for 15 years.
Vanessa P. and Ivan B. are charged with the crime of damage to health and Ivan B. is also charged with the crime of threat by the human immunodeficiency virus. In the facility, clients were to indicate and administer drugs and medicines intravenously, intramuscularly in the form of tablets and drops. This was despite the fact that they did not have the prescribed professional competence to do so. This could endanger the health or even the death of clients. Several patients died in the facility and some of them exhumed. However, many patients were cremated. Survivors claim damages from 700 to 30,000 euros.
Vo štvrtok pokračuje prerušený proces v kauze zariadenia pre seniorov Iris
Pred sudcom Okresného súdu (OS) Bratislava I bude vo štvrtok (6. 1.) pokračovať hlavné pojednávanie v kauze zariadenia pre seniorov Iris, kde figurujú ako obžalovaní falošný lekár Ivan B. a falošná zdravotná sestra Vanessa P.
Vo štvrtok by mali vypovedať dvaja poslední znalci a mali by sa čítať listinné dôkazy. Naposledy v utorok (28. 1.) pred súdom vypovedali traja zo štyroch znalcov, ktorí sa na súd dostavili.
Vanessa P. z okresu Malacky urobila 17. októbra 2019 pred samosudcom vyhlásenie o vine, a teda priznala vinu. Následne pred súdom uviedla, že o podávaní liekov rozhodoval Ivan B. a videla ho aj zavádzať pacientom kanylu. Taktiež, že do zariadenia vodil osoby, ktoré tam neboli zamestnané ani hospitalizované. Priznala tiež, že v zariadení užívali drogy a konzumovali alkohol, a to ona, Ivan B. i ďalšie osoby. Príbuzní klientov uviedli, že si mysleli, že Ivan B. je lekár, lebo tak vystupoval a aj ho tak všetci v zariadení oslovovali.
Niektorí uviedli, že ich rodinní príbuzní boli priväzovaní, aby nechodili po zariadení, a že boli aj bití. Ivan B. mal zároveň kontaktovať osoby s cieľom sexuálneho styku za finančnú odmenu. Poškodeným mal zatajiť, že má potvrdenú infekciu vírusom HIV. Ivan B. už dávnejšie potvrdil, že má HIV vírus, avšak lieči sa a 15 rokov berie pravidelne lieky.
Vanessa P. a Ivan B. sú obžalovaní zo zločinu poškodzovania zdravia a obžalovaný Ivan B. aj zo zločinu ohrozovania vírusom ľudskej imunodeficiencie. V zariadení mali klientom indikovať a podávať lieky a liečivá intravenózne, intramuskulárne vo forme tabliet a kvapiek. To aj napriek tomu, že na to nemali predpísanú odbornú spôsobilosť. Mohlo tak dôjsť k ohrozeniu zdravia či až k smrti klientov. V zariadení zomrelo viacero pacientov a niektorých z nich exhumovali. Veľa pacientov však bolo spopolnených. Pozostalí si uplatňujú odškodné od 700 do 30.000 eur.